The Academic Achievement Team offer a range of classes about revising for and doing exams at university. We can also speak to you individually about preparing for exams and strategies to enhance your exam performance in our drop-ins or at an appointment. You can find out when all of these are on, and book a place, on our Academic Achievement Calendar.
You can also find lots of self-study guides and videos on doing exams in your Academic Achievement Canvas course. To explore all of these, go to your Canvas dashboard and look for Academic Achievement, or click on the link below that relates to your faculty and get straight in.
Arts, Professional and Social Studies: Academic Achievement Canvas course
Business and Law: Academic Achievement Canvas course
Engineering and Technology: Academic Achievement Canvas course
Health: Academic Achievement Canvas course
Science: Academic Achievement Canvas course
The Student Wellbeing Team in your faculty is here to help you with anything that is affecting your studies and any issues you are having at University that are affecting your wellbeing and/or your mental health. They can help you access LJMU’s specialist services and make the most of your University experience.
For info on workshops offered during exam time, such as Managing Exam Anxiety or quick and easy breathing techniques to help focus and conquer exam nerves check out our Services Support Programme and book on free events.
For further support email or call 0151 231 3664 to book an appointment with your Student Wellbeing Advisor.
The Specialist Study Skills team works with disabled students, focusing on topics such as:
- Time management
- Getting started with assignments
- Reading and research
- Developing an argument
- Preparing for exams
- Academic writing
While this support is aimed at those students with additional study needs, such as Specific Learning Differences, mental health difficulties, and those on the Autistic Spectrum, no evidence is required to access this support and all students are welcome to make use of these resources.
If you are interested in accessing or discussing this support please email us:
Visit JMSU to see what they are offering to support you during this time.
JMSU Advice Service
Your students’ union are there to provide free, impartial advice and support on university issues to all students at LJMU. Whether it is a single misunderstanding or a long-running dispute, they will ensure that you know what your options are and the decisions taken by LJMU are fair. Visit the Students' Union advice page for more information or to book an appointment
Exams can be stressful for everyone and sometimes things don’t go quite according to plan. You can speak to A Student Wellbeing Advisor about anything that is affecting your studies and/or your wellbeing around exam time for example if you suffer an unexpected illness, family bereavement or another unavoidable event.
If you are struggling around the exam period email or call 0151 231 3664, you can also book an appointment online.
Wondering how best to prepare for your exams? Not sure how to plan your time when revising? Worried about personal circumstances that might affect taking your exams? What happens if something goes wrong during an exam?
The exam assistance drop-in is here to help you prepare for your exams. It’s an hour-long session including a presentation and an opportunity to ask any question you want about exam preparation, such as how to revise effectively, how to manage your time in the run-up to your exams, and how to plan your exam once it starts.
The drop-in is also a time when you can raise any concerns you have about circumstances that may impact upon your capacity to take an upcoming exam. Specialist Study Skills Tutors Joel Petrie and Joel Roberts will be on hand to answer your study skills questions, whilst Wellbeing Advisor Philip Newton will be available to answer questions about issues that may affect you taking your exams, and what you can do if your exams don’t go the way you hoped.
The drop-in is being run by the Specialist Study Skills team. The Team supports students with diverse study needs (e.g. Specific Learning differences, mental health problems, and those on the Autistic Spectrum), who may particularly benefit from attending, though no evidence is required to access this support and all students are welcome at the session.
The sessions are running on the following dates:
- Thursday 17 June, 2pm- 3pm- Managing your study space
- Monday 21 June, 1pm- 2pm – Managing your exam revision
- Thursday 24 June, 11am-12pm- Managing your online space
To join the sessions book preferred session via