Prof Hassan Al Nageim
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: H.K.Alnageim@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 000000
Professor Hassan Al Nageim is a Professor of Structural Engineering. His; BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering from University of Baghdad, MSc in Structural Engineering University College Cardiff, UK and PhD in Civil and Structural Engineering from Heriot-Watt University, UK. In 1977-1979, he has established the new Technology Department at Babylon (Hilla) Technical Institutions, Iraq and worked as a Head of Department. 1983 -1985, he worked as a consultant structural engineer at the Kuwait National Petroleum Company representing the British Inspection X-Ray company. 1989-Date, he worked as a Senior Lecturer, Reader (Associate Professor) in Structural Engineering and in 2003-to date promoted to full Professor in Structural Engineering at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. With main roles of taking the lead of Advanced Structural Design and Pavement Engineering subject area, including design and analysis of steel structures, bridges, concrete structures, pavement engineering: design, evaluation and materials developments.
Professor Al Nageim is a regular speaker and keynote speakers at different national and international conferences and a consultant to many companies worldwide in the field of structural design and materials innovations and developments. He has published more than 140 scientific conference and journal papers and two books entitled: Structural Mechanics published by Pearson Education; Steel Structures: Practical Studies published by Taylor and Francis. Professor Hassan main research interest’s area is in structural & pavement engineering design and evaluations including innovations in materials technology. Professor Al Nageim is also: A Chartered Engineer and a member of the British Engineering Council, the Founder and Chief Editor of the International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, established in 2001, ISSN 1464-8164, the Founder and Chairman of the international annual conference on Pavement Engineering, Asphalt Technology, Sustainable Materials, and Infrastructures, A Fellow of the British Institution of Non-Destructive Testing, UK and a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation UK.
Professor Al Nageim also supervised over 16 successful UK PhD students as a director of studies and external examiners for more than 25 successful PhD students from the University of: Anna University, India,Visvesvaraya Technological University, India, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italia, University of; Nottingham, Greenwich, Portsmouth, Coventry, Salford, Liverpool and Ulster of the UK and University College Dublin. Adjunct Dean to the Gahan Polytechnic and of external examiners and advisor for two academic degree courses in Wolverhampton University and the University of Ulster of the UK. Professor Al Nageim has also extensive experience in managing and development of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in; civil engineering, building maintenance management and building surveying at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Professors Al Nageim also playing a major roles as a member of the strategic planning educational and council memberships committees for two Engineering and Materials Institutions in the UK.
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, PhD
University of Wales, United Kingdom, MSc
University of Baghdad, Iraq, BSc
Academic appointments
Dean of Agriculture College [ short s. leave from LJMU], University of Kerbala, Iraq, 2014 - 2015
Adjunct Dean, College of Engineering, Ghana, Ghana Polytechnic, 2010 - 2014
Vesiting & Honorary Professor, Yantai University, Yantai, 2008 - present
Visiting Professor, University of Babylon, College of Material Sciences, 2008 - present
Professor of Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 2003 - present
Reader in Structural Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 1996 - 2003
Head of Technology Department, Polytechnic of Hilla, Iraq, Minstry of Higher Education, Iraq, 1977 - 1980
Highlighted publications
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2015. To investigate the fundamental causes of utility air voids content failures in asphalt layers to achieve Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH) compliant performance Construction and Building Materials, 93 :595-607 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzaie A. The Use of United Utilities Water Limited Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash (ISSA) in the Production of Cold Mix Tarmac
Journal article
Alli YA, Bamisaye A, Bamidele MO, Etafo NO, Chkirida S, Lawal A, Hammed VO, Akinfenwa AS, Hanson E, Nwakile C, Kazeem KO, Ayanwunmi RJ, Ige AS, Parga Torres JR, Al Nageim H. 2024. Transforming waste to wealth: Harnessing carbon dioxide for sustainable solutions Results in Surfaces and Interfaces, 17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzaie A, Seton L, Croft J, Drake J. 2024. Wastewater sludge ash in the production of a novel cold mix asphalt (CMA): durability, aging and toxicity characteristics Kufa Journal of Engineering, 15 :147-162 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Herez MH, Al Nageim H, Richardson J, Wright S. 2023. Development of a premium cold mix asphalt Kufa Journal of Engineering, 14 :30-47 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al Nageim H, Dulaimi A, Al-Busaltan S, Kadhim MA, Al-Khuzaie A, Seton L, Croft J, Drake J. 2023. The development of an eco-friendly cold mix asphalt using wastewater sludge ash Journal of Environmental Management, 