IT support in the Library
Our Digital Engagement team are available in all Library sites including the Digital Studio (Student Life Building) to provide expert advice on:
- Your LJMU account
- Using the Digital Studio
- Accessing IT resources remotely
- Printing, copying and scanning
- Canvas, TurnItIn and Teams
- Wi-Fi
- LJMU Apps
- LJMU email on your phone
- Your Microsoft OneDrive
- Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Creating and printing posters
- Microsoft Office 365
- Creating presentations, spreadsheets and charts
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Creating and formatting documents for your assignments, dissertations and theses
- Free course software
- Keeping your LJMU files safe
Come and get help from the team in-person during staffed hours, or alternatively Contact the Library.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
How do I set up MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to receive a text message?
To set up Multi Factor Authentication via a text message (SMS):
1. Go to Microsoft Authenticator setup and log in with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and LJMU password. We advise using a LJMU desktop computer or laptop but it can be set up from your own device. Once signed in a prompt will appear saying More information required, select Next.
2. You will be presented with a screen to setup the authenticator app, at the bottom of this select I want to set up a different method.
3. From the options select Phone, enter your country, region and mobile number. Select Next. You will then receive a text message from Microsoft containing a code, enter this verification code on screen. Select Verify. Your number will now be registered and you can select Finish.
Now when you try to access your LJMU account from a non-LJMU device you will be sent a code by text message, which you enter on the log in screen as required.
Links and files
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? opens a new windowI am not currently in the UK, can I still use MFA to access my account? opens a new window
How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- On a mobile device go to the 'Google Play Store' or 'Apple App Store' and install the ‘Microsoft Authenticator’ app. Make sure it is the ‘Microsoft Authenticator’ app with this icon, it may not be the one at the top of the list.
- On a desktop computer or laptop (not mobile device), go to Microsoft MFA setup.
- Login with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and LJMU password.
- On the ‘Additional security verification’ webpage change the dropdown to mobile app.
- Select Receive notifications for verification.
- Select Setup and a QR code will appear.
- Open the Authenticator app on your phone and select Add school or work account.
- Scan the QR code on the webpage with the phone. You may have to allow the app to use the Camera.
- On the webpage select Next.
- The webpage will now try and connect to the mobile app.
- The mobile app will pop up a notification that has to be Approved.
- Once that has completed, select Finish.
- You may have to provide an additional means of verification so provide your mobile number and select Save.
Once you have set up MFA, you can test it is working by going to this LJMU MFA test page. This simple webpage requests authentication through MFA and lets you know if it worked correctly.
Further information, FAQs and how to set up MFA in: LJMU Multi-Factor Authentication.
Links and files
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? opens a new windowHow do I set up MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to receive a text message? opens a new window
I am not currently in the UK, can I still use MFA to access my account?
If you’re travelling abroad and worried your text verification code won’t work, please download the Microsoft Authenticator App.
The Microsoft Authenticator app will generate a verification code using the internet and Wi-Fi.
Details of how to set this up are available at How to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Links and files
How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) opens a new windowWhat is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? opens a new window
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a security measure that will prompt you for two forms of verification when accessing a secure account online. You will already have set up your LJMU password to access your IT resources, MFA will prompt for an additional step to enhance the security of your account. You may already use something similar for internet banking where you are prompted for finger print or facial recognition to access your account.
For further information, FAQs and how to set up MFA please see the LJMU IT Services information on Multi-Factor Authentication.
Links and files
How to setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) opens a new windowHow do I set up MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to receive a text message? opens a new window
Accessing LJMU remotely
How do I access Microsoft Teams?
Microsoft Teams can be accessed via the following methods depending on your device:
Microsoft Teams for PC or Mac
- Go to Microsoft 365: www.office.com or direct to the Microsoft Teams download app page.
- Sign in with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and your current LJMU password.
- When the Office.com page loads you will see a Teams icon on the left-hand side, select Teams.
- You will now be prompted to either download the Teams App or use a web-based version of Teams.
- We recommend downloading the App for access to more features.
- Once installed and fully signed in you will be able to make calls and chat. If required to sign in to Teams use your username@ljmu.ac.uk and your LJMU password.
Microsoft Teams for mobile devices
Microsoft Teams is available from the App Store and Google Play Store for Apple and Android devices respectively.
Please see Microsoft Teams help and learning for more information on MS Teams.
Information is also available from LJMU IT Services: Getting started with MS Teams at LJMU.
Once installed sign in with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and your LJMU password.
Signing in to Teams with your LJMU account
Sign in to Microsoft Teams using the following:
username@ljmu.ac.uk and your LJMU password.
For any issues, Contact the Library.
Links and files
Where can I get help with using Microsoft Teams? opens a new windowWhat is my username? opens a new window
Which LJMU username do I use? opens a new window
How do I access Microsoft Office? opens a new window
How do I change my password? opens a new window
What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? opens a new window
How do I access the High-Powered Graphics (HGFX) Virtual Desktop?
This service is designed for students on courses that require access to high powered graphics software and Adobe Creative Cloud (if licensed). If you believe you should have access to this desktop but cannot see it displayed, please log this via LJMU HelpMe to request access with details about your course. To access this service please visit the Virtual Desktop webpage.
What is the LJMU Virtual Desktop?
The LJMU Virtual Desktop allows you to access various applications, databases and electronic resources via the web browser on your own device. This runs a virtual student desktop with OneDrive access incorporating single sign on for use with Office, Canvas and Discover including access to Library databases. To access this service please visit the Virtual Desktop webpage.
Links and files
Virtual Desktop opens a new windowHow do I access the 3D Graphics Virtual Desktop using the desktop client? opens a new window
What software can I access on Virtual Desktop? opens a new window
What software can I access on the Virtual Desktop?
Please visit LJMU Virtual Desktop webpage for information about what apps are available.
Links and files
What is the LJMU Virtual Desktop? opens a new windowHow do I access the Virtual Desktop using the desktop client? opens a new window
What software can I download for free at LJMU?
IT Services offers many software packages for LJMU staff and students to use at home. Availability varies between applications.
Please see Software for Staff and Students for the latest information.
Please note: Not all software packages are available to partnership staff and students due to licencing restrictions.
Links and files
Home Use Software opens a new windowDigital Studio
How do I book the podcasting facilities at the Digital Studio?
Podcasting facilities at the Digital Studio
We have two podcasting rooms available at the Digital Studio which is based on the first floor of the Student Life Building. Each room contains a PC with a condenser mic attached and software installed to make recordings. Software is available from the LJMU AppPlayer (green icon with arrow on the desktop). We recommend using Audacity or Adobe Audition (sign in via Adobe Creative Cloud required: username@ljmu.ac.uk).
How to book the podcasting facilities
- Visit the PC booking page
- Select Site as Digital Library (SLB)
- Change Resource type to Podcasting
- This will display bookable PCs 116 and 117 (located in our podcasting rooms).
- Check availability and book as required.
Further information available on booking is available at How do I book a PC in the Library? You will receive a booking confirmation to your LJMU email address.
If you have any issues or special requirements in using this facility please email DigitalStudio@ljmu.ac.uk and one of the team will get back to you during opening hours.
Links and files
How do I book a PC in the Library? opens a new windowWhat IT facilities are available in the Libraries? opens a new window
The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building opens a new window
What are the library opening hours? opens a new window
How do I book the video editing facilities at the Digital Studio?
Video editing facilities at the Digital Studio
We have two video editing rooms available at the Digital Studio which is based on the first floor of the Student Life Building. Each room contains a PC with dual screens, a ceiling camera, webcam, video monitor, large TV and software installed to edit recordings. Software is available from the LJMU AppPlayer (green icon with arrow on the desktop) including Adobe Creative Cloud and Panopto Recorder.
How to book the video editing facilities
- Visit the PC booking page
- Select Site as Digital Library (SLB)
- Change Resource type to Video Editing Suite
- This will display bookable PCs 105 and 106 (located in our video editing rooms).
- Check availability and book as required.
Further information available on booking is available at How do I book a PC in the Library? You will receive a booking confirmation to your LJMU email address.
If you have any issues or special requirements in using this facility please email DigitalStudio@ljmu.ac.uk and one of the team will get back to you during opening hours.
Links and files
How do I book a PC in the Library? opens a new windowWhat IT facilities are available in the Libraries? opens a new window
The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building opens a new window
What are the library opening hours? opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, 3D printing
Library Services Digital Studio, 3D printing
At the Student Life Building we have Ultimaker S5 and S3 3D printers. They are loaded with PLA, and can print PVA supports if needed, these dissolve in water.
When you’re ready to 3D print email your .stl file to DigitalStudio@ljmu.ac.uk.
We use the 3D application Cura to give us an estimated time and cost, which we confirm with you before starting the print.
The cost is currently 5p per gram, which is paid from your Virtual Purse when you collect your print.
We have a time limit of 12 hours for any one print job.
Please call into the Digital Studio, 1st floor Student Life Building, Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm, to talk with one of the team or email us at DigitalStudio@ljmu.ac.uk.
Library Services Digital Studio, Arduino
What is Arduino?
Arduinos are a type of microcontroller that are able to read inputs – such as sensors and buttons, and turn it into an output – such as turning on an LED or sounding a buzzer. The user writes their program, called a Sketch, in the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), then uploads it to the Arduino which executes the code. The Arduino IDE uses a language very similar to C++.
Do I need to know C++?
In the kit we loan there is a Projects Book which guides you through the code and electronics needed, so no coding or electronics experience is necessary to start with. You can also find a wealth of free resources and projects to try online.
