Image of Dr Mark Wright

Dr Mark Wright

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


Dr Mark Wright holds a joint appointment between FACT (The Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) one of Europe's leading centres for new media, where he is Director of FACTLab and the Liverpool School of Art and Design at Liverpool John Moore's University, where he is co-director of the Contemporary Art Lab. Previously he has been a senior research fellow between Edinburgh College of Art and the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. He holds a Phd from the University of Cambridge. His research interests centre around the relationship between arts practice, culture and technology and how new meaning unfolds from their interplay. Such an approach requires a focus on the development of new cross disciplinary methodologies encompassing the engagement of real communities through arts practice and co-design.


University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, PhD
Cranfield Institute of technology, UK, MSc Industrial Robotics
University of Liverpool, UK, BEng Engineering Science and Industrial Management

Academic appointments

FACT Lecturer in Creativity and Digital Embodiment, Liverpool School of Art and Desigh, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - present