329 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Busaltan S, Dulaimi A, Al-Nageim H, Mahmood S, Kadhim MA, Al-Kafaji M, Özkılıç YO. 2023. Improving the Mechanical Properties and Durability of Cold Bitumen Emulsion Mixtures Using Waste Products and Microwave Heating Energy Buildings, 13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi AF, Al-Busaltan S, Kadhim MA, Al-Khafaji R, Sadique MM, Al Nageim H, Ibrahem RK, Awrejcewicz J, Pawłowski W, Mahdi JM. 2022. A Sustainable Cold Mix Asphalt Mixture Comprising Paper Sludge Ash and Cement Kiln Dust Sustainability, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ojuri OO, Ramdas V, Aderibigbe EA, Williams CG, Ramchuran S, Al-Nageim H. 2022. Improving strength and hydraulic characteristics of regional clayey soils using biopolymers Case Studies in Construction Materials, 17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Amoori Kadhim M, Al-Busaltan S, Dulaimi AF, Sadique M, Al Nageim H, Al-Kafaji M, Al-Yasari R. 2022. Developing a sustainable, post treated, half warm mix asphalt for structural surface layer Construction and Building Materials, 342 :127926-127926 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abdel-Wahed T, Dulaimi A, Shanbara HK, Al Nageim H. 2022. The Impact of Cement Kiln Dust and Cement on Cold Mix Asphalt Characteristics at Different Climate Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 :4173-4173 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abduljabbar N, Al-Busaltan S, Dulaimi A, Al-Yasari R, Sadique M, Nageim HA. 2022. The effect of waste low-density polyethylene on the mechanical properties of thin asphalt overlay Construction and Building Materials, 315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hawesah HA, Sadique MM, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H. 2021. Polymer modified asphalt binder – an approach for enhancing temperature sensitivity for emergency pavement repair International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al Hawesah H, Sadique MM, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H, Shubbar AAF. 2021. Improving the Temperature Sensitivity of Bitumen for Emergency Pavement Repair Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al Hawesah H, Sadique MM, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H, Shubbar A. 2021. A Review on Improving Asphalt Pavement Service Life Using Gilsonite-Modified Bitumen Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Merzah S, Al-Busaltan S, Al Nageim H. 2019. Characterizing Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures Comprised of Palm Leaf Ash Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster NM. 2019. Analytical investigation of hydration mechanism of a non-Portland binder with waste paper sludge ash Construction and Building Materials, 211 :80-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Hdabi A, Nageim HA. 2018. Performance of Half Warm Rolled Asphalt mixtures Construction and Building Materials, 162 :48-56 DOI Publisher Url
Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. Laboratory Studies to Examine the Properties of a Novel Cold-Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixture Containing Binary Blended Cementitious Filler (BBCF) Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H. 2017. Improving asphalt emulsion mixtures properties containing cementitious filler by adding GGBS Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. Performance analysis of a Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Containing High Calcium Fly Ash Utilizing Waste Material Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi AF, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2017. High performance cold asphalt concrete mixture for binder course using alkali-activated binary blended cementitious filler Construction and Building Materials, 141 :160-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2017. The reliability of asset management regime of the SROH using air void content of asphalt mixtures International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2016. New developments with cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures containing binary blended cementitious filler (BBCF) Construction and Building Materials, 124 :414-423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abdel-Wahed T, Al Nageim H. 2016. Investigating the effects of cement and cement kiln dust as a filler on the mechanical properties of cold bituminous emulsion mixtures International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7 :441-453 Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2015. A Novel Cold Asphalt Concrete Mixture for Heavily Trafficked Binder Course International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 9 :734-738
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2015. To investigate the fundamental causes of utility air voids content failures in asphalt layers to achieve Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH) compliant performance Construction and Building Materials, 93 :595-607 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L. 2014. Performance of gap graded cold asphalt containing cement treated filler CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 69 :362-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L. 2014. Superior cold rolled asphalt mixtures using supplementary cementations materials CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 64 :95-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2014. Development of Sustainable Cold Rolled Surface Course Asphalt Mixtures Using Waste Fly Ash and Silica Fume JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 26 :536-543 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Seton L, Ruddock FM. 2013. Laboratory studies to investigate the properties of novel cold-rolled asphalt containing cement and waste bottom ash Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, AlHdabi A, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2013. Development of Sustainable Cold Rolled Surface Course Asphalt Mixtures Antpnio Nanni A. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,