What else would I need to know?
The Arduino Starter Kit is aimed at beginners in coding and electronics and helps you to learn the basics of both. No soldering is required as the ‘breadboard’ has push fittings.
One thing to remember is that LEDs have a positive (the long leg) and negative side (the short leg), so they must be put in circuits the correct way around in order to work. Also, never connect LEDs straight to voltage pins as they will burn out. Always put a current limiting resistor (at least 220 ohm) in the circuit.
So what can I borrow?
We have a number of kits to complete some simple code and electronic circuit projects, see individual bags for contents listing. All are 7 day loans:
- Arduino Starter Kit includes a Projects Book (with sample code and wiring diagrams), a breadboard and numerous electronic components (Arduino included)
- Inventor’s Kit for Arduino by Kitronik also contains a Projects Book, a breadboard and numerous electronic components (Arduino not included)
- Sidekick Basic Kit contains a selection of popular components (Arduino not included)
- LED Kit for Arduino contains amongst other things LEDs, a breadboard, a battery holder (Arduino not included)
To use it you will need
- To power the Arduino you will need to connect it to a USB socket on a computer using the cable in the kit
- To code the Arduino you will need either:
- A computer (Windows, Linux or Mac) with Arduino IDE installed. Instructions are in the Projects book or online at arduino.cc/guide Or
- A computer with a reliable internet connection so you can use the online IDE and cloud storage.
Please note: When you return the Arduino kit please make sure all the components and cables are returned.
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The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building opens a new windowLibrary Services Digital Studio, Raspberry Pi opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, BBC Micro:bit opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, BBC Micro:bit
What is BBC Micro:bit?
The BBC micro:bit is a credit card sized programmable computer. Strictly speaking, it is a microcontroller, but because it has input and output devices built in, it is more computer than microcontroller. It has an LED light display, microphone, speaker, buttons, sensors and many input/output features that can be programmed.
Do I need to know programming?
In the kit we loan there is a Projects Book which guides you through the code and electronics needed, so no coding or electronics experience is necessary to start with. You can also find a wealth of free resources and projects to try online.
The Projects Book included in the loan uses the browser based MakeCode editor, provided by Microsoft, which introduces structured programming via drag and drop coding blocks that snap together.
There are 2 other official code editors for the micro:bit:
- MicroPython, which runs in a browser and is a slimmed-down version of Python designed to run on microcontrollers
- Scratch which requires installing on a computer.
Visit Micro:bit Let's code for more information.
What else would I need to know?
The BBC Micro:bit and Inventors’s Kit by Kitronik is aimed at beginners in coding and electronics and helps you to learn the basics of both. No soldering is required as the ‘breadboard’ has push fittings.
One thing to remember is that LEDs have a positive (the long leg) and negative side (the short leg), so they must be put in circuits the correct way around in order to work. Also, never connect LEDs straight to voltage pins as they will burn out. Always put a current limiting resistor (at least 220 ohm) in the circuit.
So what can I borrow?
Our 7-day loan of the BBC Micro:bit and Inventors’s Kit contains a BBC Micro:bit v2, a power and data USB lead, an AAA battery holder, a Projects Book, breadboard and Edge Connector, as well as various electrical components (see Bag Contents for details of the components).
To use it you will need
The supplied USB lead will power the Micro:bit, but if you would like to use it away from a computer then you will need 2 AAA batteries for the battery holder.
Please note: When you return the Micro:bit it is loaded with the ‘out of box’ program to reset it for the next user, so make sure you have a copy of anything that you need before returning it.
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The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building opens a new windowLibrary Services Digital Studio, Raspberry Pi opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, Arduino opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, Raspberry Pi
What is Raspberry Pi?
Created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the Raspberry Pi is a Linux based, credit card sized computer. Connect it to a TV or monitor, plug in a keyboard and mouse, and the Pi can do many things that a desktop computer can do, such as surf the internet and play music and video. The default desktop operating system, raspios, even comes with an Office suite like Microsoft’s.
They can’t run Windows or macOS, but they can run a large variety of different Linux operating systems (OS), so they are great as an introduction to Linux or as an introduction to programming.
Do I need to know Linux?
Our Pis can be borrowed, plugged in, and used as a desktop with very little computing experience.
However, if you want to experiment with Linux or learn programming then it is expected that you would be familiar with the Linux operating system, and how to update and install packages using superuser permissions.
What else would I need to know?
Pis don’t have a hard drive, instead they use a microSD card for the OS and storage. Our Pis come with a card loaded with the Linux OS RaspiOS, but if you’d like to experiment with other Linux OSes then you’d need to know about installing them onto microSD cards with programs like Rufus or Raspberry Pi Imager. You can overwrite our card or use your own, in which case you’ll need a microSD card (32GB maximum size).
