
ACTivator: Attitude and Capability Toolkit: impact, value and assets of researchers

Investing in your development as a researcher is a key priority for LJMU. We want to support you to be confident, ambitious and fulfilled in your researcher role. Central to achieving this is ‘ACTivator’.

ACTivator is LJMU’s programme of researcher development opportunities. It consists of an evolving series of relevant, impactful and encouraging workshops and events created with the aim of supporting you to get the best from and for yourself and your research.

The workshops are designed and delivered by an experienced facilitator along with key specialists from across the university. The workshops stand-alone so that you can choose those that best meet your needs and attend them in an order that suits your priorities. As you explore each topic you will see how the issues and skills interrelate and build to form a complete package of support.

Workshops encourage solo thinking, reflecting and planning AND the sharing of ideas and experiences. What makes ACTivator distinct is that it recognises the value of your insights, irrespective of whether you are just starting out on your research journey or are an established researcher. Learning from colleagues, including those from contrasting disciplines and at different stages of their careers, is a key element of the ACTivator programme. In this way it draws on the collective intelligence of participants.

ACTivator does not claim to provide all the answers but it does offer invaluable information, strategies and tools and provide the space and structure to share and compare knowledge and understanding. Crucially it also poses challenges and explores questions designed to stimulate thought and provoke positive action.

And because we know time is precious, wherever possible ACTivator will guide you through practical activities which mean that you leave workshops having made a start, moved forward with your thinking and/or have plans to action right away.

ACTivator is constantly evolving to remain relevant to your needs and strategically aligned. While the programme may change what remains constant is our commitment to offer a high-quality, stimulating and relevant experience which will move you closer to achieving your research ambitions.

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