2024/25 entry

COPD Senior Leader Apprenticeship - Business Administration Scale Up

Start date(s):
September, January
Study mode:
Course duration:
2 years
General enquiries:
0151 231 5090

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About this course

This Senior Leader Apprenticeship programme provides you with the knowledge, skills and capabilities required to scale up a business.

  • Enhance your business or contribute to organisational growth by learning researched scale up approaches
  • A suitable developmental opportunity for staff members who perhaps are looking for that ‘next step’ in their personal and/or professional development.
  • The programme is viewed by some organisations as part of investing in / retaining talent as part of their succession strategy in scaling-up the business.  
  • Many organisations are unaware there is the apprentice option by drawing down on the apprenticeship levy –also an option to non-levy payers).  
  • All module activities and assessment are directly related to work-based context, so the organisation and employee benefit from academic research and learning.

What is scale up?

A 'scale-up' is an enterprise that has experienced significant growth rates in employees and turnover over a number of years. Nationally, scale-up businesses have been identified as a priority area, recognised by the appointment of a scale up champion in Government who aims to increase the number of businesses maximising opportunities to reach their growth potential. This will feed into the Government's industrial strategy.

This Senior Leaders Apprenticeship (SLA) is designed to transform participants into confident business professionals capable of scaling up a business. It focuses on the key areas a business would need to investigate in order to assess scale up potential. The course combines key management disciplines from the key QAA and CMI benchmark statements with recent national research on the drivers of business scale up.

What is the apprenticeship levy?

The government has introduced a levy on larger employers to fund apprenticeships. If your company’s wage bill is over £3 million your company will pay the apprenticeship levy of 0.5%.

If your company is paying the apprenticeship levy (see details below), you can use these funds to cover Degree Apprenticeships. 

Both levy and non-levy paying employers can benefit from additional payments to support their apprentices in the workplace. 

More information about the levy and funding 

Fees and funding

There are many ways to fund postgraduate study for home and international students


The fees quoted at the top of this page cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as:

  • Library membership with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources
  • Access to programme-appropriate software
  • Library and student IT support
  • Free on-campus wifi via eduroam

Additional costs

Although not all of the following are compulsory/relevant, you should keep in mind the costs of:

  • accommodation and living expenditure
  • books (should you wish to have your own copies)
  • printing, photocopying and stationery
  • PC/laptop (should you prefer to purchase your own for independent study and online learning activities)
  • mobile phone/tablet (to access online services)
  • field trips (travel and activity costs)
  • placements (travel expenses and living costs)
  • student visas (international students only)
  • study abroad opportunities (travel costs, accommodation, visas and immunisations)
  • academic conferences (travel costs)
  • professional-body membership
  • graduation (gown hire etc)


There are many ways to fund postgraduate study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you’ll find all of the information you need on our specialist postgraduate funding pages.

Please be aware that the UK’s departure from the EU may affect your tuition fees. Learn more about your fee status and which tuition fees are relevant to you.


Further your career prospects

LJMU has an excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2018) of our postgraduates in work or further study six months after graduation. Our applied learning techniques and strong industry connections ensure our students are fully prepared for the workplace on graduation and understand how to apply their knowledge in a real world context.

The student experience

Discover life as a postgraduate student at LJMU.

Course modules

Discover the building blocks of your programme

This course is currently undergoing its scheduled programme review, which may impact the advertised modules. Programme review is a standard part of the University’s approach to quality assurance and enhancement, enabling us to ensure that our courses remain up to date and maintain their high standard and relevancy.

Once the review is completed, this course website page will be updated to reflect any approved changes to the advertised course. These approved changes will also be communicated to those who apply for the course to ensure they wish to proceed with their application.

Your programme is made up of a number of core modules which are part of the course framework. Some programmes also have optional modules that can be selected to enhance your learning in certain areas and many feature a dissertation, extended report or research project to demonstrate your advanced learning.

Core modules

Senior Leader Apprenticeship-Business Administration Scale Up
0 credits

This is a Senior Leader Apprenticeship with embedded CMI Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour standards 

K1-K20, S1 - S21, B1-B5


An insight into teaching on your course

Study hours

Leaners would be expected to:

  • attend one workshop every month (approx 3 days a month, or 2 days plus 1 day online)
  • independent reading and preparation ahead of workshops
  • be supported by their employer. In return for the funding their employer would be expected to support the staff member and liaise with the university’s apprentice mentor.

What support is offered?

There is a strong apprenticeship team at LJMU to support the learner and employer. And there is a strong academic programme team to support the academic side of things. All learners have a personal academic tutor. All apprentices also have a university learning mentor.

Teaching methods

Our flexible delivery approach involves face-to-face teaching and facilitation, blending online support activity, with the facility to introduce live online sessions and individual and group tutorials. Action learning provides a forum to bring ideas, thoughts, issues and actionable remedies to the fore. It is also a supportive and collaborative environment for working with peers, facilitators and colleagues. The university 's Virtual Learning Environment (Canvas) gives you access to teaching and materials wherever you study and it provides a means for you to maintain contact and submit assignments.

Applied learning

We work closely with participants to support their work on real-world projects and gathering evidence for the portfolio. This includes using assignments, work-based project examples and witness testimony to demonstrate the participant's strategic development journey.

A strong emphasis is placed on the workplace as a place to learn; participants integrate key concepts and theories, assessing the impact of these on their own working environment.

The ability to analyse organisational issues and apply recommendations supported by a theoretical framework is fundamental and is assessed in all elements of the programme.



How learning is monitored on your programme

To cater for the wide-ranging content of our courses and the varied learning preferences of our students, we offer a range of assessment methods on each programme.

Assessment methods on this programme include:

  • the creation of a portfolio of evidence demonstrating apprenticeship standards throughout
  • one piece of coursework
  • undertake an End Point Assessment at the end of their 2nd year to gain the SLA award

Course tutors

Our staff are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning

School facilities

What you can expect from your School

Liverpool Business School is based in the Redmonds Building and 4-6 Rodney Street, in the heart of the bustling Mount Pleasant Campus and Liverpool 's growing Knowledge Quarter. The building is home to high quality lecture theatres and seminar rooms, social spaces, and a café. It is only a short walk from LJMU 's Student Life Building and Aldham Robarts Library, which contains all the resources you will require for your studies.

Entry requirements

You will need:

Additional requirements

  • Relevant work experience

    Applicants must be employed and meet requirements of the ESFA.

Application and selection

Securing your place at LJMU

To apply for this programme, you are required to complete an LJMU Degree Apprenticeship form. You will need to provide details of previous qualifications and a personal statement outlining why you wish to study this programme.

Learners enrolled on the programme must be in employment and required to undertake active learning associated with their job role.

Applicants must be employed and meet requirements of the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

The University reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the University. Where this does happen, the University operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.

Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.