Be sure to copy off any files you want before returning the Pi and card, as we reformat them on their return.
So what can I borrow?
Available for 7 day loan we have:
- Raspberry Pi 4 with 4Gb, in a metal case, a power supply, a micro HDMI to HDMI display lead and a microSD card pre-loaded with raspios, the recommended Raspberry Pi OS
- Rainbow HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) is an expansion board that plugs into the top of the Pi and provides extra functions such as sensors, lights and displays (Pi not included)
To use it you will need
- Mouse and keyboard
- HDMI capable screen or TV
Please Note: When you return the Pi the microSD card is reformatted so make sure you have a copy of anything that you need before returning it.
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The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building opens a new windowLibrary Services Digital Studio, Arduino opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, BBC Micro:bit opens a new window
The Digital Studio at the Student Life Building
What and where is the Digital Studio?
The Digital Studio is based on the first floor of the Student Life Building hosting a number of new and emerging technologies to LJMU staff and students. The idea behind the Digital Studio is to support students in exploring and developing digital skills and enhancing digital creativity. The studios include 3D printing and scanning, virtual and augmented reality, Microcomputing kits, podcasting and video editing suites. It also houses a number of high specification computers including Apple iMacs along with Windows PCs with i9 processors and dedicated graphics cards. The Digital Studio is supported by the Library IT Support team who are there to provide advice and guidance on how to use the equipment.
Digital Studio equipment
- Ultimaker S5 3D Printer with Air Manager
- Ultimaker S3 3D Printer (x2)
- SOL 3D Scanner
- Matter and Form 3D Scanner
- Microsoft Hololens
- Meta Quest 2 and 3 VR Headsets
- Podcasting suites with dedicated microphones and sound mixer
- Video editing suites with HD camera/monitor and large display screen
- Apple iMacs Retina 5K 27 inch (2020), i5 6 core processors, AMD Radeon Pro 5300 4GB graphics, Dual Screen
- Apple iPad Pros (2020)
- HP Z4 Windows 10 desktops with i9 Processors, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, Dual Screen
- Raspberry Pi starter kits
- Arduino starter kits and Inventors kit
- BBC Microbit kit
- Canon Legria HFR806 HD Camcorder
- Adobe Creative Cloud including Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Rush and Audition
How to use the Digital Studio
To use the Digital Studio equipment or for advice please contact DigitalStudio@ljmu.ac.uk
Please note: This mailbox is only for correspondence relating to the Digital Studio and is not always monitored.
For anything else, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
Student Life Building opens a new windowLibrary Services Digital Studio, BBC Micro:bit opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, Arduino opens a new window
Library Services Digital Studio, Raspberry Pi opens a new window
Passwords and logging on
How do I change my password?
Changing your password on campus
- Logon to a networked PC
- When the desktop has fully loaded press Ctrl-Alt-Delete
- Select Change a password
- Enter your details into the required fields.
Changing your password off campus
- Go to My Account
- Select Change Password
- Enter your details into the required fields.
Please note:
- Enter your name as it appears on your registration documents
- Your password must be at least 10 characters long
- Passwords are case sensitive and cannot be the same as any 10 previously used
- If the Change Password procedure fails for any reason you may need to use the Forgotten my Password option.
Only the following characters are permitted in LJMU passwords:
- A – Z
- a - z
- 0 – 9
- @ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; < >
- Blank space
If you encounter any problems, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
My Account opens a new windowKeeping your account secure opens a new window
How do I reset my forgotten password?
If you have set up your security questions as part of the Activate Account procedure, and you have a valid university card you can use one of these Forgotten My Password methods depending on whether you are on or off campus.
Resetting your forgotten password off-campus
- Go to My Account
- Select Forgotten My Password
- Enter your name as it appears on your registration documents
- Your password must be at least 10 characters long
- Passwords are case sensitive and cannot be the same as any 10 previously used
- Enter your details into the required fields
Please note: You will need your LJMU card to complete this process.
Resetting your forgotten password on-campus
- Go to a Network PC
- From the login screen select Forgotten My Password
- Select the arrow next to Forgotten My Password
- Enter your name as it appears on your registration documents
- Your password must be at least 10 characters long
- Passwords are case sensitive and cannot be the same as any 10 previously used
Only the following characters are permitted in LJMU passwords:
- A – Z
- a - z
- 0 – 9
- @ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; < >
- Blank space
Please note: You will need your LJMU card to complete this process.
If you have not set up security questions, or if you do not have a valid LJMU card, please Contact the Library.
What do I do if my password has expired?
If you can still remember your old password, you can use the Change Password procedure, available from My Account.
If you can't remember your old password, use the Forgotten My Password option, available from My Account.
If you continue to have problems, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
How do I change My Password? opens a new windowHow do I reset my forgotten password? opens a new window
What is the LJMU Virtual Desktop?
