Dr Dan Stancioiu
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: D.Stancioiu@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2246
Journal article
Mirza WIIWI, Rani MNA, Yunus MA, Stancioiu D, Shripathi V. 2021. Estimating Rotational Frequency Response Function Using Mode Expansion and Frequency Response Function Synthesis Method International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 18 :8738-8750 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Yang J. 2021. Numerical and experimental investigations into feedback control of continuous beam structures under moving loads Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91 :2641-2659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sievert L, Stancioiu D, Matthews C. 2021. Active Vibration Control of a Small-Scale Flexible Structure Subject to Moving-Loads and Experimental Validation Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang J, Ouyang H, Stancioiu D, Cao S, He X. 2018. Dynamic Responses of a Four-Span Continuous Plate Structure Subjected to Moving Cars With Time-Varying Speeds JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J, Ouyang H, Stancioiu D. 2017. Numerical Studies of Vibration of Four-Span Continuous Plate with Rails Excited by Moving Car with Experimental Validation International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. 2016. Optimal vibration control of beams subjected to a mass moving at constant speed Journal of Vibration and Control, 22 :3202-3217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D. 2013. Approximate inversion formula for structural dynamics and control Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 40 :344-355 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. 2012. Optimal control of systems with probabilistic uncertainties 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2012, ICSV 2012, 2 :1185-1192
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. 2012. Structural modification formula and iterative design method using multiple tuned mass dampers for structures subjected to moving loads Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 28 :542-560 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rani MNA, Stancioiu D, Yunus MA, Ouyang H, Deng H, James S. 2011. Model updating for a welded structure made from thin steel sheets Applied Mechanics and Materials, 70 :117-122 DOI Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE, James S. 2011. Experimental investigations of a multi-span flexible structure subjected to moving masses Journal of Sound and Vibration, 330 :2004-2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2009. Vibration of a continuous beam with multiple elastic supports excited by a moving two-axle system with separation MECCANICA, 44 :293-303 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, James S, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2009. Vibration of a continuous beam excited by a moving mass and experimental validation Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 181 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2008. Dynamics of a beam and a moving two-axle system with separation PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 222 :1947-1956 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2008. Vibration of a beam excited by a moving oscillator considering separation and reattachment Journal of Sound and Vibration, 310 :1128-1140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mottershead JE, Ghandchi Tehrani M, Stancioiu D, James S, Shahverdi H. 2006. Structural modification of a helicopter tailcone Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298 :366-384 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guglielmino E, Staimmers CW, Edge KA, Sireteanu T, Stancioiu D. 2005. Damp-by-wire : Magnetorheological vs. friction damipers IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 16 :340-345 DOI Publisher Url
Guglielmino E, Stammers CW, Sireteanu T, Stǎncioiu D. 2005. Conventional and non-conventional smart damping systems for ride control International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 3 :216-229 DOI Publisher Url
Guglielmino E, Stammers CW, Stǎncioiu D, Sireteanu T, Ghigliazza R. 2005. Hybrid variable structure-fuzzy control of a magnetorheological damper for a seat suspension International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, 3 :34-46 DOI Publisher Url
Giuclea M, Sireteanu T, Stancioiu D, Stammers CW. 2004. Model parameter identification for vehicle vibration control with magnetorheological dampers using computational intelligence methods Proceedings of the I MECH E Part I Journal of Systems & Control Engineering, 218 :569-581 DOI Publisher Url
Sireteanu T, Stancioiu D, Stammers CW. 2004. Experimental assessment of a semi-active suspension with magnetorheological damper Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2004, 1 :879-884 DOI Publisher Url
Giuclea M, Sireteanu T, Stancioiu D, Stammers CW. 2004. Model parameter identification for vehicle vibration control with magnetorheological dampers using computational intelligence methods Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 218 :569-581 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Sireteanu T, Stammers C, Ghita G. Semi-Active vibration control using balance-logic strategy Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 1 :31-38 Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Sireteanu T, Giuclea M, Stammers C. Modelling Of Magnetorheological Damper Dynamic Behaviour By Genetic Algorithms Based Inverse Method Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science, 5 :55-63 Publisher Url
Conference publication
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. 2016. Model-based active control of a continuous structure subjected to moving loads 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOTION AND VIBRATION CONTROL (MOVIC 2016) AND THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS (RASD 2016), 13th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MOVIC) / 12th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics (RASD) 744 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rani MNA, Yunus MA, Ouyang H, Stancioiu D. 2015. REDUCED ORDER MODEL FOR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND MODEL UPDATING OF A WELDED STRUCTURE Crocker MJ, Pawelczyk M, Pedrielli F, Carletti E, Luzzi S. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SOUND AND VIBRATION, 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV) Author Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. 2014. A probabilistic approach to robust control of beam structures subjected to a random stream of moving masses Cunha A, Caetano E, Ribeiro P, Muller G. EURODYN 2014: IX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN) :1595-1600 Author Url
Rani MNA, Stancioiu D, Yunus MA, Ouyang H, Deng H, James S. 2011. Model Updating for a Welded Structure Made from Thin Steel Sheets Burguete RL, Lucas M, Patterson EA, Quinn S. ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS VIII, 8th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics: Integrating Simulation and Experimentation for Validation 70 :117-122 DOI Author Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2008. Separation between a beam with multiple elastic supports and a moving two-axle system 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2008,
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. 2008. Separation between a beam with multiple elastic supports and a moving two-axle system 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2008,
Stancioiu D, Niculescu A, Sireteanu T. 2004. Automotive Self-adjustable Shock Absorber (VZN) FISITA World Automotive Congress ; 30; 2004; Barcelona , Barcelona; 2004, FISITA 2004 World Automotive Congress
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H. Optimal vibration control of beams subjected to a moving mass Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods :070-1-070-6
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. Dynamics of Multi-Span Continuous Plate Structures Traversed By Moving Loads Considering Separation and Reattachment International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering ISMA Author Url
Stancioiu D, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE. Separation between a beam with multiple elastic supports and a moving two-axle system 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODyn
Stancioiu D, Guglielmino E, Stammers C, Edge K, Sireteanu T. DAMP-BY-WIRE : MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL VS. FRICTION DAMPERS IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 16th IFAC World Congress 38 :340-345 DOI Publisher Url
Stancioiu D, Sireteanu T, Stammers C. Use of magnetorheological fluid dampers in semi-active driver seat vibration control Gardonio P, Boaz R. Gardonio, Paolo and Rafaely, Boaz (eds.) (2002) Proceedings of ACTIVE 2002: The 2002 international symposium on active control of sound and vibration, Southampton,UK. Institute of Sound and Vibration Studies, University of Southampton, 1348pp., ACTIVE 2002: The 2002 international symposium on active control of sound and vibration Publisher Url