Image of Dr Ana Armada Bras

Dr Ana Armada Bras

School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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My RILEM Technical Committee: BEC


Institution of Civil Engineers


Professor Ana Bras is a Civil Engineer, CEng, FICE, PhD, with 20 years of experience in R&D and Consultancy on bio-based solutions for buildings and structures. She is a Full Professor of Bio-materials for infrastructure at the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment and is the Deputy Director of the Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University (UK).

Prof. Bras is at the forefront of strategic research on the "bio-based materials for sustainable built environment." Since 2017, she secured £2.7M in external research bids for LJMU (as PI and Co-I). 80% of her work fits in the top 25% Q1 journals by CiteScore. Prof. Bras is an Expert, Evaluator and Reviewer at European Commission (Horizon Europe, H2020), French National Research Agency (ANR), Dutch Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in the UK (EPSRC) - Sustainable solutions for infrastructure sector, responsible for the analysis of proposals with a total budget of more than 300million €.

By combining civil engineering, materials and microbiology expertise, Prof. Bras established a research group on bio-based materials to increase infrastructure durability (cement and earth-based) through self-healing, making it more resilient to water environments with low carbon solutions, in line with energy infrastructure needs. The work enabled Prof. Bras to create a novel laboratory on low carbon self-healing techniques for green infrastructure. This is a huge driver for sustainability.

Prof. Ana Bras is ICE Policy Fellow for the development of the UK carbon-neutral infrastructure plan.
She has been nominated as chair of an international committee looking to find solutions to climate challenges across the whole chain of construction:
Prof. Ana Bras will lead the group of scientists and engineers to recommend ways the industry can better serve both people and planet.

She is specialised in:
- Engineering characterisation of cement and earth-based construction materials with bio-based solutions (including with bio-fibres, bio-ashes from waste and bacteria-based solutions): electro-chemistry tests, hydro-mechanical tests, hygro-thermal tests.
-Testing (on site and lab-based) in different aggressive environments.
-Computational modelling of service life of structures for durability analysis - performance-based design.
-Evaluate the project sustainability with structural carbon tools (cradle to gate and operational levels) for buildings and structures.

Full Professor, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 2024-Present
Reader, Liverpool John Moores University, UK 2021-2024
Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, 2017-2021
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2016-17
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Bath, UK, 2015-16
Research Development Executive (industrial research),ISQ- Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Institute of Welding and Quality), Portugal, 2015
Visiting Professor and Researcher at UNICAMP, UNICAMP- University of Campinas, Brazil 2014
Assistant Professor (invited, full time), Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal, 2011-15
Teaching Assistant and Researcher, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, 2004-2011
Structural Design Engineer, Segadães Tavares e Associados – STA, 2004-2006

2004: MEng in Civil Engineering - Structures (5 years degree university programme, NOVA University of Lisbon
2011: PhD in Civil Engineering at NOVA (specialty in Building Rehabilitation)

2021: Vice-Chancellor Award for Research and Knowledge Exchange in the category of Sustainability
2020: Nominated for the 2020 LJMU Outstanding Doctoral Supervisor Award, for Dr Bras supportive and inspiring supervision.
2016-17: Fellowship - Risk assessment of building retrofit solutions, Portuguese research funding agency – FCT
2014: Young Researcher and Professor Award - Santander Totta Bank/Institute Polytechnic of Setubal (Portugal),
2004-11: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)- PhD fully funded Fellowship (SFRH/BD/19514/2004)
2005: “António José Correia Mineiro” Award for being top student (1st place out of 120 students) at Civil Engineering course NOVA University of Lisbon, NOVA University of Lisbon

Some Measures of Esteem:
 2023: Associate Editor of Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, Elsevier
 2023: Invited speaker at the International Conference On Asian Scenario On Infrastructural Development - ASID 2023, India
 2023: Key-note speaker and co-chair of the Construction Innovation & Sustainable Materials 2023 (CISM 2023) at the Wailalak University, Thailand
 2023: Invited speaker and workshop organiser at the SICET: Solutions for Climate-neutral built environment, SLIIT University Sri Lanka
 2022: Associate Editor for Frontiers in Built Environment
 2020: Lead guest editor of Sustainability journal, MDPI
 2019-present: Member of the NW ICE Fellows Network
 2019: Chair of CA COST Action CA15202 session on ‘Bio-based and polymer based self-healing concrete and mortars’ at Novi Sad, Serbia, March 2019.
2019-present: Evaluator and reviewer of proposals for the French National Research Agency (ANR)
 2018-present: Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Bio-based materials (ICBBM)
 2018- present: Member of the RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures). Technical function: Active member of the Technical Committee HDB Hygrothermal behaviour; Durability of Bio-aggregate based building materials;SHE : Self-healing concrete – Its efficiency and evaluation
 2018- present: Active member of the CA COST Action CA15202 - Self-healing As preventive Repair of COncrete Structures.
 2017-present: Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the ICE: Engineering Sustainability journal, published by the Institution of Civil Engineers.
 2015- present: Expert, Evaluator and Reviewer at HORIZON 2020 - Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (
 2013 - present: Member of the Editorial Board of “The Scientific World Journal”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation – speciality of Civil Engineering.
 2013 - present: Regular reviewer of journals (Energy and Buildings (Elsevier); Building and Environment (Elsevier); Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier); Proceedings of ICE - Engineering Sustainability (ICE); Energy Efficiency (Springer).
 2016- present: Member of the European Materials Modeling Council (EMMC) - working groups: Open Simulation Platform Concept and Validation
 2016- present: Contribution to the FPS COST Action FP1303: Performance of Biobased building materials
 2015-2016: Member of the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Centre for Innovative Construction Materials, UK (
 2015-2016: Member of the GW4 community - an alliance of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter Universities.
 2015: Member of the Sustainable Innovation Centre of ISQ
 2013 – 2015: Member of the Executive board of the Research Centre in Construction Science of Coimbra University- CICC, PT (
 2011 – 2015: Member of the Scientific board of the Research Centre in Construction Science of Coimbra University- CICC, PT (
 2014 –present: Worked as a member of Ordem dos Engenheiros belonging to the Advisory board of the SouthZEB European project (
 2009 –present: Member of the RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures). Technical function: Member of the TC 222-SCF: Simulation of fresh concrete flow, Chairman: Dr. Nicolas ROUSSEL (
 2011 and 2012: Charing and organization of national/regional workshops: 2012: Dissemination of Building Rehabilitation Actions, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal, 11 July; 2011: Conference of Conservation and Rehabilitation, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Barreiro, Portugal, 20 Oct

Current PhD supervisions:
2024-2027 (Lead): Mehrdad Vamkani. Development of autonomous healing cementitious composites for resilient and sustainable sewer and manhole rehabilitation
2020-24 (Lead), Ife Olumekun. Bio-inspiring techniques for resilient infrastructures
2021- 2024 (3rd supervisor), Joe Ford. Sustainability in the decommissioning process of UK offshore installations and the management of hazardous waste
2023-2027 (3rd supervisor), Leila Kamalian (Risk-based climate adaptation for sustainable container supply chains
2023-2026 (3rd supervisor), Mohamed Hamoud (A multi-criteria decision-making framework for energy management of a hybrid solarwind-hydrogen power plant

Current PDRA supervison:
2023-25, Dr Yahya,funds: UKRI-Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
2023-25, co-supervise Dr Panahi, funds: UKRI-HE MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship

Past PhD completed:
2019-23 (Lead), John Milan van der Bergh. Bio-inspired bacteria-based concrete for durability increase of structures.
2019-23 (3rd supervisor), Kanisius Karyono. Efficient NoVel Intelligent Reliable OccupatioN Monitoring for IndOor human-comfORt adaptivE System.
2018-21 (Lead), Hazha Mohammed. Development of chloride resistant concrete using microwave assisted polymer impregnation and self-healing techniques.
2018-21 (2nd supervisor), Veronica de Sande. Novel bioconcretes exposed to aging phenomena able to increase RC structures durability.
2017-20 (Lead), Abbie Romano. Optimising moisture transport in bio-based earth mortar composites using hygrothermal and chemical characteristics.
2015-now (2nd supervisor), Rocío Kunz. Protocol Selection of Eco-Efficient Mortars for Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures. Lead: Paloma Pineda (University of Sevilla). PhD student full –time until 2018. PT since 2018.

Past PDRA completed:
2023-24, Dr Goran Omer, funds: British Council UK Malaysia Catalyst 2022
2023, Halima Belhadad, funds: University of Constantine 1, Algeria
2020-22, co-supervising Dr Abbie Romano, funds: Interreg EMPORIA4KT.
2019-20, Dr Fifinatasha Shahedan, funds: PRIGeoC H2020-MSCA-RISE.
2019, Dr Fabiano Tavares, funds: COST CA 15202 Self-healing as preventive repair of concrete structures.

Represents LJMU in 5 international technical committees:
COST Action CA20130 - European MIC Network,
CA15202-SARCOS-Self-healing As prevention Repair of Concrete Structures;
RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) TC BEC : Bio-stabilised earth-based construction: performance-approach for better resilience (Chair of the committee)
TC MAE : Mechanical performance and durability assessment of earthen elements and structures, TC PEM : Processing of earth-based materials
and of the former: TC SHE: Self-healing concrete; RILEM 274-TCE: Testing and characterisation of earth-based building materials and elements, 275-HDB: Hygrothermal behaviour &durability of Bio-aggregate based building materials.
