Image of Simon Ward

Simon Ward

Nursing and Allied Health

Faculty of Health


Ward S. 2023. Children in care and physical health – a neglected topic? Philpot T. CHILDREN IN CARE Needs, Challenges and Evidence Step Beach Press. Hove 9781908779601 Author Url Public Url

Ward S. 2013. ‘Social Work Practice and Relationship Breakdown’ Davies M. Blackwell Companion to Social Work, Jon Willey 978-1-118-45172-4

Journal article

Ward S, Devereux R, Mayall H, O'Neill T, Worsley A. 2017. Care leavers on social work courses: a study of identity management CHILD & FAMILY SOCIAL WORK, 22 :339-348 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Mayall H, O'Neill T, Worsley A, Devereux R, Ward S, Lynch D. 2015. The Experiences of Care Leavers (Post-care Adults) in Social Work Education Social Work Education, 34 :151-164 DOI Publisher Url

Burke B, Clifford D, Goodwin N, Amuzu L, Ward S. Barriers to Adoption? variations in the use of adoption by local authorities Adoption and Fostering, 27 :105-116

Ward S. ‘Adoption Support and the National Adoption Agenda’ Representing Children, 16