The LJMU Virtual Desktop allows you to access various applications, databases and electronic resources via the web browser on your own device. This runs a virtual student desktop with OneDrive access incorporating single sign on for use with Office, Canvas and Discover including access to Library databases. To access this service please visit the Virtual Desktop webpage.
Links and files
Virtual Desktop opens a new windowHow do I access the 3D Graphics Virtual Desktop using the desktop client? opens a new window
What software can I access on Virtual Desktop? opens a new window
Which LJMU username do I use?
There are a variety of systems and resources available to you at LJMU which you can access using your IT credentials.
Please Note:
- Your LJMU username is not case sensitive
- Your LJMU password is case sensitive.
Password advice is available from LJMU IT Services.
The following outlines the required username format you need to enter to access the relevant resource:
- PC: username
- Eduroam Wi-Fi: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Canvas website or app: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Off Campus Applications: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Microsoft Office 365, Teams, Outlook Webmail and OneDrive: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- LJMU App: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Adobe Creative Cloud ("sign in with an Enterprise ID"): username@ljmu.ac.uk
- OpenAthens: username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Loan Laptop or MacBook (Please Note: please sign-in on-campus before you take the device home): username
- Virtual Purse (ViP): username
- Symplectic: username
- LJMU Intranet: username
- Abyasa: Request Access/Help
- LJMU HelpMe: username
For any further help, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
How do I change My Password? opens a new windowHow do I reset my forgotten password? opens a new window
What do I do if my password has expired? opens a new window
What do I do if I cannot log in? opens a new window
What do I do if I cannot log in to email? opens a new window
What is my username? opens a new window
How do I access MyLJMU? opens a new window
Laptop loans
Can I borrow a laptop?
Yes, there are Windows laptops available for loan across several sites around the University as well as MacBooks for loan from the Student Life Building.
Where are the laptops?
Aldham Robarts Library, Avril Robarts Library, Student Life Building, Redmonds Building and the Byrom Street Pavilion. The Student Life Building also has 48 Apple MacBooks available to loan. Where to Find a loan laptop.
Please Note: The laptops will work off-campus after you have logged in to the device once on campus. This needs to be done every time you borrow a laptop.
How do I borrow a laptop?
You will need your University card to borrow a laptop. Tap your card on the unit and a light flashes on the locker containing the laptop that you can borrow. On-screen instructions show you what to do. Instructions on how to Borrow a Laptop. The laptop loan is registered to your library account and you will receive an email receipt confirmation. The laptop will become 'Lost' a day after it goes overdue charging you the replacement cost and blocking further borrowing. Unfortunately it is not possible to renew a laptop loan.
How long can I borrow a laptop for?
Laptops are available either for Same Day Loan or 7 Day Loan. All the laptops will work anywhere as long as you have Wi-Fi access. Please note: you will need to log on to the laptop on campus before the laptop will work off campus.
Same Day Loan laptops will be loaned to you until 11.59pm on the day that you borrow it. 7 Day Loan laptops will be loaned to you until 11.59pm 7 days after you borrow it.
You must return the laptop by the due date, or before the building closes, whichever is earlier. Full opening hours for the Library sites are available at Visiting the Library. For other buildings please check opening hours with local staff.
How do I return a laptop?
You will need your University card to return a laptop. Tap your card on the unit and a light flashes on the locker to which you should return the laptop. On-screen instructions show you what to do. Instructions on how to Return a Laptop.
It is important that you plug the laptop back into the charging cable when you return it to the cabinet and that the charging light illuminates, otherwise the laptop will not be returned from your account. You must also return the charger issued with the device. You will receive an email receipt when you return a laptop.
Terms and Conditions
You must return the laptop by 11.59pm on the due date, or when the building closes, whichever is earlier.
If you do not return your laptop on time it will be set to ‘lost’ on the system on the following day and you will be charged £840 for its replacement (£2680 for a MacBook). Your Library Account will be blocked until the laptop is returned or paid for. You may also be charged if the laptop is damaged whilst in your possession.
Please read the LJMU Laptop Loans - Terms and Conditions.
How can I get help with a loan laptop?
If there's a problem with a laptop or you need assistance, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
Find a free loan laptop opens a new windowI have borrowed a laptop but I'm unable to log in. opens a new window
How do I access software or apps on a Loan Laptop?
Our loan laptops have Microsoft Office 365 and the AppPlayer just like the desktop PCs. There aren't as many applications on the laptops compared to the desktops, this is due to licensing rules and the technical restrictions of the laptops.
To access other software you can use the Virtual Desktop via the browser.
Links and files
What is the LJMU Virtual Desktop? opens a new windowI have borrowed a laptop but I'm unable to log in.
You must log in to a laptop on campus before it will work at home. You must do this on each laptop you borrow. You will need to return to campus and log in if you haven't done so before you can use it at home.
