Image of Prof Hazel Andrews

Prof Hazel Andrews

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

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Hazel Andrews is Professor of Culture, Tourism & Society at Liverpool John Moores University where she leads the Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group. As a social anthropologist Hazel is interested in issues of identity, self, and the body, principally in relation to tourism and travel. Hazel’s PhD thesis was the first full length ethnographic study of British charter tourists and involved periods of participant observation in the resorts of Palmanova and Magaluf on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Hazel has drawn on her fieldwork to publish journal articles and book chapters. She is the author/Editor of 9 books including the monograph The British on Holiday. Charter Tourism, Identity and Consumption published by Channel View in 2011. The book was part of the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Reviewer meets Reviewed series at the British Museum in London in 2016. More recently her edited collection Tourism and Brexit. Travel, Borders and Identity was published by Channel View in 2021. Hazel’s paper ‘Tourism and COVID-19. Intimacy Transformed or Intimacy Interrupted?’ was 1 of only 8 abstracts from 49 global submissions to be included as a feature article in a special issue on COVID-19 and intimacy for the Association of Social Anthropologists journal Anthropology in Action. Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice (2020). Hazel has given many guest lectures and numerous conference presentations, including keynote speeches. In addition, she is called upon regularly to review papers for international journals and grant applications for research councils in the UK and overseas. Hazel has organised several international conferences and symposia. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Heritage Tourism and is an Honorary Recognised PhD Supervisor at the University of Liverpool. Hazel is a council member of the Royal Anthropological Institute and chairs the Institute’s Travel and Tourism Committee.


London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA International Tourism Policy

Academic appointments

Professor, LJMU, 2022 - present
