Image of Dr Kirstie Scott

Dr Kirstie Scott

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

See My Tutor





I am a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Bioscience at LJMU with a keen research interest in forensic ecology and environmental trace evidence. My research focuses specifically on diatom analysis within forensic investigations - both as an indicator for drowning in forensic pathology, and as a circumstantial trace evidence indicator following transfer from crime scenes to persons of forensic interest. I frequently work with a range of PhD, MSc, and BSc students to empirically assess different variables affecting the availability and quality of diatom evidence in forensic scenarios, contributing data to inform standards for evidence interpretation in forensic casework. My immediate research priority is in the development of high-throughput molecular protocols for the identification of freshwater diatoms, and other environmental taxa (e.g. bacteria, fungi, microeukaryotes) to support the comparison and exclusion of forensic samples. This is being progressed through a dedicated PhD project (H. Kelman 2022-2025) and is supported via collaboration with University College London and The University of Adelaide. I have analytical experience in other areas of forensic ecology including soil, pollen, and bacterial analysis; my wider interests include wildlife forensics, evidence interpretation, and environmental reconstruction.

I am an independent consultant within forensic diatom analysis for police forces around the UK, available to consult on drowning and trace evidence cases (both current and historic) as the need arises. I deliver conference talks and guest lectures and actively engage with the media in the UK and internationally; I welcome additional future opportunities in respect to this. Prospective PhD candidates are recommended to contact me in the first instance.

I am the Programme Leader and Level 6 Year Tutor for the BSc Biology degree. I teach on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules at LJMU including Forensic Bioscience, Practical Skills for Biology, Current Topics in Zoology, Trace Evidence Analysis, and Research Methods.


2017, University College London, United Kingdom, PhD, Environmental Forensic Science
2013, University College London, United Kingdom, MRes, Security and Crime Science
2011, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, M.A. (Oxon), Geography

Academic appointments

Teaching Fellow (Forensic Science), University College London, 2016 - 2017
