Doctoral Academy projects

The Doctoral Academy is working closely with the DTC working group, and chairs a sub-group focusing on the postgraduate research environment. The activity of the subgroup has included enhancing the Researcher Development Programme to include new workshops on decolonising research, bespoke Diversity and Inclusion training for PGRs, and better signposting of decolonising resources. The DTC PGR environment sub group has also worked with current PGRs to curate resources to introduce the topic of decolonising research to new researchers.

The Doctoral Academy is also a partner in the EDEPI (opens in a new tab) project (Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation). EDEPI is one of 13 programmes funded by the Office for Students (opens in a new tab) and Research England (opens in a new tab) which seeks to increase participation of individuals from underrepresented groups in postgraduate research.


Victoria Sheppard 