Prof Hazel Andrews
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: H.J.Andrews@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5237
Hazel Andrews is Professor of Culture, Tourism & Society at Liverpool John Moores University where she leads the Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group. As a social anthropologist Hazel is interested in issues of identity, self, and the body, principally in relation to tourism and travel. Hazel’s PhD thesis was the first full length ethnographic study of British charter tourists and involved periods of participant observation in the resorts of Palmanova and Magaluf on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca. Hazel has drawn on her fieldwork to publish journal articles and book chapters. She is the author/Editor of 9 books including the monograph The British on Holiday. Charter Tourism, Identity and Consumption published by Channel View in 2011. The book was part of the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Reviewer meets Reviewed series at the British Museum in London in 2016. More recently her edited collection Tourism and Brexit. Travel, Borders and Identity was published by Channel View in 2021. Hazel’s paper ‘Tourism and COVID-19. Intimacy Transformed or Intimacy Interrupted?’ was 1 of only 8 abstracts from 49 global submissions to be included as a feature article in a special issue on COVID-19 and intimacy for the Association of Social Anthropologists journal Anthropology in Action. Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice (2020). Hazel has given many guest lectures and numerous conference presentations, including keynote speeches. In addition, she is called upon regularly to review papers for international journals and grant applications for research councils in the UK and overseas. Hazel has organised several international conferences and symposia. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Heritage Tourism and is an Honorary Recognised PhD Supervisor at the University of Liverpool. Hazel is a council member of the Royal Anthropological Institute and chairs the Institute’s Travel and Tourism Committee.
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD
London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA International Tourism Policy
Academic appointments
Professor, LJMU, 2022 - present
Journal article
Vainikka V, Andrews H. 2025. Critical reflections on mass tourism and empathy in the works of a Finnish artist Tourist Studies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews H. 2024. Tourism is not an industry Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Journal, 5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews H. 2024. Mordaith in Mallorca: Playing with Toy Tourism Humanities, 13 :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews H. 2023. Tourists and the Carnivalesque: Partying in the Land of Cockaigne Journal of Festive Studies, 5 :167-189 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Polo Peña AI, Andrews H, Morales Fernández V. 2023. Can online travel agencies contribute to the recovery of the tourism activity after a health crisis? Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Polo-Pena AI, Andrews H, Torrico-J odar J. 2023. The role of health and safety protocols and brand awareness for the recovery of hotel activity following a health crisis Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Polo-Peña AI, Andrews H, Ortega Llamas A. 2023. The impact of activity type and use of health and safety protocols for destination recovery following a health crisis Anatolia, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews HJ. 2020. Tourism and COVID-19: Intimacy Transformed or Intimacy Interrupted? Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice, 27 :93-100 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lewis C, Roberts SJ, Andrews HJ, Sawiuk R. 2020. A Creative Writing Case Study of Gender-Based Violence in Coach Education: Stacey’s Story Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 28 :72-80 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lewis CJ, Roberts SJ, Andrews H. 2018. ‘Why am I putting myself through this?’ Women football coaches’ experiences of the Football Association's coach education process Sport, Education and Society, 23 :28-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews HJ. 2017. Becoming Through Tourism: Imagination in Practice Suomen Antropologi, 42 :31-44 Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews HJ. 2017. Touring the Regions (Dis) Uniting the Kingdom on Holiday Journeys, 18 :79-106 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Andrews HJ, Sayira T. 2016. Impacts of crises and communication media on place image: A case study of Chilas, Pakistan Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 5 :351-360 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts L, Andrews H. 2013. (Un)doing Tourism Anthropology: Some Critical Reflections and Orientations Journal of Tourism Challenges and Trends, 6 :13-38 Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2011. Porkin Pig Goes to Magaluf Journal of Material Culture, 16 :151-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2010. Researching Tourism Reflexive Practice and Gender Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 2 Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2009. Tits Out for the Boys and No Back Chat: Gendered Space on Holiday Journal of Space & Culture, 12 :166-182 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2009. Tourism as a Moment of Being Suomen Antropologi, 34 :5-21 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ, Roberts L, Selwyn T. 2007. Hospitality & Eroticism International Journal of Culture, Hospitality & Tourism Research, 1 :247-262 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2005. Feeling at Home: Embodying Britishness in a Spanish Charter Tourist Resort Tourist Studies, 5 :247-266 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2002. A Theme Park for the Brits Behaving Badly The Times Higher Education Supplement, :22-22
Andrews HJ. 1999. We are what we eat In Focus, :4-5
Roberts L, Andrews H. Tracing lines in the Hilbre sands: a spatial anthropology of islandness and other fictions Irish Journal of Anthropology, Public Url
Polo-Peña A, Andrews H, Frías-Jamilena DM, Adebayo AD. Transforming Tourism: Diverse Perspectives to Boost Environmental, Social, and Economic Sustainability International Journal of Literary Humanities, Public Url
Andrews H, Yelvington KA. 2024. Sex Tourism Encyclopedia of Tourism :936-937 Springer Nature Switzerland 9783030749224 DOI Publisher Url
Selwyn T, Andrews H. 2024. Motivation Encyclopedia of Tourism :694-697 Springer Nature Switzerland 9783030749224 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2024. Sightseeing Encyclopedia of Tourism :944-946 Springer Nature Switzerland 9783030749224 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2023. Sightseeing – Tourism Encyclopedia of Tourism :1-3 Springer International Publishing 9783319016696 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Yelvington KA. 2023. Sex Tourism Encyclopedia of Tourism :1-2 Springer International Publishing 9783319016696 DOI Publisher Url
Selwyn T, Andrews H. 2023. Motivation – Tourist Encyclopedia of Tourism :1-4 Springer International Publishing 9783319016696 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Sayira T, Ayesha Q-U-A. 2022. The Silent and Unseen. Two examples of women's restricted travel in Pakistan Hall CM, Seyfi S, Rasoolimanesh SM. Contemporary Muslim Travel Cultures Practices, Complexities and Emerging Issues Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2022. Nuestra imaginación se convierte en parte de la magia de la experiencia del turismo conforme la vamos haciendo realidad a través de la práctica Torrado SY. La cuestión turística. Trece entrevistas para repensar el turismo :109-126 Pasos y Alba Sud. Barcelona 978-84-09-27598-4 Publisher Url
Sayira T, Andrews H, Ayesha QUA. 2022. The Silent and Unseen: Two examples of women’s restricted travel in Pakistan Contemporary Muslim Travel Cultures: Practices, Complexities and Emerging Issues :170-182 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2022. Brexit Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing: Volumes 1-4 1 :370-373 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Sayira S, Ayesha Q-U-A. 2021. Are Women empowered producers of tourism in Pakistan? Slak Valek N, Almuhrzi H. Women in Tourism in Asian Muslim Countries :81-96 Springer Nature. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 9789813347571 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2021. The Magic and Liminality of Tourism and Brexit Andrews H. Tourism and Brexit. Travel, Borders and Identity :1-17 Channel View. Bristol 978-1-84541-790-1
Andrews H. 2021. Taking Back Control: The Freedom of the Holiday Andrews H. Tourism and Brexit. Travel, Borders and Identity :110-124 Channel View. Bristor 978-1-84541-790-1
Andrews H. 2021. CODA 2020: COVID-19 Masks but Fails to Flatten Brexit Andrews H. Tourism and Brexit. Travel, Borders and Identity :203-214 Channel View. Bristol 978-1-84541-790-1
Andrews H. 2021. Turisme regional: La (des)unió del regne en època de vacances Vives-Riera A, Vicens-Vidal F. Cultura turística i identitats múltiples a les Illes Balears passat i present :253-286 Catarroja: Afers. Barcelona 9788418618178
Sayira T, Andrews H, Ayesha QUA. 2021. Are Women Empowered Producers of Tourism in Pakistan? Perspectives on Asian Tourism Part F192 :81-96 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Roberts L. 2020. Liminality and the stranger: Understanding tourists and their landscapes through True Detective Månsson M, Buchmann A, Cassinger C, Eskilsson L. The Routledge Companion to Media and Tourism Routledge. London 9781138366282 Publisher Url
Sayira T, Andrews H. 2019. Tourism in Chilas, Pakistan: A destination under crisis Tourism and Hospitality in Conflict-Ridden Destinations :104-117 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Jimura T, Dixon L. 2019. Doing Tourism Ethnography Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Applications and Reflexivity :1-15 Routledge. Abingdon 9781138061767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2017. Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calvia Harrison D, Sharpley R. Mass Tourism in a Small World :181-190 CABI 9781780648545
Lewis C, Roberts S, Andrews H. 2017. Women into coaching - are you sure? Kilvington D, Price J. Sport & Discrimination Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2016. The Enchantment of Violence: Tales from the Balearics Andrews H. Tourism & Violence Ashgate DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2016. Sightseeing Encyclopedia of Tourism :851-853 Springer International Publishing 9783319013831 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Roberts L. 2015. Liminality International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition :131-137 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2014. Sightseeing Encyclopedia of Tourism :1-3 Springer International Publishing DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ, Roberts L. 2012. Introduction to book Liminal Landscapes Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between Andrews H, Roberts L. Liminal Landscapes Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between Routledge. London
Andrews HJ, Andrews H. 2012. Mapping My Way: Map-making and Analysis in Participant Observation Roberts L. Mapping Cultures: Place, Practice, Performance :216-236 Palgrave 978-0-230-30113-9
Andrews H, Roberts L. 2012. Introduction: Re-mapping liminality Liminal Landscapes: Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between :1-17 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2012. Another place or just another space?: Liminality and Crosby Beach Liminal Landscapes: Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between :152-166 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2010. Contours of a Nation: Being British in Mallorca Scott J, Selwyn T. Thinking Through Tourism 46 :27-50 Berg. Oxford 9781847885302
Andrews HJ. 2003. Encyclopedia of tourism Jafari J. Encyclopedia of tourism Taylor & Francis 9780415308908
Andrews HJ. 2000. In search of hospitality Lashley C, Morrison AJ. In search of hospitality
Andrews HJ. Consuming Pleasures: Package Tourists in Mallorca Meethan K, Anderson A, Miles S. Tourism, Consumption and Represenetation :217-235 Cabi. Oxford
Andrews HJ. Mapping My Way: Map-making and Analysis in Participant Observation Mapping Cultures: Place, Practice, Performance Palgrave. Basingstoke DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. Another Place or Just Another Space? Liminality and Crosby Beach Liminal Landscapes: Travel, Experience and Spaces In-between Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. Introduction to Tourism and Violence Andrews, H . Tourism & Violence Ashgate 978-1-4094-3641-6 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 'Afterword: Men's Touristic Practices: How Men Think They're Men and Know Their Place' Thurnell-Read T, Casey M. Men, Masculinities, Travel and Tourism Palgrave. Basingstoke 9781137341457
Andrews HJ. Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calvia Harrison D, Sharpley R. Mass Tourism in One World CABI
Andrews HJ. Why People go on Holiday Beuret K, Niblett M, Linnet S. Why Travel The Independent Transport Commission
Andrews H, Palmer C. Tourism and embodiment: animating the field Palmer C, Andrews H. Tourism and Embodiment :1-8 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. Why Study Tourism Management? Vaidya K. Travel & Tourism for the Curious High School & College Students: Why Study Travel & Tourism Management? Curious Academic Publishing. Canberra Publisher Url
Andrews H. Gendered Space :1-3 Wiley 9781405196949 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Bianchi R, Sharpley R, Andrews H. 2022. A reflection on the work and legacy of Professor David Harrison (1941 -2021) Anthropologist, educator and tourism development scholar Tourism Planning and Development, 19 :75-80 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. Liminality Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 4 :1-4
Books (authored)
Andrews H. 2020. Tourism and Brexit: Travel, Borders and Identity Channel View Publications 9781845417901 DOI Publisher Url
Palmer C, Andrews H. 2019. Tourism and embodiment :1-226 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H. 2014. Tourism & Violence Andrews H. Routledge 9781409436409 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Leopold T. 2012. Events and the Social Sciences Routledge 9780415605601 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Roberts L. 2012. Liminal Landscapes Andrews H. Routledge. London 9780415668842
Andrews H. 2011. The British on Holiday Charter Tourism, Identity and Consumption Channel View Books 9781845411824 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2009. Tourism and Leisure: Local Communities and Local Cultures in the UK. Caudwell J, Andrews H, Hackett A, Meadows M, Selby M. LSA 9781905369164
