Rapid force production in football players 

Can you help us out with this study?

The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences are researching the muscle-tendon properties that influence rapid force production in elite football players. You are being invited to take part in this study as the control population.

Who can take part?

  • Male
  • Between 18-25 years old
  • Recreationally-active footballer
  • Free from any lower limb injury in the past three months
  • No habitual history of resistance training
  • Non-smoker

If interested you would need to:

  • visit the Sport and Exercise Science laboratories in the Tom Reilly Building (Byrom Street Campus) on three separate occasions
  • the first visit would be a one-hour familiarisation session
  • the second two visits would each be two-hour testing sessions
  • testing and familiarisation will involve assessment of calf muscle strength, muscle size measurements of the calf using ultrasound and a series of jumps and sprints as performance measures

Benefits of participating:

  • From this testing you can receive an individual physiological profile that relates to your ability to produce power in a variety of movements. This would include information relating to your muscle size, strength, ability to produce rapid force and the elastic nature of your tendon
  • You can also gain an insight into the research currently being conducted in elite footballers

More details of this study can be found in the participant information sheet (opens in a new tab). If you wish to participate in this study or have any further questions about the study, please contact: D.C.Robshaw@2016.ljmu.ac.uk.