Applying for postgraduate study
You need to apply for most of our postgraduate courses using our online application form. Before you do, please check that:
- you have/will have the specific qualifications, grades and skills required for your course and outlined in the online course description
- your course is offered in your chosen mode of study e.g. full-time, part-time, distance learning
You can do this by searching for your course
Completing your application
When filling in the form please ensure you have the following to hand:
- details of all your qualifications including grades and course dates
- details of any relevant skills or work experience
- a pre-written personal statement or research proposal
- passport details and/or an international agent number (international students only)
The form itself features guidance boxes to help your complete it correctly. Please ensure you fill in all sections and have selected the correct course you wish to study by double clicking the course title. For further information and an in detail guide about how to write a personal statement visit the Prospects website.
Apply now
With the exception of the courses listed below, you can apply for our taught and research courses using our online application form.
If you are applying for a PhD you need to submit a Research Enquiry Form and identify a supervisor before completing the online application form. You’ll find all the information you need regarding this process on our how to apply for a PhD page.
For the following courses you need to apply to external bodies:
- Full-time students for the Legal Practice Course should apply direct to the Central Applications Board via the link on the course information page. Part-time students should apply using our standard online application form
- MA Social Work applications must be made through UCAS
- PGCE/PGD applications must be made through the through DfE Apply
Next steps
When you submit your LJMU online application form:
- you will receive a confirmation of receipt via email
- you will receive a second email with Faculty contact details and your unique reference number
- your application will be reviewed and an initial decision made as soon as possible
If your application is successful we will contact you to request further proof of qualifications and references.
The application process was very straightforward.
Order a brochure
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