Book review
Andrews H. 2014. Great expectations: imagination and anticipation in tourism. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, 20 :400-401 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2011. Book Review for Herzfeld, M (2009) Evicted from Eternity. The Restructuring of Modern Rome Qualitative Research, 11 :764-765 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ. 2009. The Shadow Side of Fieldwork Journal RAI, 15 :875-875
Andrews HJ. Reclaiming Travel Journal of Tourism History, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Books (edited)
2009. Leisure and Tourism: International Perspectives on Cultural Practice. Fleming, S., Andrews, H., Hackett, A., Meadows, M., Selby, M. . LSA. Brighton 978 1 905369 17 1
Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Applications and Reflexivity Andrews H, Jimura T, Dixon L. Author Url Publisher Url
Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Applications and Reflexivity Andrews H, Jimura T, Dixon L. Author Url Publisher Url
Andrews HJ, Meethan, K , Busby, G . Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice Andrews H, Meethan, K , Busby, G . Tourism Consumption and Practice, 3 Publisher Url
Andrews H. Hazel Andrews on Magaluf. Podcast interview in The Mouth. Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society. Episode 5 19th May 2019 Publisher Url
Other invited event:
Touring the Regions (Dis) Uniting the Kingdom on Holiday, Middlesex University, London, Public Lecture. 2018
‘Effervescent Britishness’ on holiday in Mallorca: Examples from Palmanova and Magaluf, SOAS, London, Guest lecture. 2016
Seminar: Magaluf, Mamading & Moral Panic. Tourism Research Seminar, Royal Anthropological Institute, London, Second in a series of tourism research seminars organised by Prof David Harrison on behalf of the RAI Tourism Committee and Development Studies Association. 2015
Keynote Speech International Conference Contemporary Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Research: Policy, Practice and Performance, Centre of Sport, Tourism & Leisure Studies, University of Brighton, Keynote Speech: Becoming Through Tourism. 2015
British in Charter Tourism & Tourism and Violence, MMU, Manchester, UK, Guest lectures. 2015
Tourism, Mallorca and Violence, NHTV, Breda, The Netherlands, Guest lecture. 2014
Britishness in Charter Tourism, MMU, Manchester, UK, Guest lecture. 2014
Guest Lecture, SOAS London, Guest lecture based on my monograph. 2012
Britishness in Charter Tourism, Uni of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, Guest Lecture. 2012
Guest Lecture, London Met Uni, London, Guest Lecture based on my book "The British on Holiday". 2011
Guest Lecture, SOAS London, Guest lecture based on my monograph. 2011
Hospitality and Eroticism, Sunderland, UK, Guest Lecture. 2011
CHME 11th Annual Research Conference, Leeds, UK, Keynote Speech: Hospitality & Eroticism. 2002
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Brighton, PhD, Co-Construction of hospitality culture: behaviour, encounters and social construction in English hotels. 2017
Sheffield Hallam University, PhD, Exploring Music Festival Experience using Phenomenological Psychology. 2017
University of Warwick, PhD, Masculinity, Tourism and Transgression: a qualitative study of British Stag Tourism in an Eastern European City. 2010
University of Granda, Spain, PhD, Market Orientation adoption in rural tourism. Impact on business outcomes and the perceived value. 2010
University of Plymouth, PhD, The Tarmac Cowboys: an ethnographic study of the cultural world of Boy Racers. 2008
Conference presentation:
Mediating Magaluf, Seventh International Tourism and Media Conference, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2016
Tourism and Violence: Examples from Mass Tourism, International Sociological Association, World Congress of Sociology: Sociology on the Move, Gothenburg, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2010
The Influence of Another Place on teh uses and meanings of Crosby Beach as a Liminal Landscape, Liminal Landscapes Symposium, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2010
Hospitality and Eroticism, The Erotic: Exploring Critical Issues, Salzburg, Austria, Oral presentation. 2008
Views from Abroad: Britishness in Charter Tourism, Britishness, Identity and Citizenship: The view from abroad, Huddersfield, UK, Oral presentation. 2008
The Tourist Breast: Nation, Sex and Consumption, International Critical Tourism Studies Conference, Split, Croatia, Oral presentation. 2007
How to be British: Discourses of Nationalism in Tourism Imagery, GAZING, GLANCING, GLIMPSING: Tourists and Tourism in a Visual World, Brighton, UK, Oral presentation. 2007
Giving Habitus a Break: Charter Tourism and Nationalism, ISA World Congress of Sociology. The Quality of Social Existence in a Globalising World, Durban, SA, Oral presentation. 2006
Hospitality and Eroticism, CHME, 15th Annual Research Conference, Nottingham, UK, Oral presentation. 2006