Ruddock FM, Al Nageim , Al-Hdabi , seton . 2013. A novel Cold Rolled Asphalt mixtures for heavy trafficked surface course Construction and Building Materials, 49 :598-603 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Mechano-chemical activation of high-Ca fly ash by cement free blending and gypsum aided grinding CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 43 :480-489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saghafi B, Al Nageim H, Atherton W. 2013. Mechanical Behavior of a New Base Material Containing High Volumes of Limestone Waste Dust, PFA, and APC Residues JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, 25 :450-461 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Nageim H, Sadique M, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Strength development of optimised cementitious materials containing fly ashes and silica fume ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, 25 :90-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Saghafi B, Al Nageim H, Visulios P, Ghazireh N. 2013. Use of waste limestone dust and steel slag in UK highways type 1 unbound mixtures Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 166 :99-107 DOI Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A laboratory study for full cement replacement by fly ash and silica fume MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, 64 :1135-1142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ateeq M, Senouci A, Al-Nageim H, Al-Shamma'a A. 2012. Microwave spectroscopy for the analysis of absorption properties of treated waste rubber aggregates Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 16 :334-342 DOI Publisher Url
Al-Busaltan S, Al Nageim H, Atherton W, Sharples G, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. Use of sem and XRD for characterisation the improvement in CMEM'S engineering properties 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :11-22
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. Identification of mineralogical changes towards advanced reactivity of fly ashes for mechanical activation 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :336-349
Sadique M, Al Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A new composite cementitious material for construction CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 35 :846-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al Nageim HK, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A new composite cementitious material for construction Construction and Building Materials, 35 :846-855 DOI
Ateeq M, Wylie S, Al-Shamma'a A, Al-Nageim H. 2012. Microwave spectroscopy: a potential technique to analyse bitumen dielectric and physical properties MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H. 2012. Hydration Kinetics of a Low Carbon Cementitious Material Produced by Physico-Chemical Activation of High Calcium Fly Ash JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY, 10 :254-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharples GP, Al-Busaltan S, Al Nageim H, Atherton W. 2012. Green bituminous asphalt relevant for highway and airfield pavement. Construction and Building Materials, 31 :243-250 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharples GP, Al-Busaltan S, Al Nageim H, Atherton W. 2012. Mechanical properties of an upgrading cold mix asphalt using waste materials. ASCE's Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sharples GP, Al Nageim H, Al-Busaltan S, Atherton W. 2012. A comparative study for improving the mechanical properties of cold bituminous emulsion mixtures with cement and waste materials. Construction and Building Materials, 36 :743-748 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Nageim HK, Al-Busaltan SF, Atherton W, Sharples G. 2012. A comparative study for improving the mechanical properties of cold bituminous emulsion mixtures with cement and waste materials Construction and Building Materials, 36 :743-748 DOI
Ateeq M, Wylie SR, Al-Shamma'a AI, Al Nageim HK. 2012. Microwave spectroscopy: a potential technique to analyse bitumen dielectric and physical properties Measurement Science and Technology, 23 DOI
Al Busaltan S, Al Nageim HK, Atherton W, Sharples G. 2012. Green bitumous asphalt relevant for highway and airfield pavement Construction and Building Materials, 31 :243-250 DOI
Al Nageim HK. 2012. Microwave Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Absorption Properties of Treated Waste Rubber Aggregates Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 16 :334 DOI
Al Nageim H, Saghafi B, Ghazireh N. 2010. Air Pollution Control (APC) Residues as a Potential Replacement for Lime in Fly Ash Bound Mixtures (FABM) Containing Quarry Waste Dust International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology,
Al Nageim H, Visulios P. 2010. Resilient modulus of hydraulically bound road base materials with high volume waste dust Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 4
Saghafi B, Al Nageim H, Nizar G. 2010. Air Pollution Control (APC) Residues as a Potential Replacement for Lime in Fly Ash Bound Mixtures (FABM) Containing Quarry Waste Dust International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 3 :178-185