If you get an error when trying to log in that the 'domain is not available' please make sure the device is connected to Wi-Fi. If this happens on campus please ensure the laptop is connected to the 'loanlap' network.
For any further help, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
Can I borrow a laptop? opens a new windowSaving to a loan MacBook
When you open a desktop app such as Word on a loan MacBook you will be prompted to sign in to your Office 365 account in order to access your LJMU OneDrive.
To save the document, select the Save icon and choose Online Locations and then OneDrive - Liverpool John Moores University.
Please Note: When using a loan MacBook, please make sure you save your work to your LJMU OneDrive and not to the hard drive of the device itself.
The sound isn't working on a LJMU Loan Laptop, how can I fix this?
If you are using a loan laptop and the sound isn't working then please complete the following:
- From the desktop run the LJMU AppPlayer (green icon with white arrow)
- In the search box type 'Dell', it will display an app called Dell5420
- Select and run this app
- This will update the audio drivers on the laptop which will fix the sound issue
If you continue to have issues, please Contact the Library.
Storing and sharing data
How do I access Microsoft Office?
Microsoft Office 365 is available to LJMU staff and students.
Please note: Microsoft Office 365 and OneDrive are not available for Collaborative Partner Institution Staff and Students.
Access on campus: Microsoft Office 365 is loaded on all LJMU networked PCs.
Access off campus: Microsoft Office 365 is available from Microsoft 365 Welcome page. Login with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and LJMU password.
LJMU staff and students can also download Microsoft Office 365 on up to 5 of their own devices. See the ITS web page MS Office 365 for staff and students for more information.
Please Note: Once you have completed your time at LJMU your subscription will end so please make sure you have saved elsewhere any important material before that.
Links and files
Office 365 opens a new windowHow do I access my LJMU OneDrive?
Microsoft OneDrive is the default storage on all LJMU networked PCs and is included as part of our Office 365 subscription.
To access:
- On a LJMU networked PC the OneDrive application can be launched from the desktop icon.
- OneDrive is also available online from www.office.com. Sign in with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and LJMU password.
- You can download the OneDrive App from the App or PlayStore. Once the App is installed login with your username@ljmu.ac.uk and LJMU password.
See Saving and sharing your data with OneDrive for more information.
For further support, please Contact the Library.
Links and files
OneDrive opens a new windowOffice 365 opens a new window
How do I copy files from the M Drive to my OneDrive?
Copying from an on-campus LJMU student PC
- From the Start menu select This PC.
- Your M Drive will be listed under Network Locations. Go to the M Drive to see your files, you can then Copy and Paste them to your OneDrive. The OneDrive will be listed in the Quick Access links in the menu on the left. You can also drag and drop your files to the OneDrive to copy them.
Please check the OneDrive location which you can access from the Start menu to double check your files have copied correctly.
Copying from your own device or at home
- Log in to the LJMU Virtual Desktop.
- From the Start Menu on the virtual desktop select File Explorer. Select This PC from the Quick Access menu.
- Follow Step 2 as above.
Links and files
What is the LJMU Virtual Desktop Prototype? opens a new windowHow do I access my LJMU OneDrive? opens a new window
What is my M: Drive? opens a new window
Microsoft Office
How do I add a Table of Contents in Microsoft Word?
Word can generate the table of contents automatically from the title and paragraph headings within the document. To allow the appropriate titles to be identified, you must apply the “Heading” style to the titles.
Applying the heading styles
The Styles group can be found from the Home tab. You could use them as follows:
- Heading 1 for main titles and chapter headings
- Heading 2 for sub-headings and
- Heading 3 for paragraph headings.
To apply a heading style:
- Highlight the text which requires a Heading style
- Select the Heading style button you require
- Do this for all the titles you need in the contents
Generating a Table of Contents
- Select where you wish to insert the table of contents
- Select the References tab
- Select the Table of Contents button
- Select a style for the table
Update the Table of Contents
If you change any of the headings in your document, or insert or delete content, you will need to update the table of contents.
- Select the References tab
- Select the Update Table button
- In the box that appears, select Update Entire Table
- Select Ok
Deleting a Table of Contents
- Select the References tab
- Select the Table of Contents button
- Select Remove Table of Contents
How do I add a Table of Figures in Microsoft Word?
A table of figures is a contents page which references graphs, pictures and tables. Before you can create a table of figures, you need to create captions for each figure. Word uses the captions to generate the table.
Applying a caption
- Select the figure
- Select the References tab
- Select the Inset Caption button on the Captions group
- Customise the caption and select OK
- Select Captions to add your own title, e.g. Table 1: Chemical Symbols
- Choose a Label that is suitable for the figure
- Choose Position where you want the caption to be inserted - above or below the figure
- Select New Label to create your own labels
Generating a Table of Figures
- Select where you wish to insert the table of figures in your document
- Select the References tab
- Select Insert Table of Figures
- Choose Format for formatting style for the table
- Select Caption Label for an appropriate caption label
- Select OK and the table of figures will be inserted
Updating the Table of Figures
If you edit, move or delete a caption, the table of figures will need to be updated to reflect the revision.
- Select the table of figures
- Select the References tab
- Select the Update Table button
- In the box that appears, select Update Entire Table
- Select OK
How do I add narration to a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation?
Adding narration to a PowerPoint presentation (Office 365)
- Go to the slide which you want to add narration to
- From the menu bar select Insert and select Audio
- From the menu list select Record Audio
- A Record Sound dialogue box will appear on screen, enter a Name for the recording.
- When you are ready select the record button and begin speaking into your microphone. When you have finished talking select the stop button. You can listen to the recording by pressing the playback button.
- If you’re not happy with your recording simply start again by pressing the record button
- When you’ve finished your recording, press Insert. A sound symbol will now appear on the slide. Select this to listen to your recording. If you want to delete the recording, select the sound symbol and press delete.
- Continue to add additional narration by moving to the next slide and following the process above.
How do I create a poster?
You can find guidance on creating a poster on our online tutorial Introduction to poster design.
Further information on printing a poster at LJMU can be found on our FAQ How do I print a poster?
Links and files
Introduction to poster design opens a new windowHow do I print a poster? opens a new window
How do I start page numbers after the first page in Microsoft Word?
Please note: to start page numbering later in your document, you first divide the document into sections and unlink them. You then display the page numbering and choose the starting value.
- Select in the document where you want to insert the divide.
- Select Page Layout - Breaks - Next Page.
- Double-click in the header or footer area where you want to display page number. This will open the Design Tab under Header and Footer.
- Select Link to Previous to turn it off and unlink the header or footer from the previous section.
- Select Page Number and then pick a location and a style. For example, select Top of Page or Bottom of Page and then choose the design you like.
- Select Page Number - Format Page Numbers to open the Page Number Format dialog box.
- To start numbering with 1, select Start at, and type 1 (otherwise, Word will automatically apply the actual page number).
- Select OK.
Please note: To remove page numbers from the previous section, select any page number in that section to highlight it and press Delete, or right-click and choose Cut. All page numbers in that section will be deleted.
How should I save documents attached to emails?
Why should I save documents attached to emails?
- Power outage
- Network problems
- Hardware failure
- Fire evacuation
- Automatic logoff
- Unforeseen circumstances
How and where should I save documents attached to emails?
Always choose Save As then select a location such as OneDrive - My Documents.
If you open an email attachment on networked PC and edit it, then your file could be lost if you choose Save. This is because the attachment opens from a temporary location which will be erased when you logoff.
Please note: Do not save files to Workspace, Desktop or Downloads as these are all temporary locations.
Printing copying and scanning
How do I change the printer settings?
When you log onto a computer at LJMU the default printer setting is double-sided, black and white. To modify the printer settings (for example single-sided, colour printing and so on):
- From the File tab
- Select Print
- Select Printer Properties
- Change options as below:
- On the Printing Shortcuts tab you can choose the required paper size and switch between single- or double-sided printing (select the 'Print on both sides' option to adjust)
- On the Output tab you can select if you would like the document stapling
- On the Color tab you can select greyscale or colour printing
- Select OK to confirm the changes
Once you have sent your work to print it can be released from any tap and print machine within the University. Jobs remain in the printer queue for 24 hours.
- Tap your University card on the card reader.
- Select Print Release
- Select the jobs you wish to print from the list displayed and choose Print.
- When finished Sign Out of the printer
Please note: Your document will only print if you have sufficient funds in your Virtual Purse.
Links and files
What is the Virtual Purse (VIP)? opens a new windowHow do I check my Virtual Purse account? opens a new window
How do I add money to my Virtual Purse? opens a new window
How can I print if I don't have my LJMU card? opens a new window
How much does it cost to print / copy? opens a new window
How do I photocopy onto card and other media using the bypass tray?
The bypass tray can be used if you want to photocopy onto other media for example your own card or paper, but please note:
- Card should not be too rigid, maximum 220g. You should be able to bend it into a half circle without it tearing in the middle or creasing
- Tracing paper is not compatible
- Do not place card into any of the paper trays, it could jam and damage the printer and your media
- On the right side of the printer make sure the bypass tray is open.
- Insert your media inside the moveable guides. Place the side to be printed on face down. If your media has a top of the page this should be placed furthest away from you.
- Login by tapping your card.
- Select Copy to enter the Photocopy settings screen.
- On the Copy screen select Options.
- From the Options menu select Paper Selection.
- Change Paper Tray to Tray 1 (bypass tray).
- Select Paper Type and select the thickness nearest to what you are using. Card is typically 120g.
- Select Done when finished making selections.
