Ventricular structure and mechanics study
Can you help out with our study?
We are currently recruiting participants who take part in less than three hours structured exercise per week to act as controls for our study on "Three-dimensional derived indices of left ventricular structure and mechanics in veteran ultra endurance athletes".
The research involves a single visit to the Liverpool John Moores University Physiology Laboratory. During this visit, you will be offered a cardiac health check by an experienced cardiologist. The testing is noninvasive and should only take approximately 45 minutes.
You can take part if you meet the following criteria:
- Male or female aged 35-65
- Undertake less than three hours structured exercise per week
- Non-smoking
- Free from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, renal disease
- Will refrain from caffeine, alcohol and any sporting competitions 24 hours prior to testing
Details of the research are included in the participant information sheet (opens in a new tab).
If you would like further information or would like to participate please contact Alex D'Amico.