Jason Comber
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Faculty of Health
Email: D.J.Comber@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4123
I began my career with the former Greater Manchester Ambulance Service in 2000, following a number of years as a Customer Service Manager at a leading retail bank moving from wealth to health!
I qualified as a Paramedic in 2001, and since that time have progressed throught the roles of Clinical Practice Trainer and IHCD Paramedic Instructor with GMAS before the North West Ambulance Service Merger in 2006.
I became involved in Higher Education through a unique role for the National Ambulance Services when I was succesful in applying for one of the Practice Education Facilitator positions within the North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust. This involved close liaison with other NHS Trusts, Health Education England and a number of HEI’s enabling me to gain a sound understanding of the complexities of Paramedic practice and placements.
Following this, I moved to an Advanced Paramedic clinical position within NWAS managing a team of Senior Paramedics providing clinical leadership and support to this team and to Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians .
I was succesfully appointed to the position of Senior Lecturer, Paramedic Practice in 2016, where I am looking forward to working with a dedicated, progressive and enthusiastic team and being involved in the further development of my profession.
2016, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom, MA in Clinical Education
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc(Hons) Paramedic Practice
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert(Advanced Clinical Practice )
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, DipHE Paramedic Practice
Journal article
Jones PH, Comber J, Conboy A. 2012. The Art and Science of Mentorship in Action Journal of Paramedic Practice: the clinical monthly for emergency care professionals, 8 :474-480
Editorial boards:
Ambulance Mental Health Response, Book Reviewer. 2022
Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets (7th Edition), Contributor ISBN-13: 978-1449649296, https://www.classprofessional.co.uk/ems-fire/paramedic/paramedic-textbooks/nancy-carolines-emergency-care-in-the-streets-united-kingdom-edition-ebook/. 2013