Al Nageim H, Pountney D. 2007. A non-linear optimisation technique based on the complex method: The optimal design of a concrete trough supporting a new lightweight rail track system, LR55 Construction Innovation, 7 :320-339 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Robinson H. 2007. Upgraded waste plastic and rubber aggregates for use in asphalt Journal of Asphalt Professional,
al Nageim H, Nagar R, Lisboa PJG. 2007. Comparison of neural network and binary logistic regression methods in conceptual design of tall steel buildings Construction Innovation, 7 :240-253 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Robinson H. 2006. Behaviour of coated low-quality aggregates in road pavements PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT, 159 :165-172 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Al Hakim B. 2002. Backcalculation method to predict flexible pavement layers moduli and bonding condition between wearing course and base course Transportation Journal,
Al Nageim H, Vaughn K. 2002. Enabling the use of wastes and marginal materials as high specification aggregates in construction Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) Journal,
Al Nageim H, Voughan K. 2000. Upgrading low quality aggregates for use in flexible Pavements The International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology, :2-13
Al Nageim H, Voughan K. 2000. Upgrading low quality aggregates for use in bituminous Mixtures Highways and Transportation, 47
Al Nageim H. 2000. Upgrading low quality aggregates for use in bituminous mixtures Highways and Transportation, 47 :20-22
Al Nageim H, Al Hakim B. 2000. Backcalculation of flexible pavement layers moduli and bonding conditions between wearing and base courses The International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology, 1 :27-43
Al Nageim H, Mohammed F, Lesley L. 1998. Numerical results of the LR55 track system modelled as multilayer beams on elastic foundation Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 46 :347 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Mohammed F, Lesley L. 1996. Deflection profile of a new light weight rail track system Transportation Journal, 117 :272-277
AlNageim H, Mohammad F, Lesley L. 1996. Deflection profile of a new light rail track system PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT, 117 :272-277 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Al Hakim B, Lesley L. 1996. Relevance of interface friction coefficient to pavement performance Society of Chemical Industry( SCI ),
Lesley L, AlNageim H. 1996. Static and dynamic load testing of a new low height rail system PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT, 117 :2-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Romaya R. 1994. Site investigations on the substructure of highway bridge to determine the cause of cracking in the R.C. elements Proceedings of the International Centenary Year Bridge Conference,
Fordyce D, Al Nageim HK. 1988. PROFILES OF MATERIAL RESISTANCE TO COMPACTION. Highways and Transportation, 35 :13-18
Al Nageim HK, Fordyce D. 1988. MEASURE OF THE WORKABILITY OF ASPHALTIC MATERIALS. Highways Croydon, 56 :28-30
Ruddock FM, Al-Hdabi , Al Nageim , Seton . Enhancing the Mechanical Properties of Gap Graded Cold Asphalt Containing Cement Utilising By-Product Material Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 7 :916-921
Conference publication
Falih ZH, Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H. 2024. Effects of Polymer and Nanoparticles on Asphalt Cement Characteristics AIP Conference Proceedings, 3009 DOI Publisher Url
Adday ER, Al-Hdabi A, Al-Nageim H. 2024. Effect of Using Ordinary Portland Cement and Natural Marble Dust on the Performance of Cold Mix Asphalt AIP Conference Proceedings, 3009 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Albusultan S, Dulaimi A, Robinson H, Large I, Gao Y. 2024. New generation of cold mix asphalt for road surfacing and maintenance Advances in Functional Pavements - Proceedings of the 7th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavements, CEW 2023, :293-296 DOI Publisher Url
Hatif Z, Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H. 2023. Effect of Adding Nano Clay on Asphalt Characteristics AIP Conference Proceedings, 2775 DOI Publisher Url
Adday ER, Al-Hdabi A, Al-Nageim H. 2023. Evaluation the Impact of Cement Type on Cold Mix Asphalt Performance AIP Conference Proceedings, 2775 DOI Publisher Url
Al-Busaltan S, Nageim HA, Dulaimi A, Shanbara HK, Kadhim MA, Al-Kafaji M. 2021. Characterisation of Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures Using Microwave Heating Process Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1973 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Busultan S, Al Hidabi A. 2018. Indirect Tensile Stiffness and Permanent Deformation of Microwave Treated Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures (CBEMS) Containing Cementitious Activated Waste Fly Ash Proceedings of the 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE)., The 2nd GeoMEast International Congress and Exhibition on Sustainable Civil Infrastructures, Egypt 2018 – The Official International Congress of the Soil-Structure Interaction Group in Egypt (SSIGE). Chapter · January 2019 :268-276 DOI Publisher Url
Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Microwave Technique To Develop Cold Asphalt Concrete Bituminous Emulsion Mixture Using New Cementitious Filler The 16th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure.
Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Performance Assessment and Microstructure of New Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixture Using GGBS and CKD The 16th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure.
Dulaimi AFD, Al Nageim , Ruddock , Seton . 2017. Microanalysis of a New Cementitious Material to Use As a Filler in a Cold Dense Graded Binder Course Mixture
Al Nageim H. 2017. An investigation of the use of waste slate aggregates and fibres in concrete Proceedings of the 4th International Specialty Conference on Fibre Reinforced Materials, :59-66
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Investigation into the stiffness improvement, microstructure and environmental impact of a novel fast-curing cold bituminous emulsion mixture The 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. The Effect of High Calcium Fly Ash Fineness on the Stiffness Modulus of a New Cold Asphalt Concrete for Binder Course Mixture The 2nd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference, the British University in Dubai
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Felicite Ruddock , Linda Seton . 2016. Assessment the Performance of Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures with Cement and Supplementary Cementitious Material for Binder Course Mixture The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Microanalysis of Alkali-Activated Binary Blended Cementitious Filler in a Novel Cold Binder Course Mixture The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Development of a New Cementitious Filler for Use in Fast-Curing Cold Binder Course in Pavement Application The 38th International Conference on Cement Microscopy
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2016. Microanalysis of a New Cementitious Material to Use as a Filler in a Cold Dense Graded Binder Course Mixture The 15th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. A Novel Cold Asphalt Concrete Mixture for Heavily Trafficked Binder Course The 17th International Conference on Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Development of sustainable cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures using waste fly ash and new waste activator Post Graduate Research Conference, Faculty of Technology and Environment Liverpool John Moores University
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Development of Sustainable Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Mixtures Using Waste Fly Ash and Metakaolin The 12th International Postgraduate Research Conference
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Improving the Stiffness Modulus of Cold Asphalt Concrete Binder Course The 14th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2015. Cold Mix Binder Course for Roads & Highways The 14th Annual International Conference Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure
Dulaimi ANMAR, Al Nageim HASSAN, Ruddock FELICITE, Seton LINDA. 2014. Development of A Cold Binder Course Bituminous Emulsion Mixture 8th Annual BEAN Conference (Built Environment & Natural Environment)
Al Nageim H, Al-Busaltan S. 2013. Stiffness, axial deformation and XRD analysis of new cold mix asphalt containing cementitious waste materials for road pavement 35th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2013, :96-104
Al Nageim H, Abbas MA. 2012. Stiffness and deformation properties of a composite asphalt concrete surface pavement layer containing cement coated aggregates 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :1-10
Al Nageim H. 2011. Design of a composite steel prestressed-concrete trough for a new low profile light rail truck system 10th International Conference on Steel Space and Composite Structures, :21-32
Al Nageim H, Andreou P. 2010. A comparison of the effect of different curing techniques on concrete properties 32nd International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2010, :337-348
Saghafi B, Al Nageim H, Friel S, Ghazireh N. 2010. New activator used in fly ash bound mixtures (FABM) and high dust base and subbase materials 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, :777-788
Al Nageim H, Saghafi B, Ferrel S, Visulios P, Ghazireh N. 2010. Evaluation of partial use of fine limestone dust and steel slag waste aggregates in road base materials 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies, :489-500
Al Nageim H. 2009. An investigation of the use of waste slate aggregate in concrete 31st International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2009, :240-251
Saghafi B, Al Nageim H. 2009. Resilient modulus of unbound base material containing extra waste Stancombe limestone dust Tutumluer E, AlQadi IL. BEARING CAPACITY OF ROADS, RAILWAYS AND AIRFIELDS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields :225-235 Author Url
Al Nageim H, Visulios P. 2009. Resilient modulus of hydraulically bound road base materials with high volume waste dust Tutumluer E, AlQadi IL. BEARING CAPACITY OF ROADS, RAILWAYS AND AIRFIELDS, VOLS 1 AND 2, 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields :205-213 Author Url
Al Nageim H. 2006. Upgrading low quality natural and clay aggregates with modified cement coating paste for use in road materials International Cement Microscopy Association - 28th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2006, :102-113
Al Nageim H, Robinson H. 2005. Development of concrete products incorporating waste rubber and plastic aggregates 27th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2005, :108-117
Al Nageim HK, Robinson H, Ghazireh N. 2004. An investigation into the effects of the addition of waste recycled plastic aggregates on the properties of light weight aggregate concrete pavement blocks Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management and Recycling: Construction Demolition Waste, :259-271
Nageim HA, Mohammad F, Lesley L. 1997. Response of a new lightweight rail track system (LR55) to various loading environment American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper),
Mohammad FA, AlNageim H, Lesley L, Pountney D. 1996. A theoretical analysis of LR55 trace system as multilayer beams on elastic foundations: An analytical approach Zhang GW. THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, International Symposium on Theories and Applications of Traffic and Transportation Systems Engineering :113-126 Author Url
Al-Nageim HK, Lesley L. 1995. Investigating the structural reliability of a new low profile rail system under simulated environment American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Petroleum Division (Publication) PD, 70 :71-76
Sadique MM, Al Nageim H. Recycling of Industrial Wastes to Produce New Cement For Construction Creative Construction Conference 2012
Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzai A, Draker J, Linda S, Dempster N. XRDF, SEM and Compressive Strength Properties of a New Alkali Activated Fly Ash Concrete Mortar Seton L. Advances and Challenges in Structural Engineering, :370-380 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Busaltan S. Stiffness, Creep Properties and XRD Analysis of a New Fast-Curing Cold Mix Asphalt for Use in Highway Pavement Proceedings of 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress, 6th Eurasphalt & Eurobitume Congress DOI Publisher Url
Al-Nageim H, Sadique M. 2020. New cementitious materials for sustainable construction Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :243-248 DOI Publisher Url
Herez M, Al-Nageim H, Harris C, Seton L. 2020. Developing a premium cementitious filler incorporating high content of sewage sludge fly ash Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :215-226 DOI Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H. 2020. Characterising the performance of a non-portland binder using analytical techniques Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :227-234 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Busultan S, AlHidabi A. 2019. Indirect Tensile Stiffness and Permanent Deformation of Microwave Treated Cold Bituminous Emulsion Mixtures (CBEMS) Containing Cementitious Activated Waste Fly Ash Dulaimi A. :268-276 Springer DOI
Al-Hdabi A, Al Nageim H, Ruddock F, Seton L. 2014. Improving the mechanical properties of cold rolled asphalt containing cement utilising by product material Construction and Building Research :487-496 DOI Publisher Url
Sadique MM, Al Nageim H, Stopps K. 2017. Investigating the reliability of air void testing regime of Specification of the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH) for assessing the performance of a hand laid recipe mixed bituminous material in utility reinstatement Publisher Url Public Url
Al Nageim H, Al-Khuzaie A. The Use of United Utilities Water Limited Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash (ISSA) in the Production of Cold Mix Tarmac
Books (authored)
Al Nageim H. 2016. Steel structures: Practical design studies, Fourth edition :1-430 9781482263558 DOI Publisher Url
Al Nageim HK, MacGinley TJ. 2010. Steel structures: Practical design studies, third edition :1-330 9781315274966 DOI Publisher Url
H K Al Nageim, F Durka, Williams and Morgan , Al Nageim HK. Structural Mechanics, 6th edition, 2003. Authors: H K Al Nageim, M F Durka, Williams and Morgan ISBN 0-582-25199-0. Publisher: Pearson Education
H K Al Nageim, M F Durka, Williams and Morgan . Structural Mechanics: Design of Structural Elements to British Standards and Eurcodes, 7th edition, 2010. Authors: H K Al Nageim, M F Durka, Williams and Morgan ISBN 978-0-13-223964-4. Publisher: Pearson Education
Al Nageim H., K, McGinley T.,J . Steel Structures: Practical Design Studies, 3rd edition, 2005. Authors: Hassan Al Nageim and T. J. McGinley, ISBN 0 419 17930 5. Publisher: Taylor & Francis.
Al Nageim HK. Steel Structures: Practical Design Studies", 4th edition, 2017. Authors: Hassan Al Nageim, ISBN 0 419 17930 5. Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Al Nageim H. Inventor of Patent: Coated aggregates for use in construction and methods of making the same. GB9818758.6, July 2001, UK
Al Nageim H. Inventor of Patent: A particulate material for use in constructions and method of making the same. EU 99302141.9-2111, March 2005, Holland
Al Nageim H. Inventor of Patent: Chemical Bonding of polymeric aggregate particles and bitumen”, GB2395951, September 2002, UK
Al Nageim H. Inventor of Patent: Chemical Bonding of polymeric aggregate particles and bitumen”, GB2395951, September 2002, UK
Al Nageim H. Inventor of Patent application: Cementitious Materials Comprising Ashes in Substantial Proportions PCT/GB2012/051888 , March 2012
Al Nageim H, Al-Busultan S. Inventor of Patent Application: Improvement in and Relating to Bituminous Paving, PCT/GB2012/051887, March 2012
Al Nageim H. PhD Degree Thesis: "The development and use of a high temperature triaxial cell to measure the workability of rolled asphalt" Thesis presented to Heriot-Watt University, UK. Derek Fordyce D.
Al Nageim H. MSc Degree: "The use of a micro-computer in the finite elements analysis of soil consolidation" Thesis presented to the University of Wales, Cardiff, UK, Thomas H.
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, The study of contact characteristics between tyre and road surface. 2020
Liverpool University , UK, PhD, Lateral Impact Response of End Plate Beam-to-Column Connections. 2020
University of Salford, UK, PhD, Improving the school delivery process in Iraq. 2018
Salford University, UK, PhD, Implementation of Mechanistic-Empirical Approach for Structural Design of Hydrated Lime modified Flexible Pavement. 2017
Anna University, India, PhD, Ductile behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete frames under cyclic loading. 2016
University College Dublin, UK, PhD, The use of recycled asphalt in SMA mixes. 2013
University of Greenwich, UK, PhD, Reliability Analysis and Service Life Prediction of Pipelines. 2013
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, non-contact evaluation of the geometric properties of highway surfacing texture using close range photogrammetry. 2013
University of Coventry, UK, PhD, “ Development of fibre reinforced repairing concrete for pavement. 2011
University of Portsmouth, UK, PhD, An investigation on cast in situ concrete pile in Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia. 2010
University of Ulster, UK, Professional Doctorate, An Investigation of Non-Salt Based Methods of Anti-Icing Roads. 2008
University of Portsmouth, UK, PhD, Ground/surface Penetrating Radar (GPR) for monitoring highway sub-structures. 2007
University of Portsmouth, UK, PhD, Ground/surface Penetrating Radar (GPR) for monitoring highway sub-structures. 2007
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, A study of the effect of aggregates on the wet skidding resistance of micro asphalt. 2007
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, A study of the effect of aggregates on the wet skidding resistance of micro asphalt. 2007
University of Nottingham, UK, PhD, The role of bitumen-filler in the properties of bituminous mixture. 2004
University of Ulster, PhD, Floatable controlled strength fill (FCSF) for duct cable network trenches. 2001
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, An investigation into the factors which affect the acoustical characteristics of bituminous porous road surfacing. 2000
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, Extending the range of durable road surfacing that both provide safety and minimise environmental impact. 1999
University of Ulster, UK, PhD, The optimisation of aggregate and asphalt production using modern management techniques. 1998
University of Ulster, UK., PhD, Investigation on the variables affecting the deflection of buried underground telecommunication ducts. 1997
Research Grants Awarded:
Qatar National Research Funding, QNRF -NPRP-S, ID: NPRP12S-0306-190241, Three years project: Development of a Novel Technology for Producing Green Cement and Advanced Construction Materials from Solid Waste, Ministry of Municipality & Environment-Qatar Dr Mohamed Al Kuwari, Grant value (£): $580,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2019
Bulian UK/LJMU PhD studentship, Two Years Project: New High Quality High Performance Recycled Bituminous Reinstatement Materials, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Academic Supervisor and Harry Morton Industrial Supervisor, Grant value (£): £40,000, Duration of research project: Two years PhD studentship. 2018
KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PARTNERSHIP No KTP010900, started 6 October 2017, Two Years Project: Nano’ Emulsion for Road Surfacing, Professor Al Nageim is the Academic Supervisor & John Richardson is the industrial, Grant value (£): £146,760, Duration of research project: 24 month. 2017
DTI, A DTI funded project to investigate the use of waste plastic and rubber in concrete and asphalts for use in school play grounds. Three years project. Successfully completed in 2007, Professo Al Nageim is the lead Academic Investigator, Howard Robinson-Tarmac Group, Grant value (£): £ 285,000, Duration of research project: 2004-2007. 2017
KTP, Three Years Project: Microasphalt for road surfacing, Professor Hassan Al Nageim is the Academic Supervisor & John Richardson is the Industrial Supervisor, Grant value (£): £ 217,195, Duration of research project: two years. 2013
Belford Beatty - NJUG, Three Years Project: Reinstatements and pavement engineering, Professor Al Nageim is the Academic Supervisor & Karl Stops is the industrial supervisor, Grant value (£): £235,091, Duration of research project: 2013-2016. 2013
DTI/TSB, Investigate the use of waste industrial dusts materials in road pavements: Three Years Project, Professor Al Nageim - Principel investigator & Howard Robinson industrial inversigator, Grant value (£): £ 200,000, Duration of research project: 2007-2010. 2007
Aggregate Levy Wales, UK, Investigate the use of waste slate aggregates in concrete. Successfully completed in April 2008, Professor Al Nageim Lead Academic, Grace Construction ltd and Alfred McAlpines ltd, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 2005-2008. 2005
MIRO, Investigate alternatives uses for waste construction materials in road foundations. Successfully completed in 2007, Professor Al Nageim is the Lead Academic Investigator, Howard Robinson-Tarmac Group, Grant value (£): £750,000, Duration of research project: 2005-2007. 2005
Qatar National Research Foundation, Three Years Project: Investigate the use of waste tyre-rubber aggregates in school playgrounds, tennis yards, in-city streets, etc., Professor Al Nageim is the Principel Inversigator and Dr Ahmed Sinouci is the academic investigator-University of Qatar, Grant value (£): $601,000, Duration of research project: 2008-2011.
Membership of professional bodies:
FHEA, Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK. 2017
Chartered Engineer, CEng., The British Engineering Council, UK.
Fellow, FCIHT, The Charter Institution of Highways & Transportation.
Fellow, FInstNDT, British Institution of Non-Destructive Testing.
External collaboration:
Warith Al Anbiaa (UoW), Karbala, Iraq, One of the 5 founders and Honorary Professor of Warith Al Anbiaa (UoW), Karbala, Iraq. 2016
College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Dean of the College of Agriculture, University of Karbala, Iraq. 4/4/ 2014 to 6/11/2015 [sabbatical leave from LJMU]. 2014
Bullins UK/Roadmender Ltd, Professor Al Nageim Academic collaborator, Harry Morton Industrial collaborator. 2014
KTP Colas ltd, UK, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Academic project Supervisor and John Richardson Head of Research and Development Industrial Supervisor. 2013
United Utilities, NJUG/ Balfour Beatty, UK and 22 companies in the consortium, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Academic collaborators , Karol Stops industrial collaborators. 2013
Honorary Professor of Yantai University, China, Professor Al Nageim Honorary Professor at Yantai University, China. 2012
Road Surfacing Treatment Association, RSTA, UK, Working closely as Academic and Educational advisor with RSTA Chief Executive Dr Howard Robinson. 2010
University of Babylon, Engineering College, Iraq, Professor Al Nageim Honorary, Visiting Professor, University of Babylon, Engineering College, Iraq. 2009
Qatar National Research Funding and University of Qatar, Professor Al Nageim one of the invited experts for establishing QNRA followed by grants reviewers and Academic Collaborator. 2008
University of Qatar, Professor Al Nageim Academic Supervisor and Project Leader on successful QNRF Project. HE Collaborations continues. 2008
Grace Construction ltd and Alfred McAlpines ltd., Dr Al Nageim Academic collaborator and project leader. 2007
College of Engineering, ACCRA Polytechnic, Ghana, Professor Hassan Al Nageim , Adjunct Dean & Visiting Scholar at the College of Engineering, ACCRA Polytechnic, Ghana. 2006
Tarmac Group, RAPRA, TRL and UKQAA, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Academic Collaborator Dr Howard Robinson-Tarmac Group, , Dr Cliff Nicolls-TRL and Lindon Sear UKQAA. 2004
includes variety of Industrial Sectors & Professional Institutions: Professor Hassan Al Nageim as the Founder and Director of Liverpool Centre for Material Technology, LCMT, provides: advices, collaborations, research and consultancy activities for many national and international institutions/ companies working in the fields of pavement engineering, asphalt technology, steel and concrete structures., Companies/Institutions includes but not limited to: Tarmac ltd., Colas ltd, United Utility-UK, Road Surface Treatments Associations, Concrete Centre-UK, TRL-UK, Nottingham University-Pavement Centre, Corus ltd, Velocity Patching, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Nynas Bitumen ltd, The Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportations and NJUG. 2001
University of Ulster, UK University of Portsmouth, UK University of Coventry, UK University of Greenwich, UK University of Nottingham, UK Salford University, UK Liverpool University, UK University College Dublin, Ireland Anna University, India Visvesvaraya Technological University, India Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italia (2 PhD Students), Italy, PhD Candidate External Examiner. 2001
Tarmac Ltd, UK, Professor Hassan Al Nageim Academic Collaborator and Dr Howard Robinson Industrial Collaborator. 2000
Other Professional Activity:
The Founder and Director of Liverpool Centre for Material Technology, LCMT. LCMT provides research and consultancy activities for national and international institutions/ companies working in the fields of pavement engineering, steel and concrete structural; design, analysis and evaluations.. 2003
Conference organisation:
The LJMU Annual International Conference on: Asphalt, Pavement Engineering and Infrastructure. Since 2001. Liverpool, UK., Since 2001, Conference Organizer, Conference Chairman and Conference Director. Very successful 2 day annual international conference attracted annually, 83 to 178 participants including 8 -17 exhibitors and 21-34 speakers. 2001
Editorial boards:
Proceedings of the annual international conference on sustainable construction materials, pavement engineering and infrastructure, since 2001, Editor-in-Chief, Founder and managing Director, since 2001. 2001
The International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology, ISSN1464-8164, since 2000-date, The Founder and Editor-in-Chief The Journal is annually produced in one volume and two issues.. 2000