Image of Prof Joasia Krysa

Prof Joasia Krysa

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


Liverpool Biennial


Exhibition Research Lab, Liverpool John Moores University


Portfolio of projects


Professor Joasia Krysa is a curator and scholar working at the intersection of contemporary art, curatorial studies, and digital technology. She is Professor of Exhibition Research, Director of The Institute of Art and Technology (IAT), and Head of Art and Design at Liverpool John Moores University. She holds adjunct position as Liverpool Biennial Professor of Exhibition Research. Previous appointments include as Artistic Director of Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark; part of curatorial team for international quinquennial exhibition Documenta 13, co-curator of the 9th Liverpool Biennial (2016) and curator of the 2nd Helsinki Biennial (2023). Between 2020-21, she served as a panel member for UKRI Research Excellence Framework REF 2021 Panel 32: Art and Design.

She has a background in curatorial studies (Goldsmiths, University of London), cultural theory (Wroclaw University), political sciences (Maria Curie Sklodowska University), and has Phd in Fine Art Curating (Software Curating). At Liverpool School of Art and Design, Prof. Krysa is part of the Senior Management Team, leading portfolio of Art and Design subjects and the School's research Unit of Assessment (UOA 32: Art and Design). In 2024, she undertook the role of Director of The Institute of Art and Technology (IAT) in the Faculty of Arts, Professional, Social Studies.

Major publications include edited books Curating Superintelligences. Artificial Intelligence and Future Curating (Open Humanities Press, 2024), New Directions May Emerge (Helsinki Art Museum/Helsinki Biennial), ‘Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History' (co-edited with Jussi Parikka) (MIT Press 2015), and chapters in Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of New Media Art, Volume 3: Curation and Culture (Bloomsbury 2024), ‘’Institution as Praxis: New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research’ (Sternberg Press 2020), ‘Networks’ (Whitechapel/MIT Press 2014) and ‘The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics’ (2015). She is a Series Editor for DATA Browser book series (Open Humanities Press, London) and commissioning editor of Liverpool Biennial’s contemporary art journal Stages.

Past curatorial projects were commissioned and/or presented by, amongst others, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Liverpool Biennial 2021, Centre Pompidou KANAL, Brussels, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and Documenta 13 where she curated the first international retrospective exhibition of Finish artist and technology pioneer Erkki Kurenniemi), and Tate Modern.

Recent research grants include UKRI/AHRC, Covid 19 Urgency - strategic priority funding ‘Towards A National Collection: Opening UK Heritage to the World’ (project title: Visitor Interaction and Machine Curation in the Virtual Liverpool Biennial, with Dr Leonardo Impett (PI), Durham University) 2021.

She is currently working on a monograph publication ‘Human and Non-Human Curating’ for Routledge (2026).


2008, Planetary Collegium, Plymouth University, United Kingdom, PhD in Fine Art (Curating)
Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom, MA Fine Art Curating
University of Wroclaw, Poland, MA Cultural Studies
University of Marie Curie, Poland, MA Political Sciences


2019, Advance HE, UK, Aurora Leadership Training
2018, Advance HE, UK, Fellow of The Higher Education Academy

Academic appointments

Director, The Institute of Art and Technology (IAT), Faculty of Arts, Professional, Social Studies, LJMU, 2023 - present
UOA32 REF 2029 Lead, LSAD, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Head of Art and Design, School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Professor of Exhibition Research, Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership with Liverpool Biennial, 2017 - present
Visiting Professor in Curating, Aarhus University, 2016 - 2021
Academic Advisor, The Contemporary Condition research project, Aarhus University, 2015 - present
Exhibition Research Lab member, LSAD, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present

Postgraduate training

Fellow of The Higher Education Academy, UK, Advance HE, 2018 - present
