Image of Dr Badr Abdullah

Dr Badr Abdullah

School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Dr Badr Abdullah is the Programme Leader of Architectural Engineering & Building Services Engineering at the Department of the Built Environment. Badr gained an MEng in Electrical Engineering and Electronics in 2004 and a PhD in Vision Monitoring Systems for Hybrid Welding Processes and Hazardous Environments in Real-time in 2007 from the University of Liverpool. Badr’s main teaching areas are Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Engineering Principles and Electrical Engineering.
As well as teaching, Badr heads the i4Sens3D (Industry 4, Sensors and Drones) Research Group in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Badr has extensive research interests spanning a wide range of unique applied science and technologies for the design and development of sensors to suit a wide range of industries such as built environment, energy, oil/gas, environmental monitoring, manufacturing and healthcare.


University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD

Academic appointments

Programme Leader, Built Environment, Liverpool JM University, 2018 - present
