Dr Ana Armada Bras
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: A.M.ArmadaBras@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2729
Professor Ana Bras is a Civil Engineer, CEng, FICE, PhD, with 20 years of experience in R&D and Consultancy on bio-based solutions for buildings and structures. She is a Full Professor of Bio-materials for infrastructure at the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment and is the Deputy Director of the Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University (UK).
Prof. Bras is at the forefront of strategic research on the "bio-based materials for sustainable built environment." Since 2017, she secured £2.7M in external research bids for LJMU (as PI and Co-I). 80% of her work fits in the top 25% Q1 journals by CiteScore. Prof. Bras is an Expert, Evaluator and Reviewer at European Commission (Horizon Europe, H2020), French National Research Agency (ANR), Dutch Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in the UK (EPSRC) - Sustainable solutions for infrastructure sector, responsible for the analysis of proposals with a total budget of more than 300million €.
By combining civil engineering, materials and microbiology expertise, Prof. Bras established a research group on bio-based materials to increase infrastructure durability (cement and earth-based) through self-healing, making it more resilient to water environments with low carbon solutions, in line with energy infrastructure needs. The work enabled Prof. Bras to create a novel laboratory on low carbon self-healing techniques for green infrastructure. This is a huge driver for sustainability.
Prof. Ana Bras is ICE Policy Fellow for the development of the UK carbon-neutral infrastructure plan.
She has been nominated as chair of an international committee looking to find solutions to climate challenges across the whole chain of construction: https://www.rilem.net/groupe/bec-bio-stabilised-earth-based-construction-performance-approach-for-better-resilience-447
Prof. Ana Bras will lead the group of scientists and engineers to recommend ways the industry can better serve both people and planet.
She is specialised in:
- Engineering characterisation of cement and earth-based construction materials with bio-based solutions (including with bio-fibres, bio-ashes from waste and bacteria-based solutions): electro-chemistry tests, hydro-mechanical tests, hygro-thermal tests.
-Testing (on site and lab-based) in different aggressive environments.
-Computational modelling of service life of structures for durability analysis - performance-based design.
-Evaluate the project sustainability with structural carbon tools (cradle to gate and operational levels) for buildings and structures.
Full Professor, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 2024-Present
Reader, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 2021-2024
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 2017-2021
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2016-17
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Bath, UK, 2015-16
Research Development Executive (industrial research),ISQ- Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Institute of Welding and Quality), Portugal, 2015
Visiting Professor and Researcher at UNICAMP, UNICAMP- University of Campinas, Brazil 2014
Assistant Professor (invited, full time), Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, 2011-15
Teaching Assistant and Researcher, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2004-2011
Structural Design Engineer, Segadães Tavares e Associados – STA, 2004-2006
2004: MEng in Civil Engineering - Structures (5 years degree university programme, NOVA University of Lisbon
2011: PhD in Civil Engineering at NOVA (specialty in Building Rehabilitation)
2021: Vice-Chancellor Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the category of Sustainability
2020: Nominated for the 2020 LJMU Outstanding Doctoral Supervisor Award, for Dr Bras supportive and inspiring supervision.
2016-17: Fellowship - Risk assessment of building retrofit solutions, Portuguese research funding agency – FCT
2014: Young Researcher and Professor Award - Santander Totta Bank/Institute Polytechnic of Setubal (Portugal),
2004-11: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)- PhD fully funded Fellowship (SFRH/BD/19514/2004)
2005: “António José Correia Mineiro” Award for being top student (1st place out of 120 students) at Civil Engineering course NOVA University of Lisbon, NOVA University of Lisbon
Some Measures of Esteem:
2023: Associate Editor of Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, Elsevier
2023: Invited speaker at the International Conference On Asian Scenario On Infrastructural Development - ASID 2023, India
2023: Key-note speaker and co-chair of the Construction Innovation & Sustainable Materials 2023 (CISM 2023) at the Wailalak University, Thailand
2023: Invited speaker and workshop organiser at the SICET: Solutions for Climate-neutral built environment, SLIIT University Sri Lanka
2022: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Built Environment
2020: Lead guest editor of Sustainability journal, MDPI
2019-present: Member of the NW ICE Fellows Network
2019: Chair of CA COST Action CA15202 session on ‘Bio-based and polymer based self-healing concrete and mortars’ at Novi Sad, Serbia, March 2019.
2019-present: Evaluator and reviewer of proposals for the French National Research Agency (ANR)
2018-present: Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Bio-based materials (ICBBM)
2018- present: Member of the RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures). Technical function: Active member of the Technical Committee HDB Hygrothermal behaviour; Durability of Bio-aggregate based building materials;SHE : Self-healing concrete – Its efficiency and evaluation
2018- present: Active member of the CA COST Action CA15202 - Self-healing As preventive Repair of COncrete Structures.
2017-present: Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the ICE: Engineering Sustainability journal, published by the Institution of Civil Engineers.
2015- present: Expert, Evaluator and Reviewer at HORIZON 2020 - Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (https://ec.europa.eu/easme/).
2013 - present: Member of the Editorial Board of “The Scientific World Journal”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation – speciality of Civil Engineering.
2013 - present: Regular reviewer of journals (Energy and Buildings (Elsevier); Building and Environment (Elsevier); Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier); Proceedings of ICE - Engineering Sustainability (ICE); Energy Efficiency (Springer).
2016- present: Member of the European Materials Modeling Council (EMMC) - working groups: Open Simulation Platform Concept and Validation
2016- present: Contribution to the FPS COST Action FP1303: Performance of Biobased building materials
2015-2016: Member of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, UK (http://www.bath.ac.uk/ace/research/cicm)
2015-2016: Member of the GW4 community - an alliance of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter Universities.
2015: Member of the Sustainable Innovation Centre of ISQ
2013 – 2015: Member of the Executive board of the Research Centre in Construction Science of Coimbra University- CICC, PT (http://www.itecons.uc.pt/projectos/cicc)
2011 – 2015: Member of the Scientific board of the Research Centre in Construction Science of Coimbra University- CICC, PT (http://www.itecons.uc.pt/projectos/cicc)
2014 –present: Worked as a member of Ordem dos Engenheiros belonging to the Advisory board of the SouthZEB European project (http://www.southzeb.eu/training/)
2009 –present: Member of the RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures). Technical function: Member of the TC 222-SCF: Simulation of fresh concrete flow, Chairman: Dr. Nicolas ROUSSEL (http://www.rilem.org/gene/main.php?base=8750&gp_id=236)
2011 and 2012: Charing and organization of national/regional workshops: 2012: Dissemination of Building Rehabilitation Actions, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal, 11 July; 2011: Conference of Conservation and Rehabilitation, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal, 20 Oct
Current PhD supervisions:
2024-2027 (Lead): Mehrdad Vamkani. Development of autonomous healing cementitious composites for resilient and sustainable sewer and manhole rehabilitation
2020-24 (Lead), Ife Olumekun. Bio-inspiring techniques for resilient infrastructures
2021- 2024 (3rd supervisor), Joe Ford. Sustainability in the decommissioning process of UK offshore installations and the management of hazardous waste
2023-2027 (3rd supervisor), Leila Kamalian (Risk-based climate adaptation for sustainable container supply chains
2023-2026 (3rd supervisor), Mohamed Hamoud (A multi-criteria decision-making framework for energy management of a hybrid solarwind-hydrogen power plant
Current PDRA supervison:
2023-25, Dr Yahya,funds: UKRI-Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
2023-25, co-supervise Dr Panahi, funds: UKRI-HE MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
Past PhD completed:
2019-23 (Lead), John Milan van der Bergh. Bio-inspired bacteria-based concrete for durability increase of structures.
2019-23 (3rd supervisor), Kanisius Karyono. Efficient NoVel Intelligent Reliable OccupatioN Monitoring for IndOor human-comfORt adaptivE System.
2018-21 (Lead), Hazha Mohammed. Development of chloride resistant concrete using microwave assisted polymer impregnation and self-healing techniques.
2018-21 (2nd supervisor), Veronica de Sande. Novel bioconcretes exposed to aging phenomena able to increase RC structures durability.
2017-20 (Lead), Abbie Romano. Optimising moisture transport in bio-based earth mortar composites using hygrothermal and chemical characteristics.
2015-now (2nd supervisor), Rocío Kunz. Protocol Selection of Eco-Efficient Mortars for Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures. Lead: Paloma Pineda (University of Sevilla). PhD student full –time until 2018. PT since 2018.
Past PDRA completed:
2023-24, Dr Goran Omer, funds: British Council UK Malaysia Catalyst 2022
2023, Halima Belhadad, funds: University of Constantine 1, Algeria
2020-22, co-supervising Dr Abbie Romano, funds: Interreg EMPORIA4KT.
2019-20, Dr Fifinatasha Shahedan, funds: PRIGeoC H2020-MSCA-RISE.
2019, Dr Fabiano Tavares, funds: COST CA 15202 Self-healing as preventive repair of concrete structures.
Represents LJMU in 5 international technical committees:
COST Action CA20130 - European MIC Network,
CA15202-SARCOS-Self-healing As prevention Repair of Concrete Structures;
RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) TC BEC : Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience (Chair of the committee)
TC MAE : Mechanical performance and durability assessment of earthen elements and structures, TC PEM : Processing of earth-based materials
and of the former: TC SHE: Self-healing concrete; RILEM 274-TCE: Testing and characterisation of earth-based building materials and elements, 275-HDB: Hygrothermal behaviour &durability of Bio-aggregate based building materials.
Journal article
Addo IA, Yakubu I, Gagnon AS, Beckett CTS, Huang Y, Owusu-Nimo F, Brás AMA. 2025. Examining change and permanence in traditional earthen construction and preservation in Ghana: A case study of Tamale and Wa Built Heritage, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Gavali HR, Bras A, Ralegaonkar RV. 2025. Evaluation of embodied energy and operational energy for panelised building system Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, DOI Publisher Url
Brás A, Yakubu I, Mohammed H, Idowu IA, Jones R, Gagnon A, Owusu-Nimo F, Huang Y, Beckett CTS, Addo IA. 2024. Bio-stabilising earthen houses with tannins from locally available resources Case Studies in Construction Materials, 20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Karyono K, Abdullah BM, Cotgrave AJ, Brás A, Cullen J. 2024. Developing a Reliable Shallow Supervised Learning for Thermal Comfort using Multiple ASHRAE Databases IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Imjai T, Kefyalew F, Garcia R, Kim B, Brás A, Sukontasukkul P. 2024. Performance of a novel structural insulated panel in tropical climates: Experimental and numerical studies Construction and Building Materials, 421 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Giuntini F, Simm A, Sadique M, Shaw A, Nakouti I, Bras A. 2023. Biomineralisation to improve properties of polymer modified concrete for chloride environments Construction and Building Materials, 379 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Biswal D, Mandavgane S, Brás A, Ralegaonkar RV. 2023. Life Cycle Assessment of a Sustainable Prefabricated Housing System: A Cradle-to-Site Approach Based on a Small-Scale Experimental Model Buildings, 13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Gavali HR, Ralegaonkar RV, Armada Bras A. 2022. Performance Evaluation of a Sustainable Prefabricated System Using Small-Scale Experimental Model Technique Buildings, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Bras A, Sharma D, Ralegaonkar RV. 2022. Technological and Sustainable Perception on the Advancements of Prefabrication in Construction Industry Energies, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jamaludin L, Razak RA, Abdullah MMAB, Vizureanu P, Bras A, Imjai T, Sandu AV, Abd Rahim SZ, Yong HC. 2022. The Suitability of Photocatalyst Precursor Materials in Geopolymer Coating Applications: A Review Coatings, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Torres de Sande V, Sadique M, Brás A, Pineda P. 2022. Activated sugarcane bagasse ash as efficient admixture in cement-based mortars: Mechanical and durability improvements Journal of Building Engineering, 59 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Emad W, Mohammed AS, Brás A, Asteris PG, Kurda R, Muhammed Z, Hassan AMT, Qaidi SMA, Sihag P. 2022. Metamodel techniques to estimate the compressive strength of UHPFRC using various mix proportions and a high range of curing temperatures Construction and Building Materials, 349 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Bras A, Ralegaonkar RV. 2022. Development of sustainable prefabricated housing system by small-scale experimental model Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kontovas C, Armada Bras AM, Chang C-H, Romano A, Poo MC-P, Wang J, McCormack H, Qu Z, Paraskevadakis D, Lamb LE, Yang Z. 2022. Fostering innovation in the blue economy within the United Kingdom (UK): A stakeholders’ perspective Ocean and Coastal Management, 224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Brás A, Mohammed H, Romano A, Nakouti I. 2022. Biomineralisation to Increase Earth Infrastructure Resilience. Materials (Basel, Switzerland), 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Giuntini F, Sadique MM, Shaw A, Brás A. 2021. Polymer modified concrete impact on the durability of infrastructure exposed to chloride environments Construction and Building Materials, 317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Karyono K, Romano A, Abdullah BM, Cullen J, Bras A. 2021. The role of hygrothermal modelling for different housing typologies by estimating indoor relative humidity, energy usage and anticipation of fuel poverty Building and Environment, 207 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gavali HR, Bras A, Ralegaonkar RV. 2021. Cleaner construction of social housing infrastructure with load-bearing alkali-activated masonry Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 23 :2303-2318 DOI Publisher Url
Romano , Grammatikos S, Riley M, Bras A. 2021. Analysis of dynamic moisture movement within bio-based earth mortars CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brás A, Van Der Bergh JM, Mohammed H, Nakouti I. 2021. Design Service Life of RC Structures with Self-Healing Behaviour to Increase Infrastructure Carbon Savings Materials, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Romano A, Grammatikos S, Riley M, Brás A. 2021. Determination of specific heat capacity of bio-fibre earth mortars stabilised at different relative humidities using Differential Scanning Calorimetry Journal of Building Engineering, 41 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Van Der Bergh JM, Miljević B, Vučetić S, Šovljanski O, Markov S, Riley ML, Ranogajec J, Brás A. 2021. Comparison of Microbially Induced Healing Solutions for Crack Repairs of Cement-Based Infrastructure SUSTAINABILITY, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Torres de Sande V, Sadique MM, Pineda P, Brás A, Atherton W, Riley ML. 2021. Potential use of sugar cane bagasse ash as sand replacement for durable concrete Journal of Building Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shelote KM, Gavali HR, Bras A, Ralegaonkar RV. 2021. Utilization of Co-Fired Blended Ash and Chopped Basalt Fiber in the Development of Sustainable Mortar Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chippagiri R, Gavali H, Ralegaonkar R, Riley ML, Shaw A, Armada Bras AM. 2021. Application of Sustainable Prefabricated Wall Technology for Energy Efficient Social Housing Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Karyono K, Abdullah BM, Cotgrave AJ, Brás A. 2020. The Adaptive Thermal Comfort Review from the 1920s, the Present, and the Future Developments in the Built Environment, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Romano A, Grammatikos S, Riley M, Bras A. 2020. Physicochemical characterisation of bio-based insulation to explain their hygrothermal behaviour CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 258 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Karyono K, Abdullah B, Cotgrave A, Brás A. 2020. A Novel Adaptive Lighting System Which Considers Behavioral Adaptation Aspects for Visually Impaired People Buildings, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Sadique MM, Shaw A, Brás A. 2020. The Influence of Incorporating Plastic within Concrete and the Potential Use of Microwave Curing; A Review Journal of Building Engineering, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Armada Bras A, Ravijanya C, Torres De Sande V, Riley M, Ralegaonkar R. 2020. Sustainable and affordable prefab housing systems with minimal whole life energy use Energy and Buildings, 220 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Ortoneda-Pedrola M, Nakouti I, Brás A. 2020. Experimental characterisation of non-encapsulated bio-based concrete with self-healing capacity Mohammed H, Ortoneda-Pedrola1 M, Bras A. Construction and Building Materials, 256 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Van Der Bergh JM, Miljević B, Šovljanski O, Vučetić S, Markov S, Ranogajec J, Armada Bras AM. 2020. Preliminary approach to bio-based surface healing of structural repair cement mortars Construction and Building Materials, 248 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Riley M, Armada Bras A, Antunes A, Ralegaonkard R, Shaw A, Faria P. 2019. Optimisation of bio-based building materials using image analysis method Construction and Building Materials, 233 :544-553 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Antunes A, Faria P, Silva V, Brás A. 2019. Rice husk-earth based composites: A novel bio-based panel for buildings refurbishment Construction and Building Materials, 221 :99-108 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gavali HR, Bras A, Faria P, Ralegaonkar RV. 2019. Development of sustainable alkali-activated bricks using industrial wastes Construction and Building Materials, 215 :180-191 DOI Publisher Url
Alves R, Faria P, Brás A. 2019. Brita Lavada – An eco-efficient decorative mortar from Madeira Island Journal of Building Engineering, 24 :100756-100756 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Romano A, Bras A, Grammatikos S, Shaw A, Riley M. 2019. Dynamic behaviour of bio-based and recycled materials for indoor environmental comfort Construction and Building Materials, 211 :730-743 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bras A, Faustino P. 2019. Impact of repairs on embodied carbon dioxide expenditure for a reinforced-concrete quay Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 172 :87-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Brás A, Faria P. 2017. Effectiveness of mortars composition on the embodied carbon long-term impact Energy and Buildings, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Armada Brás A. 2017. Embodied carbon minimisation of retrofit solutions for walls Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 170 :141-156 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
González-Kunz RN, Pineda P, Bras A, Morillas L. 2017. Plant biomass ashes in cement-based building materials. Feasibility as eco-efficient structural mortars and grouts Sustainable Cities and Society, 31 :151-172 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Orr J, Armada Bras A, Ibell T. 2017. Effectiveness of design codes for life cycle energy optimisation Energy and Buildings, 140 :61-67 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Faustino P, Brás A, Gonçalves F, Nunes Â. 2017. Probabilistic service life of RC structures under carbonation Magazine of Concrete Research, 69 :280-291 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
FAUSTINO P, GONÇALVES F, BRÁS A, NUNES Â. 2017. Lifetime Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Carbonation Environments Carbonation Modelling Vs Air Permeability Modelling Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 23 :283-291 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Brás A, Valença A, Faria P. 2017. Performance-based methods for masonry building rehabilitation using innovative leaching and hygrothermal risk analyses Sustainable Cities and Society, 28 :321-331 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Faustino P, Chastre C, Nunes Â, Brás A. 2016. Lifetime modelling of chloride-induced corrosion in concrete structures with Portland and blended cements Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: maintenance, management, life-cycle design and performance, 12 :1013-1023 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Armada Bras AM, Faustino P. 2016. Repair mortars and new concretes with coal bottom and biomass ashes using rheological optimisation International Journal of Environmental Research, 10 :203-216 Publisher Url Public Url
Brás A, Rocha A, Faustino P. 2015. Integrated approach for school buildings rehabilitation in a Portuguese city and analysis of suitable third party financing solutions in EU Journal of Building Engineering, 3 :79-93 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Faustino P, Bras A, Ripper T. 2015. The effect of corrosion inhibitors on the modelling of design lifetime of RC structures MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 48 :1303-1319 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Gomes V. 2015. LCA implementation in the selection of thermal enhanced mortars for energetic rehabilitation of school buildings Energy and Buildings, 92 :1-9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bras A, Goncalves F, Faustino P. 2014. Economic evaluation of the energy consumption and thermal passive performance of Portuguese dwellings ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, 76 :304-315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Goncalves F, Faustino P. 2014. Cork-based mortars for thermal bridges correction in a dwelling: Thermal performance and cost evaluation Energy and Buildings, 72 :296-308 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Faustino P, Brás A, Ripper T. 2013. Corrosion inhibitors' effect on design service life of RC structures Construction and Building Materials, 53 :360-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bras A, Leal M, Faria P. 2013. Cement-cork mortars for thermal bridges correction. Comparison with cement-EPS mortars performance Construction and Building Materials, 49 :315-327 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bras A, Henriques FMA, Cidade MT. 2013. Rheological behaviour of hydraulic lime-based grouts. Shear-time and temperature dependence MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS, 17 :223-242 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Giao R, Lucio V, Chastre C. 2013. Development of an injectable grout for concrete repair and strengthening CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, 37 :185-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Henriques FMA. 2012. Natural hydraulic lime based grouts - The selection of grout injection parameters for masonry consolidation CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 26 :135-144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Henriques FMA, Cidade MT. 2010. Effect of environmental temperature and fly ash addition in hydraulic lime grout behaviour CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 24 :1511-1517 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bras A, Henriques FMA. 2009. The influence of the mixing procedures on the optimization of fresh grout properties MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 42 :1423-1432 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Armada Bras A, Goncalves F, Faustino P. Mortars optimisation for minimisation of thermal bridges: performance and evaluation Construcao Magazine, 68 :20-23 Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Beckett CTS, Addo IA, O-N F, Yakubu I, Gulen Y, Ukwizagira O, Huang Y, Gagnon AS, Armada Bras AM. 2024. Strength and durability of biostabilised Ghanaian mud bricks Proceedings of the Second RILEM International Conference on Earthen Construction, ICEC2024: The Second RILEM International Conference on Earthen Construction 52 :132-141 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Romano A, Mohammed H, De Sande VT, Bras A. 2021. Sustainable bio-based earth mortar with self-healing capacity Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 174 :3-12 DOI Publisher Url
Karyono K, Abdullah BM, Cotgrave AJ, Armada Bras AM. 2020. A smart adaptive lighting system for a multifunctional room Proceedings - International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE, 12th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) Octobe DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Romano A, Bras A, Grammatikos S, Wylie S, Kot P, Shaw A. 2020. On the development of self-controlled bio-based panels for building's thermal management ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials,
Armada Bras A. Sustainable bio‐based earth mortar with self‐healing capacity COST CA 15202 Self-healing as preventive repair of concrete structures “SARCOS” PhD Meeting, Publisher Url
Armada Bras A, Antunes A, Faria P. Gypsum and lime stabilised earth-rice husk composite. Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT 2019) http://www.claisse.info/2019%20papers/Papers%20sorted%20by%20sender's%20surname.htm, Author Url
Romano A, Mohammed H, Torres-de-Sande V, Armada Bras A. Sustainable bio-based earth mortar with self-healing capacity. Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT 2019) 14-17 July 2019, Kingston University, London Efficient and Sustainable Use of Construction Materials Author Url
Romano A, Armada Bras A, Grammatikos S, Shaw A, Riley M. Bio-fibre earth composite mortar: a structural and hygrothermal assessment. Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies. Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT 2019) 14-17 July 2019, Kingston University, London Efficient and Sustainable Use of Construction Materials Author Url
Romano A, Armada Bras A, Grammatikos S, Shaw A, Riley M. Bio-based and recycled materials: characterisation and hygrothermal assessment for passive relative humidity management Author Url
Faria P, Antunes A, Silva V, Armada Bras A. ANTUNES R., FARIA P., BRÁS A., SILVA V. (2017), Performance of bio-based insulation panels. Final COST Action FP 1303 International Scientific Conference “Building with bio-based materials: Best practice and performance specification”, V. Zivkoviv, D. Jones (Eds.). Zagreb, Croatia, 6-7 September 2017, p. 58-59. ISBN:978-953-292-051-2 (Extended abstracts)
Armada Bras A. 9. González-Kunz, Rocío; Pineda, Paloma; Morillas, Leandro; Brás, Ana (2017), The use of eco-efficient mortars as structural retrofitting materials. A critical review from a SWOT analysis, III International congress of sustainable construction and eco- efficient solutions, Sevilla, 2017
Armada Bras A. Pires A, Brás A (2015), Recomendações para a Reabilitação do Convento de Madre de Deus da Verderena – Caso de Estudo– PATORREB 2015, University of Porto
Armada Bras A. Rocha A, Brás A (2015), Reabilitação Energética de um Edifício Escolar, 5.ª Conferência sobre patologia e reabilitação de edifícios – PATORREB 2015, University of Porto
Armada Bras A. Gonçalves F, Brás A, Faustino P, (2015), Argamassas para correcções de pontes térmicas- performance térmica e avaliação de custos– PATORREB 2015, University of Porto Author Url
Armada Bras A. Brás A. (2014), Innovation Process: Development, production and application of eco-efficient materials, in Symposium Management of Sport Tourism: The Architecture in the service of surf sports, XV Congresso Nacional de Gestão do Desporto, APOGESD
Armada Bras A. Brás A. (2013), Reabilitação Térmica de Edifícios – Correcção de pontes térmicas com argamassas com granulado de cortiça, palestra proferida no âmbito ENCONTROS COM ENERGIA – Soluções para a melhoria do conforto térmico das edificações, S.energia - Agência Regional de Energia, 15-19
Armada Bras A. Reabilitação Energética – Objetivo: Redução dos Custos com a Manutenção dos Edifícios, palestra proferida no ãmbito da apresentação do Programa Municipal de Reabilitação Urbana – Moita 2025, Câmara Municipal da Moita, 22-27 (in Portuguese)
Armada Bras A. Brás A. (2013), Social housing rehabilitation in Barreiro - Best Practices for Effecting the Rehabilitation, Active Citizenship in HEI’s, 44-51,IPS
Armada Bras A. Brás A. (2013), Reabilitação da habitação social no Barreiro – Boas Práticas para efectuar a Reabilitação, 1.º Seminário internacional sobre regeneração urbana, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa , 73-77 (in Portuguese
Armada Bras A. Brás A. (2012), Os novos desafios do mercado da reabilitação - o papel da ESTBarreiro, palestra proferida no âmbito da Cerimónia de divulgação de acções promotoras de requalificação do edificado, IPS (in Portuguese)
Armada Bras A. Carla A. Marchão, Sandra B. Nunes, Válter G. Lúcio, Ana A. Bras and Joaquim A. Figueiras (2012), Development and application of a high performance fibre reiforced self-compacting concrete in post-tensioning anchorage zones - BEFIB2012 – Fibre reinforced concrete, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães (September 2012)
Armada Bras A. R. Gião, V. Lúcio, C. Chastre, A. Brás, UFRG - Unidirectional fibre reinforced grout as strengthening material for reinforced concrete structures, 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete: challenges and opportunities (BEFIB 2012), Editor(s): Joaquim A.O. Barros, Print ISBN: 978-2-35158-132-2
Armada Bras A. Brás A, Leal M, Faria P, Argamassas com comportamento térmico melhorado com materiais sustentáveis, 2ª Conferência Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável de Edifícios no Espaço Lusófono, Almada, 2012
Armada Bras A. A. Bras, F. Henriques, M.T. Cidade (2011) The use of rheology in building materials development IBEREO2011 Meeting – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, September 2011
Armada Bras A. Bras A, Henriques F, Cidade M.T. (2010) Optimized methodology of grouts for masonry injection. Proceedings of the IBEREO 2011 Conference, 189-192, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2011
Armada Bras A. Bras A, Henriques F (2010) Optimized methodology of grouts for masonry injection. Proceedings of the 8th International Masonry Conference, 1831-1840, Dresden, Germany, July 2010
Armada Bras A. Bras A, Henriques F (2009) Grout mix optimization for injection purpose -1st part of the development. RILEM-Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions - 3rd RILEM International Symposium on Rheology of Cement Suspensions such as Fresh Concrete, 229-232 Reykjavik, Iceland, 19th - 21st of August, 2009
Armada Bras A. Bras A, Henriques F (2008) Consolidation by grout injection technique- analysis of fresh grout properties. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Structural Masonry, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 79-87 November 2008.
Armada Bras A. Bras A, Henriques F (2008) Influência das propriedades de caldas no estado fresco na sua concepção para efeitos de injecção em alvenarias antigas. Proceedings of the 4th CINPAR - International conference on Structural Defects and Repair, 39-48 Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, July 2008
Fabbri A, Aubert J-E, Armada Bras A, Faria P, Gallipoli D, Goffart J, McGregor F, Perlot C, Soudani L. 2021. Hygrothermal and Acoustic Assessment of Earthen Materials Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based Building Materials and Elements State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 274-TCE Springer Nature 9783030832971 DOI Publisher Url
Faria P, Bras A. 2017. Energy Efficiency. Performance of Bio-based Building Materials Woodhead Publishing 9780081009925
Armada Bras A. 2014. Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow. State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM, Technical Committee 222-SCF Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow State-of-the Art Report of the RILEM Technical Committee 222-SCF Springer Science & Business Media 9789401788847
Thrane L, Bras A, Bakker P, Brameshuber W, Cazacliu B, Ferrara L, Feys D, Geiker M, Gram A, Grunewald S, Mokeddem S, Roquet N, Roussel N, Shah S, Tregger N, Uebachs S, Van Waarde F, Wallevik JE. 2014. Computational Fluid Dynamics SIMULATION OF FRESH CONCRETE FLOW: STATE-OF-THE-ART REPORT OF THE RILEM TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 222-SCF 15 :25-63 978-94-017-8883-0 DOI Publisher Url
Armada Bras A, Faria P. Energy Efficiency, Performance of bio based building materials Performance of Bio-based Building Materials 1st Edition ELSEVIER. ELSEVIER Author Url
Marchao C, Nunes S, Lucio V, Armada Bras A, Figueiras J. Development and application of a high performance fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete in post-tensioning anchorage zones 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete: challenges and opportunities (BEFIB 2012) BEFIB 2012
Gião R, Lúcio V, Chastre C, Armada Bras A. UFRG - Unidirectional fibre reinforced grout as strengthening material for reinforced concrete structures 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete: challenges and opportunities (BEFIB 2012)
Armada Bras A, Henriques F. Optimized methodology of grouts for masonry injection. Proceedings of the 8th International Masonry Conference ) Optimized methodology of grouts for masonry injection. Proceedings of the 8th International Masonry Conference, 1831-1840, Dresden, Germany, July 2010.(http://www.masonry.org.uk/index.php/masonry/publications/proceedings_of_conferences/papers_from_all_published_conference_proceedings/proceedings_11/volume_3_j_233_optimized_methodology_of_grouts_for_masonry_injection)
Armada Bras A, Henriques F. Consolidation by grout injection technique- analysis of fresh grout properties. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Structural Masonry, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 79-87 November 2008. Consolidation by grout injection technique- analysis of fresh grout properties. Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Structural Masonry, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, 79-87 November 2008.
Books (edited)
2014. Simulation of Fresh Concrete Flow Roussel N, Gram A. Springer Netherlands 9789401788830 DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Faria P, Armada Bras A. Building Physics, Performance of bio based building materials. Chapter 6.2. ELSEVIER Publisher Url
Armada Bras A, Goncalves F, Faustino P. ThermLowCarb - thermal enhanced mortar with low embodied energy and carbon (PAT 107173) (Portugal) (granted)
Armada Bras A, Faustino P. Pre-mixed Repair mortar prepared from steel slag industrial residues (PAT 107171) (pending) (Portugal)
Armada Bras A, Faustino P. Ready mix concrete prepared from coal bottom ash industrial residues (PAT 107170) (pending) (Portugal)
Armada Bras A, Mohammed H, Nakouti I. Bioconcrete with self-healing behaviour for corrosion minimisation of structures
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
UKRI Horizon Europe HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01-02, Med-IREN: Mediterranean critical Infrastructure Resilience Engineering with Nature based solutions, Ana Bras (PI), CO-Is: Dr Michaela Gkantou, Dr Iacopo Carnacina, Dr Rafaela Ganga, Dr Mawada Abdellatif, Grant value (£): €10M/ LJMU €827,460, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2023
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
UKRI STFC, Engine-X Neutron Diffractometer Measurement of ‘2 in 1 Intumescent Coating in Geopolymer Plaster’ as Fire Protection Materials Towards Interfacial Bonding Mechanism Approach, Co-I: Ana Bras, Grant value (£): 180000. 2024
Innovate UK sub-contract, “Realising Net-zero Liverpool”, Dr Michaela Gkantou (co-I), Ana Bras (PI), Grant value (£): 3.5M/LJMU £111,000, Duration of research project: 21 months. 2023
UKRI Horizon Europe HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01-02, Med-IREN: Mediterranean critical Infrastructure Resilience Engineering with Nature based solutions, Ana Bras (PI), CO-Is: Dr Michaela Gkantou, Dr Iacopo Carnacina, Dr Rafaela Ganga, Dr Mawada Abdellatif, Grant value (£): €10M/ LJMU €827,460, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2023
European Commission and Slovak Government fund, Trenčín European capital of culture 2026 – co-lead of the Common Ground (Environment & Sustainability) Transform Trenčín, Dr Rafaela Ganga (PI), Dr Ana Bras (Co-I), Grant value (£): €1M, Duration of research project: 54 Months. 2023
UKRI-Horizon MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022, Alternative Biomineralisation for Concrete without cement (ABioC), PI: Ana Bras, Co-I: Francesca Giuntini, Grant value (£): EUR 220,908.42, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2023
UKRI-Horizon MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship, LUminescent porphyrin Metal-organIc frameworks as oxygeN cOnsumption reporterS for bacteria-induced repair of concrete microcrAcks (LUMINOSA), Co-I: Ana Bras PI: Francesca Giuntini, Grant value (£): Eur 220,908.48, Duration of research project: 2years. 2023
QR Research England Policy Fund, Bio-materials to increase infrastructure durability in Central India and Ghana, Prof Andy Shaw, Prof Rosalind Jones, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2022
British Council UK Malaysia Catalyst 2022, Network4training&research: A collaborative capacity building network for training and research for rails and seaports Infrastructure industry development aligned with SDGs, PI: Ana Bras, CO-Is:Prof. Mike Riley, Prof. Trung Thanh Nguyen, Dr Michaela Gkantou, Dr. Kurannen Baaki and Prof. Rosalind Jones, Grant value (£): 53000, Duration of research project: 15months. 2022
ERDF, Action Plan of Support via the Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory Project, Analysis of the hygro-thermal behaviour of some specific fabric for cycling, Ana Bras (Co-I), Grant value (£): 9500. 2021
UKRI Research Capital Investment Fund, Controlling the Self-Healing Functionality of bio-composites, Grant value (£): 30000, Duration of research project: 12. 2021
Royal Academy of Engineering, Building costal resilient infrastructure in Gwadar port, Pakistan, Ana Bras (PI), Shakeel Khan, Muhammad Junaid, Yasir Iqbal, Abdul Malik, Christos Kontovas, Andy Shaw, Zaili Yang, Grant value (£): 20000, Duration of research project: 12. 2020
Royal Academy of Engineering, Adaptation and self-recovery solutions for housing flooding resilience in Ghana, Ana Bras (PI), Irene Appeaning Addo, Chris Beckett, Alexandre Gagnon, Ibrahim Yakubu, Frederick Owusu-Nimo, Grant value (£): 20000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020
European Project EU Interreg Atlantic Area, EMPORIA4KT: Innovative Technology and Knowledge Transfer for Blue Economics, Prof. Zaili Yang (PI), Dr. Zhuohua Qu, Dr. Chia-Hsun Chang, Dr. Christos Kontovas and Prof. Jin Wang., Grant value (£): 2800000, Duration of research project: 2019-2023.
European Project H2020-MSCA-RISE, PRIGeoC - Partnership for Research In Geopolymer Concretes, Prof Jin Wang (PI), Dr Tammas-Williams, Grant value (£): 431250.
FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, INDEEd -INDoor Eco Efficient- Indoor air quality regulation through the usage of eco-efficient mortars- (SAICT-POL/23349/2016), Grant value (£): 149.939,65.
Global Challenge Research Fund, A self-healing house - restoring power and safety to thousands of households in India, Prof Andy Shaw, Prof Mike Riley, Grant value (£): 13500.
Global Challenge Research Fund, Development of blended bioconcrete for prefab housing system for India whilst solving waste problems, Prof. Andy Shaw, Prof. Mike Riley, Grant value (£): 13000.
Global Challenge Research Fund, The Development of a sustainable and resilience analysis framework for housing and community design in Sri Lanka, Prof Ross, Dr Fearon, Prof Cotgrave, Grant value (£): 6000.
HEIF, Connecting Innovation for Clean Growth, Paul Dickson (PI), Grant value (£): 750000.
ICE R&D Enabling Fund, Corrosion biokiln – Corrosion resistant bio-concrete with blended ashes whilst solving waste problems of UK biomass plants, Grant value (£): 36700.
Liverpool John Moores University - pump priming award, Durable biofilms with non-encapsulated bacterial cells using iron flocculants, Dr Nakouti, Prof Shaw, Grant value (£): 5000.
Liverpool John Moores University - pump priming award, Optimisation of bio-based materials using real-time monitoring of the Moisture Buffering behaviour, Dr Kot, Prof Shaw, Grant value (£): 5000.
Liverpool John Moores University - pump priming, Feasibility of using electromagnetic waves to measure density for multi-layered asphalt pavement in real-time, Dr Sadique (PI), Dr Kot, Prof Shaw, Grant value (£): 5000.
Liverpool John Moores University- Pump priming award funded by LJMU 2019-20, BioLevee - improve the slope stability of earthen levees by strengthening the soil using biologically-inspired techniques, Dr Carnacina, Grant value (£): 5000.
Liverpool John Moores University- Strategic and regional panel, Energy Performance Assessment with Non-destructive technique using the exemplar houses, Dr Kot, Prof Shaw, Grant value (£): 9500.
LJMU HEIF 2018 (KE&I Project), BIOCRETE- Self-healing bio-concrete with protection of reinforcement against corrosion, Prof. Shaw, Dr Sadique, Dr Atherton, Dr Kot, Dr Pedrola, Grant value (£): 20000.
LJMU REF-Upskilling Project 2018-19, A BIM-based approach for bio-based buildings that utilises environmental solutions (IES) in the integrated design for the cost and embodied carbon and energy optimisation, Hussien, Grant value (£): 5000.
Mobility ERASMUS, LJMU-NOVA joint workshop on bio-based materials, Grant value (£): 1680 (fund awarded but not used because of travel ban due to Covid19).
Mobility ERASMUS, Mobility for the LJMU-NOVA joint workshop on bio-based materials 2018/19, Grant value (£): 1385.
Mobility ERASMUS, Mobility for two LJMU-NOVA joint workshop on bio-based materials (2017/18 and 2018/19), Grant value (£): 1115.
Portuguese research funding agency – FCT, Risk assessment of building retrofit solutions, Dr Faria, Grant value (£): 54000.
QREN-Co-promotion R&D Project, SW4E – SmartWater4Energy, ISQ (PI), Grant value (£): 216737.
Royal Society, FILMCRETE - A self-healing concrete to increase structures durability, Grant value (£): 20000.
Santander Totta Bank/IPS fund, Development of building energetic rehabilitation solutions using LCA- optimization of passive solutions with improved thermal behaviour, Grant value (£): 5000.
Seville University, Protocol Selection of Eco-Efficient Mortars for Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures -PhD competitive awarded fund, Kunz, Dr Pineda, Grant value (£): 0.
Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) awarded by COST CA15202, 'Self-sensing self-healing concrete’, Dr Tavares, Grant value (£): 2000.