Engage, Educate and Enhance 

Discover our public engagement work  

Our 3Es public engagement initiative is to Engage, Educate and Enhance our local communities. We utilise the research expertise of our academics and the knowledge and enthusiasm of our students to run projects that have a positive impact on our communities.

About our work

From working one to one with scientists to using forensics to solve murder mysteries, our activities for young people are always interesting, cutting-edge and cover a range of scientific subjects for audiences of various ages and backgrounds.

Alongside our work with schools and young people, our researchers offer their expertise to help develop innovative solutions with public health and industry partners. We also offer training to non-medical prescribers and other healthcare professionals. Our research is also influencing EU legislation on toxic chemicals. Find out more about our research within the School.

Want to get involved with us?

We have several ways you can become engaged with the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences. Whether your school or college can benefit from a STEM careers talk or a visit to our modern labs to take part in fun, hands-on learning experiences, or your organisation could benefit from our expertise, we offer a huge range of services including:

  • Subject-specific insight days with lectures, workshops and tours of our facilities to students considering studying subjects such as biochemistry, forensic science and biomedical science
  • Exciting and interactive science workshops delivered to large groups of young people, including GirlGuides and Scouts
  • Developing innovative solutions and initiatives alongside public health and industry partners
  • Careers talks, science events and workshops delivered by our experts in your school or college
  • Training to non-medical prescribers, nurses and other health professionals
  • Training to peer educators so they can deliver their own hands-on science workshops
  • Providing expertise in our subject areas – staff currently sit on external advisory panels and editorial boards, act as external examiners at other universities

Staff within the School also deliver guest lectures at a wide range of events and provide expert opinion through TV and newspaper interviews.

Find out more about the work we do in the community from the projects below.

Our projects

Contact us

If you’re interested in finding out more about our public engagement work, please email us and follow us on X (previously known as Twitter).