Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion

The purpose of the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion (ADDI) is to support the University in driving forward the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda at Faculty and Professional Services level and ensure local issues inform the Diversity and Inclusion overall approach.

The University has created six Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion across faculties, as currently is the case with the Associate Dean roles in the University, and one for Professional Services areas.

Role description

A summary of the role undertaken by the Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion:

  • be responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the Faculty or Professional Services Diversity and Inclusion strategy, Objectives and Action Plan
  • lead conversations within the Faculty or Professional Services on all Diversity and Inclusion matters as related to all protected characteristics
  • create a structure and plan around Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty or Professional Services that will deliver transformational change within the Faculty or Professional Services
  • effectively utilise the Faculty and Professional Services Diversity and Inclusion relevant data to set clear objectives and action plans relating to staff and students that will lead to key decision-making and setting KPIs to drive tangible and visible transformational change within the Faculty and Professional Services
  • translate KPIs into a programme of projects and activities which will deliver impact within the Faculty or Professional Services -
    evaluate impact and take any learning back into FMT or Professional Services Management Team
    monitor and identify barriers to achievement of the KPI’s
  • provide effective leadership and direction for the Faculty or Professional Services Diversity and Inclusion governance arrangements and chairing the Faculty or Professional Services Diversity and Inclusion Working groups
  • contribute to University-wide activities and reviews to ensure that Diversity and Inclusion is embedded into the review activity
  • ensure programme leaders actively monitor and implement actions addressing recruitment, retention, progression and differential attainment (in the case of professional services, to work with key departments such as Human Resources)
  • work with the central University Diversity and Inclusion Team to ensure that the Faculty or Professional Services Diversity and Inclusion plans are aligned with other Diversity and Inclusion institutional strategies, including co-creating relevant events and activities that will deliver transformational changes
  • lead, alongside the PVC, the development of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for Diversity and Inclusion metrics related to both students and colleagues - translate these KPIs into a programme of projects and activities which deliver extensive institutional impact. Evaluate impact and take any learning back into strategic development - monitor and identify barriers to achievement of the KPI’s

Profiles of Associate Deans for Diversity and Inclusion (ADDI)