'We Saw them all off': Little Britain on the Edge of Europe., International conference: Periphery and Policy, Truro, UK, Oral presentation. 2006
Gendered Spaces of Tourism: Examples from Mallorca, RGS (with IBG) Annual International Conference: Flows and Spaces in a Globalised World, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2005
Giving Habitus a Break: Charter Tourism and Nationalism, ISA, RC50 Extra in-between seminar, Wageningen, Netherlands, Oral presentation. 2005
Caught in a Myth: Constructions of British Identity in Mallorca, Journeys of Expression IV: Tourism, Carnival and Folklore, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Oral presentation. 2005
Tourism to Magaluf and Palamnova, Mallorca, 9th Mediterranean Ethnological Summer Symposium, Piran, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2002
Consuming Hospitality on Holiday, CHME, 10th International Research Conference, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2001
Landscapes of Consumption: The Examples of Palmanova and Magaluf, Mallorca, 1st International Conference on 'Consumption and Representation': Consuming Markets, Consuming Meanings, Plymouth, UK, Oral presentation. 1999
Conference organisation:
Royal Anthropological Institute: Anthropology and Photography, Co-organiser and Co-Chair Tourism and Photography Panel. 2014
IUAES 17th World Congress, Co-Organiser and Co-Chair Anthropology of Tourism, Embodiment and the Senses. 2013
Royal Anthropological Institute Anthropology in the World, Organiser and Chair of Tourism Panel. 2012
Tourism & Embodiment: The state of the art, Orgnaiser. 2011
Liminal Landscapes, Organiser (academic content), http://www.tourismconsumption.org/. 2009
Tourism Intersecting with Violence International Sociological Association Congress, Panel Convenor Book proposal being developed as a result. 2009
ASA: Thinking Through Tourism, Scientific Committee Organiser and chair of panel Tourism and Landscapes of Identity & Selfhood Co-organiser and co-chair of panel Researching Tourism: Reflexive Practice and Gender. 2007
International Sociological Association, Co-organiser and Chair of panel Social Construction of the Tourist Experience. 2006
External committees:
Tourism Committee, Royal Anthropological Institute, Chair. 2011
Tourism and Embodiement Special Interest Group, The Association for Tourism and Leisure Education, Chair, http://www.atlas-euro.org/. 2011
RC50 International Tourism Research Committee, International Sociological Association, Member, http://www.isa-sociology.org/. 2006
Teaching qualification:
Postgraduate Certificate Higher Education, Distinction. 2009
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, Distinction. 2009
Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2009
Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute, http://www.therai.org.uk/. 2001
Editorial boards:
Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, Co-Editoro and co-founding editor, http://www.tourismconsumption.org/. 2008
Membership of professional bodies:
Member, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth, http://www.theasa.org/. 2007
External collaboration:
http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1470-6423, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Reviewer for articles. 2006
Annals of Tourism Research, Journal article review.
British Academy, Referee for Post Doctoral Research Project Application.
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Touris, Journal Article Review.
Tourism Geographies, Journal Article Review.
Tourist Studies, Journal paper review.
British Federation of Women Graduates, British Federation of Women Graduates. 2001
Radcliffe Brown Memorial Fund for Social Anthropological Research, Radcliffe Brown Memorial Fund for Social Anthropological Research. 2001
Media Coverage:
Article for The Independent Newspaper and 'i' on Saturday 23rd May 2015 pp 32-33 'Shagaluf, the PhD - one acedmic's summer of hell'
Interview for THE 'Fear and Loathing in Shagaluf' as part of The Outer Limits series, research outside the comfort zone. THE 2015 No 2, 203 pp 40-43
Other Professional Activity:
Internal PGR thesis examination: •Kelly, D (2016) The substance use, sexual behaviour and health needs of young tourists travelling to national and international holiday destinations. LJMU. •Heaney, J (2009) Culture, Food, Memory and Health – An Intergenerational Study in Liverpool. LJMU..
Thursday 20th October 2016 Reviewer meets Reviewed SEMINAR SERIES AT THE ANTHROPOLOGY LIBRARY AND RESEARCH CENTRE The British on Holiday: Charter Tourism, Identity and Consumption Anthropology Library and Research Centre, British Museum The British Museum’s Anthropology Library and Research Centre, in conjunction with the Royal Anthropological Institute, is pleased to present the first seminar in the 2016-17 series of ‘Reviewer meets Reviewed’, a discussion between Dr Hazel Andrews, author of ‘The British on Holiday: Charter Tourism, Identity and Consumption’, and Professor Tom Selwyn, who reviewed the book for the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute..