Overview of our PRME commitment


We are delighted to share Liverpool Business School’s first report (“Sharing Information on Progress”) as a signatory of the United Nations’ PRME initiative (Principles of Responsible Management Education).


This report is a snapshot of the recent teaching, learning, and knowledge exchange activity we’ve been engaged in related to the Sustainable Development Goals. We report activity against each Sustainable Development Goal with an intention in developing our collective awareness – internally and externally – of those goals. This means the report is about showcasing the type of work under each Sustainable Development Goal, rather than an extensive and exhaustive list.


This report was informed by evidence gathering from each of the programme teams which are part of Liverpool Business School. We also engaged with our external stakeholders to inform our thinking about our activity and progress through: LBS-led Global Symposia for Social Value at Universities & Business Schools (130 participants, 12 countries), Impact Incubator Workshops, and a World Café (involving colleagues in LBS, other faculties, and professional services).

University context

Liverpool Business School is part of Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), a large, modern university with a civic mission to be connected to our communities. It is recognised as an anchor institution, deeply embedded into the economic and cultural fabric of Liverpool City and wider Region. By 2022:

  • LJMU had created a new corporate strategy driven by the values of students at the heart, inclusion, community, and courage. This frames all of the teaching, research, and knowledge exchange across the University.
  • LJMU had refreshed its Learning & Teaching Strategy mandating “Education for Sustainable Development” as a priority development across all curricula (alongside “Education for Wellbeing”, “inclusive curriculum”, “digital education”, and “employability”).
  • LJMU had created a new Climate Change Institute as a driver of new programmes, research, outreach, and knowledge exchange, for climate action (SDG 13), and declared a Climate Emergency, which has been translated into a Climate Action Plan.
  • LJMU had developed a new estate and facilities directorate’s masterplan, where the fabric of our buildings is energy efficient and utilises a responsible green infrastructure. This includes obtaining 100% of energy from renewable sources; solar thermal heat collection and energy saving technology; rainwater harvesting and green roofs. Waste is minimised and a zero waste to landfill policy means all non-recyclable materials are sent for energy-from-waste treatment.
  • LJMU promotes the collaboration with stakeholder groups for social impact; including for example, with local charity, Bulky Bob’s, to organise and facilitate the donation of thousands of reusable items to the local community, including schools and charities, free of charge. This not only reduces the amount of money required, but also reduces the environmental impact of using raw materials and manufacturing new furniture, so a better outcome for the environment. Similarly, LJMU engages with the Furniture Resource Centre Group to support local foodbanks and schools by donating recycled computer equipment.
  • LJMU had started reciprocal diversity mentoring at the highest structural level to drive inclusivity, and supporting the LJMU Access & Participation Plan (APP) which prioritises strategies for reaching out to marginalised communities.

Business School context

Liverpool Business School is an engaged contributor to social and economic development in the Liverpool City Region and beyond. Reflecting the wider institutional values for connectedness and community impact, in our first 2 years as a PRME signatory, we have:

  • Established an LBS PRME Coordinating Group with representation across each undergraduate and postgraduate programme team, with PRME champions to facilitate local developments.
  • Allocated new resources (time on workloads) as well as budget, with a clear reporting structure from programmes, coordinating group, and School Management Team through to the Faculty Management Team.
  • Deepened our relationships with stakeholders including the British Academy of Management (Sustainable and Responsible Business SIG), Principles for Responsible Management Education (Working Group on Poverty), PRME Working Group Environment and Climate Change, University Vocational Awards Council, Social Value UK, Social Value International, The Academy of Business in Society, American International Accreditation Association for Schools and Colleges, and the National Society for Experiential Education, the UK Consortium for Sustainability Research, the European School of Sustainability Science Research (ESSSR), the Inter-University Research Programme for Sustainable Development (IURPSD), and the Liverpool Roma Employability Network.


The report is structured into two main sections:

  1. Reflection: Where we are now (including development plans already in place). As a large and diverse Business School, we engage in most of the Sustainable Development Goals, some with regional and international strength.
  2. Next steps: Our priorities and goals for deepening and strengthening the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals over the next reporting period.

To engage with us with any aspect of this report, please visit: