Image of Prof Andrew Newsam

Prof Andrew Newsam

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

See My Tutor


National Schools' Observatory


Astronomy Distance Learning Courses


I would describe myself as a numerical astronomer with observational tendencies. My first degree was in Computation Physics at Warwick University after which I decided to move into astronomy and did a PhD at Glasgow University. My research there was fairly theoretical (the thesis title was "Mapping the Large Scale Structure of the Universe"). After submitting the thesis I was immediately thrown into the heady world of observational astronomy with a Postdoctoral job at Southampton University studying the Cosmic X-ray Background. After discovering some of the delights of professional observation (jet-lag, freezing cold, sleep deprivation, altitude sickness etc.) I became hooked and have taken every opportunity since to go observing.

I have always had a big interest in the public reaction to and appreciation of science and when the opportunity came to move up to Liverpool John Moores University in 1998 to work on a big project to get the general public, and especially school children, actively involved in astronomy through the use of professional telescopes, I grabbed it with both hands and have been here ever since. The project, which has since evolved into the National Schools' Observatory, brings together astronomy, high-technology, education and enterprise in a way that is unique. The aim is to allow school children to make their own observations alongside professional astronomers on top-quality telescopes. Based around the Liverpool Telescope - the largest fully-robotic telescope in the world - the full power of the Internet has been brought to bear to open-up the science, excitement and beauty of the Universe to a whole generation of children (and their parents and teachers!)


1994, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, PhD, Astrophysics
1991, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, BSc, Physics with Computing

Academic appointments

Professor of Astronomy Education and Engagement, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - present
Reader in Astronomy Education, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2006 - 2012
Research and Education Fellow, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 1998 - 2006
Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, 1994 - 1998
