Image of Dr Thompson Chengeta

Dr Thompson Chengeta

School of Law

Faculty of Business and Law

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Chengeta T. 2022. Autonomous weapon systems: Accountability Gap and Racial Oppression Christopher S. Reclaiming human rights in a changing world order :216-236 Chatham House / Brookings Institution Press. London and Washington DC 978-0-8157-3975-3 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chengeta T. 2022. Is the Convention on Conventional Weapons the appropriate framework to produce a new law on autonomous weapon systems Viljoen F, Charles F, Dire T, Ann S, Magnus K. A Life Interrupted: Essays in honour of the lives and legacies of Christof Heyns :379-397 Pretoria University Law Press 978-1-991213-14-3 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Viljoen F, Kgomosotho K, Chengeta T, Davhana N. 2022. Christof and Mooting Viljoen F, Fombad C, Tladi D, Skelton A, Killander M. A Life Interrupted: Essays in honour of the lives and legacies of Christof Heyns :86-97 Pretoria University Law Press 978-1-991213-14-3 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chengeta T. 2021. NINE Autonomous Armed Drones and the Challenges to Multilateral Consensus on Value-Based Regulation Ethics of Drone Strikes :170-189 Edinburgh University Press DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. 2021. Autonomous armed drones and the challenges of a multilateral consensus on a value-based regulation Christian E. Ethics of drone strikes: Restraining Remote-control Killing :170-189 Edinburgh University Press DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chengeta T, Dapo Akande , Christof Heyns , Lawrence H-C. 2020. The right to life and the international law framework regulating the use of armed drones Human Rights and 21st Challenges Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. 2017. Protection of civilians from wilful killings in armed conflict Pretoria University Law Press


Leslie D, Katell M, Aitken M, Singh J, Briggs M, Powell R, Rincón C, Chengeta T, Birhane A, Perini A, Jayadeva S, Mazumder A. 2022. Advancing Data Justice Research and Practice: An Integrated Literature Review DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Leslie D, Katell M, Aitken M, Singh J, Briggs M, Powell R, Rincon C, Chengeta T, Birhane A, Perini A, Jayadeva S, Mazumder A. Advancing Data Justice Research and Practice: An Integrated Literature Review DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Measuring Autonomous Weapon Systems Against International Humanitarian Law Rules DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Are Autonomous Weapon Systems the Subject of Article 36 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions? DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Defining the Emerging Notion of Meaningful Human Controll in Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) 2016 DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Dignity, Ubuntu, Humanity and Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) Debate: An African Perspective DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Accountability Gap, Autonomous Weapon Systems and Modes of Responsibility in International Law DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Is There a Right to Water for the Baswara People in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR)? The Impact of the 2011 Judgement and the Implications of Botswana Government's Water 'Policy' in the CKGR DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. A Critical Analysis of the Concept of ‘Democracy’ in Africa with Particular Reference to Majoritarianism and the Rights of Minorities DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T, Msipa D. Getting Disability Rights into the Mainstream of Human Rights Advocacy: An Appraisal of Zimbabwean Disability Rights Policies and Legislation DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Are United States of America's Drone Targeted Killings within the Confines of the Law? DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. 21st Populist Demagogues, Anti-Human Rights Candidatess and the Electorate: A Critical Analysis of the Fitness for Public Officee Rule from an International Human Rights Law Perspective. DOI Publisher Url


Leslie D, Katell M, Aitken M, Singh J, Briggs M, Powell R, Rincon C, Chengeta T, Birhane A, Perini A, Jayadeva S, Mazumder A. 2022. Advancing Data Justice Research and Practice: An Integrated Literature Review Advancing Data Justice Research and Practice: An Integrated Literature Review Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Chengeta T. 2020. A critique of the Canberra guiding principles on lethal autonomous weapon systems E-International Relations,

Chengeta T. 2020. International law governance of autonomous weapon systems and the turn to ethics University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy,

Chengeta T. 2018. African populism, constitutionalism and human rights African Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law, Author Url

Chengeta T. 2018. When at Loggerheads With Customary International Law: The Right to Run for Public Office and the Right to Vote Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 43 :399-456 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chengeta T. 2018. Populist candidates and the fitness for public office rule: an international human rights law perspective Harvard International Law Journal, Author Url

Heyns C, Akande D, Hill-Cawthorne L, Chengeta T. 2016. THE INTERNATIONAL LAW FRAMEWORK REGULATING THE USE OF ARMED DRONES International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 65 :791-827 DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Can Robocop Serve and Protectt within the Confines of Law Enforcement Rules? SSRN Electronic Journal, DOI Publisher Url

Chengeta T. The possibility of transitional justice post-Mugabe era in Zimbabwe Oxford Journal of Transitional Justice,

Chengeta T. What level of human control over autonomous weapon systems is required by international law European Journal of International law, Author Url

Chengeta T. Are autonomous weapon systems the subject of Article 36 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions? UC Davis Journal of International Law and Policy, Author Url

Chengeta T. Defining the Emerging Notion of "Meaningful Human Control" in Weapon Systems New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, Author Url

Chengeta T. Accountability gap: Autonomous weapon systems and modes of responsibility in international law Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, Author Url Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Dignity, humanity and autonomous weapon systems (AWS) debate: an African perspective Brazilian Journal of International Law, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chengeta T. Measuring autonomous weapon systems against international humanitarian law Journal of Law and Cyber Warfare,

Chengeta T. Can robcop serve and protect within the confines of law enforcement rules on use of force? Pace International Law Review,

Conference publication

Chengeta T. 2019. Is existing law adequate to govern autonomous weapon systems? CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2540
