Image of Dr Manolia Andredaki

Dr Manolia Andredaki

School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Dr Andredaki joined LJMU as a Senior Lecturer at the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment in 2022. She started her research activity in 2008 at the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics in the School of Engineering (Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece), investigating numerically the effect of sediment accumulation in reservoirs on shoreline erosion, developing and applying an in-house mathematical model for suspended sediment transport and deposition. She was also involved as a Researcher in the Project: INTERREG IIIC/BEACHMED-e, Strategic management of beach protection for sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal zones and in the National Research Project: Application of optimisation methods for problems relating to reservoir sedimentation, in which she investigated numerically the connection of the shoreline erosion with sediment accumulation at the reservoirs upstream of rivers, potential sediment removal techniques and their corresponding optimisation. The aforementioned knowledge on hydraulics, mathematical and numerical simulations as well as on multiphase and particulate flows has been utilised and expanded through her long term post-doctoral research in the UK. Dr Andredaki worked as a Research Fellow (RF) and Co-Investigator at the well-known Advanced Engineering Centre (AEC) and the Centre for Regenerative Medicine and Devises (CRMD) of the University of Brighton (UoB) in various ESA-CORA-MAP, Innovate UK Smart Grant and EPSRC research projects as well as industrial consultancy projects for more than six years, publishing her work in the most influential journals in the field, working with word-leading research groups and laboratories in University of Toronto, University of Milan, University of Pisa, Technical University of Denmark, University of Mons, University of Lisbon. Her post-doctoral research has been focused on multiphase flows (gas/liquid interface dynamics, phase-change heat transfer coupled between two-phase fluid and solid domains, droplet impact phenomena) for green engineering applications, while the methodologies that have been developed by Dr Andredaki can also be applied to applications, such as heating and air conditioning, water supply, waste water treatment, irrigation, oil and gas pumping networks as well as for simulating dam- break phenomena, floods and fluid-structure interaction and water motion within soil substrates. As a PI, Dr Andredaki has been successful in securing funding by the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF-EF) (€172,618.56). This MSCA Fellowship has now been withdrawn, since, in September 2022, Dr Andredaki has been appointed as a Senior Lecturer at LJMU, prior to the starting date of the proposed fellowship. As a Principal Investigator (PI), Dr Andredaki has been also successful in securing internal funding at the UoB through the Rising Stars Initiative 2019-2020 Award, in 2019, being the only RF that won the fund. The successful completion of the Rising Stars research project led in 2020 to her participation in the preparation and submission as a Co-Investigator of the successful research proposal WHISKIES (Wound Healing In Space: Key challenges towards Intelligent and Enabling Sensing platforms) funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). This interdisciplinary ESA CORA-MAP Research Project had 15 Academic and 8 Industrial international partners, totalling to an overall budget of €2.2M Finally, as a part of an active research group, for the past six years, Dr Andredaki has contributed to the preparation and submission of a significant number of research proposals to funding schemes such as the EPSRC and Leverhulme Trust, in order to secure and maintain her research fellowship from 2016 until 2022. Furthermore, Dr Andredaki has a long-term professional experience (2004-2016) working as a Chartered Engineer in Greece both in the private and public sectors, designing, managing and supervising the construction of water supply and wastewater networks, rainwater drainage networks, public buildings and infrastructures and preparing successful EU funding applications for public buildings renovation projects.
