Policies, reports and guidance documents
Faq Items
Adoption leave policy
Adoption Leave will be available to individuals who adopt and one member of a couple where a couple adopts jointly. The partner of an individual who adopts, or the other member of a couple who are adopting jointly, may be entitled to Paternity Leave and Pay.
Bullying and harassment policy
The University is committed to promoting an ethos that safeguards the dignity and well-being of everyone and encourages practices that take into account the rights of individuals to be treated with dignity and respect. It recognises that bullying and harassment may be experienced by all in a number of ways, including day to day interaction with colleagues, peers, visitors and students.
The University recognises that all forms of bullying and harassment are unacceptable, and, in certain circumstances, unlawful and consequently operates a policy of zero tolerance towards any form of bullying and harassment.
Dignity at work policy
The University is committed to promoting an ethos that safeguards the dignity and well-being of everyone and encourages practices that take into account the rights of individuals to be treated with dignity and respect. It recognises that bullying and harassment may be experienced by all in a number of ways, including day to day interaction with colleagues, peers, visitors and students. It deems all forms of bullying and harassment are unacceptable, and, in certain circumstances, unlawful, and consequently operates a policy of zero tolerance towards any form of bullying and harassment.
Disability policy (students) - provision of support
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible environment which enables all students to reach their potential. A wide range of provision is available to support students including specialist support, support through academic faculties, departments and schools, and appropriate policies and procedures. This policy sets out how LJMU meets its obligations under the Equality Act 2010. It identifies the University’s approach to supporting disabled students and formalises areas of responsibility.
Equality and Diversity policy
Liverpool John Moores University is committed to promoting equal opportunities for all those involved within the University community whether staff or students. This commitment is to ensure that people’s individual qualities are recognised and celebrated; and that people are treated with dignity and respect. We recognise that some groups can experience discrimination and we will ensure that as a University, we promote equal opportunities to comply with all equality legislations.
Flexi time policy
The University currently operates flexible working (commonly known as flexitime) in a number of areas. The rationale of the flexible working model is that, as School and Service Teams across the University have variable service demand patterns, the model must be sufficiently adaptable to meet the specific requirements of each area.
Flexible working policy
The University recognises the flexibility that part-time working can offer to members of staff and the University. Part-time working (including job-share) allows members of staff to better manage a balance between their work and personal commitments; the University in turn benefits from the flexibility that part-time staff can provide and from an increased ability to retain key staff.
Job share policy
The University supports the concept of Job Sharing as a means of creating and extending more flexible employment opportunities.
Keep in touch (KIT) days policy
The University may make reasonable contact with an individual from time to time during their maternity/adoption/additional paternity leave and vice versa.
Providing it is agreed with the University, a member of staff may work for up to ten days during their maternity/adoption/additional paternity leave without bringing their leave to an end or jeopardising their right to maternity/adoption/additional paternity pay. Such work might include training and attendance at work.
LJMU Domestic abuse guidance documents
LJMU's Domestic abuse guidance documents can be accessed via the University's A-Z of employment policies and guidelines.
Maternity policy
The University offers an enhanced and ordinary maternity scheme based upon meeting the relevant qualification criteria. This policy also outlines time off for appointments and returning to work following taking maternity leave.
Paternity leave policy
An employee whose wife, civil partner or partner gives birth to a child, or who is the biological father of the child, is entitled to two weeks' ordinary paternity leave provided that he/she has 26 weeks' continuous service by the end of the 15 week before the week in which the child is expected. Ordinary paternity leave is also available to adoptive parents where a child is matched or newly placed with them for adoption. Either the adoptive father or the adoptive mother may take ordinary paternity leave where the other adoptive parent has elected to take adoption leave.
Shared parental leave
Shared parental leave enables mothers to commit to ending their maternity leave and pay at a future date, and to share the untaken balance of leave and pay as shared parental leave with their partner, or to return to work early from maternity leave and opt in to shared parental leave and pay at a later date. Shared parental leave is designed to allow couples greater freedom to decide how to take their family-friendly leave. Shared parental leave is also available to adoptive parents and surrogacy purposes.
Gender reassignment guidance document
The University is committed to supporting trans people in its community. We recognise that people are able to work and study better if they can be themselves in the workplace and in education. Welcoming all trans people, whether they are members of staff, students, visitors, contractors or clients, will help to create an ethos of inclusion and equality within the diverse University community.
Gender reassignment guidance document (PDF, 1,093KB)
Gender transition support and action plan template (Word, 37KB)
Special leave guidance
The University has other opportunities to take leave including:
- Compassionate leave
- Others paid leave
- Unpaid leave
- Sabbatical leave
- Career breaks
Time off for dependants
The University operates a time off for dependants policy in relation to emergency situations involving dependants. It explains the right to take time off to manage unexpected or sudden problems relating to a dependant and enabling them to make any necessary longer-term arrangements. Employees will not be subjected to a detriment for taking time off in accordance with this policy.
Work life balance policy
The University recognises that employees have differing demands on their time and energies at home as well as at work. The work life balance statement draws together those policies, procedures and initiatives that aim to assist staff in achieving a healthy balance between their home and work lives.
Work life balance is an intrinsic element of the University’s Health and Wellbeing framework that is currently being developed. Details of which can be found on the HR website.
Want to know more? Visit LJMUs policy centre
If you wish to access further policies, you can do so through LJMU’s policy centre.