- Select Hide Options to get back to the Copy screen.
- From the copy screen you can also select whether to copy single or double sided and whether to copy in colour or black and white.
- To change the number of copies required select the number.
- Select the Copy button to start the copy process.
How do I print a poster?
Please note: an illustrated version of this guide is available at the Library hubs.
You can print posters in the library, in the following sizes; A0, A1 or A2. After connecting to the poster printer these instructions explain how to convert your file into an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) which you can easily print. Many applications can convert files to PDF format, such as Publisher (.pub), PowerPoint (.pptx) Word (.docx), and Photoshop.
Connecting to the poster printer
- Select the Windows Start button
- Select Change Network Printer
- Select your location, for example Aldham Robarts, Avril Robarts or Student Life Building
- Select Poster Printer
- Select Connect (there may be a short pause while the poster printer queue connects)
- Select OK
Please note: if using a staff PC for steps 1 and 2 you will have to search for Change network printer in the LJMU AppPlayer.
Converting your document to a PDF
If your file is already in a PDF format you can skip steps 7 to 11.
Once you have created and saved your poster in the normal way, save it again this time selecting a PDF file type. This example shows how to select PDF from a list of alternative file types in Microsoft Office applications. Other software may differ from this example, though not all software has a PDF conversion feature.
- From the application your poster has been created in (for example Publisher or PowerPoint) select File
- Select Save As
- On the box that appears select the drop-down menu next to Save as type
- Select PDF
- Select Save
Opening your poster in the Adobe PDF viewer
You can double click on your PDF document and the viewer will automatically open.
Please note: you can only view, resize and print documents within the Adobe Reader; you cannot create or edit. You should make edits in the application in which you originally created your poster and then resave the document to PDF.
Selecting poster size and printing
- Select the print icon from the top ribbon or alternatively go to File then Print
- From the print menu ensure that Print\PosterPrinter is selected.
- In the Size options select Fit
- Select Page Setup
- Choose your required paper size, i.e. A0, A1 or A2. If you do not see paper sizes A0, A1 or A2 in the menu then close your PDF document and re-open it. If this does not resolve the problem then repeat steps 1 to 5
- Select OK
- Select Print
Releasing your poster(s) to print
- Visit LJMU MyPrint from any LJMU PC or your own mobile device
- Log in with username@ljmu.ac.uk
- Once signed in select Jobs Pending Release
- Next to the file that you wish to print select Print, then select the site you are at for example Aldham Poster, Avril Poster or SLB Poster
Your poster will print providing you have sufficient funds. For prices see How much does poster printing cost?
If you need any further help, please Contact the Library.
How do I print onto card or my own paper?
The bypass tray can be used if you want to print onto other media for example your own card or paper but please note the following:
- Card should not be too rigid, maximum 220g. You should be able to bend it into a half circle without it tearing or creasing
- Tracing or photo paper is not compatible
- Do not place card into any of the paper trays, it could jam and damage the printer and your media
To use this facility you need to access the Printer Properties. You can do this on most applications as follows:
- Select File
- Select Print
- Select Printer Properties. Another window will open called 'MyPrint Document properties'
- On this new window select the Paper/Quality tab
- Change Paper source to Tray 1 the bypass tray
- Change Paper type to your media type. Card is typically 120g
- If single-sided printing is required then go to the Finishing tab and untick Print on both sides
- If staples are required then go to the Output tab and change as required
- If colour output is required then go to the Color tab and untick Print in Grayscale
- At the printer check that the bypass tray is open. Insert your media inside the moveable guides. Place the side to be printed on face down. If your media has a top of the page this should be placed furthest away from you
- Login to the printer by tapping your card
- Select Print Release
- On the Print Release screen select the job to print
- Select the Print button to print the job to your media in the bypass tray
How do I use the scanner?
Scanning documents to email and OneDrive
Scanning is available free of charge around the University. Staff and students must make sure they are not infringing any copyright regulations whilst scanning any books, journals or other material. There are strict rules for how much can be scanned or copied, so check the signs near the printers or see Copyright Advice.
All printers around the University can scan to email and OneDrive.
Scan to Email
Choose Scan from the home screen and "Scan to My Email". Follow the onscreen prompts to change to colour, or double sided and so on. If you choose "Scan to My Email OCR" the PDF will be searchable in most email systems.
Scan to OneDrive
When you use this the first time, you will receive an email asking for authorisation. Accept this and OneDrive scans will work every time.
Printing from your mobile device
You can print from your mobile device via two methods, this includes your own laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Web Printing
Common document formats can be printed by going to LJMU MyPrint
- Log on
- Select web print
- Submit a job
- Upload document(s)
- Select files(s) to print
- Upload and complete
Print via Email
- From your LJMU email, attach your file(s) to be printed and send to myprint@ljmu.ac.uk
- You will receive a verification email, open it and choose OK