Dr Nadine Leese
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: N.Leese@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1473
2012, University of Hull, United Kingdom, Ph.D. in English Literature
2008, University of Salford, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) English Literature with English Language
2014, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Fellow
Academic appointments
Reader in Women’s & Gender Studies, Research Institute for Literature & Cultural History, LJMU, 2021 - present
External Examiner, English, University of Wolverhampton, 2021 - 2024
External Examiner, English, Bournemouth University, 2015 - 2019
(Senior) Lecturer in English Literature & Cultural History, Research Institute for Literature & Cultural History, LJMU, 2012 - 2021
Highlighted publications
Leese N. 2025. [Monograph] The Victorian Widow: A Literary & Cultural History Liverpool University Press. Liverpool Author Url
Muller N, Blackburn L, Davenport P. 2023. The War Widows Quilt (Second Edition)
Muller N. 2022. How to Blog about your research Doing Research Online Sage DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2020. Deceit, Deservingness, and Destitution: Able-Bodied Widows and the New Poor Law Journal of Victorian Culture, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2020. Desperately Funny: Victorian Widows and the Comical Misfortunes of Husband Hunting Journal of Gender Studies, 29 :926-936 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2016. Feminism’s Family Drama: Female Genealogies, Feminist Historiography, and Kate Walbert’s A Short History of Women Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2015. [Radio Broadcast] Women on Their Own: Widows in Britain, Now & Then Publisher Url
Muller N. 2012. Dead Husbands & Deviant Women: Investigating the Neo-Victorian Detective Widow Clues: a journal of detection, 30 :99-109
Muller N. 2009. Not My Mother’s Daughter: Matrilinealism, Third-Wave Feminism and Neo-Victorian Fiction Neo-Victorian Studies, 2 :109-136
Books (authored)
Leese N. 2025. [Monograph] The Victorian Widow: A Literary & Cultural History Liverpool University Press. Liverpool Author Url
Muller N, Blackburn L, Davenport P. 2023. The War Widows Quilt (Second Edition)
Muller N. 2022. How to Blog about your research Doing Research Online Sage DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gwynne J, Muller N. 2013. Introduction: Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema Gwynne J, Muller N. Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke DOI
Muller N. 2012. Selling Sugar: The (Feminist) Politics of Sex Work in Michel Faber’s The Crimson Petal and the White Gwynne J, Poon A. Sexuality and Contemporary Literature :39-60 Cambria Press. Amherst, NY
Muller N. 2012. Sexual F(r)ictions: Pornography in Neo-Victorian Women's Fiction Cooper K, Short E. The Female Figure in Contemporary Historical Fiction Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke 9780230302785 DOI Publisher Url
Muller N. 2012. Selling Sugar: The (Feminist) Politics of Sex Work in Michel Faber’s The Crimson Petal and the White Poon A, Gwynne J. Cambria Press
Journal article
Muller N. 2020. Deceit, Deservingness, and Destitution: Able-Bodied Widows and the New Poor Law Journal of Victorian Culture, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2020. Desperately Funny: Victorian Widows and the Comical Misfortunes of Husband Hunting Journal of Gender Studies, 29 :926-936 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N. 2016. Feminism’s Family Drama: Female Genealogies, Feminist Historiography, and Kate Walbert’s A Short History of Women Feminist Theory: an international interdisciplinary journal, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Muller N, Parsons JE. 2014. Introduction: The Male Body in Victorian Literature & Culture Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 36 :303-306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Muller N, O'Callaghan C. 2013. Feminisms The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 21 DOI Publisher Url
Muller N. 2012. Review: Liedeke Plate, Transforming Memories in Contemporary Women's Writing (2010) Contemporary Women's Writing, Publisher Url
Muller N. 2012. Dead Husbands & Deviant Women: Investigating the Neo-Victorian Detective Widow Clues: a journal of detection, 30 :99-109
Muller N, Llewellyn M. 2011. Introduction: Feminisms, Sex and the Body Muller N, Llewellyn M. Journal of Gender Studies, 20 :315-319
Muller N, Llewellyn M. 2011. Feminisms, sex and the body Journal of Gender Studies, 20 :315-319 DOI Publisher Url
Muller N. 2009. Not My Mother’s Daughter: Matrilinealism, Third-Wave Feminism and Neo-Victorian Fiction Neo-Victorian Studies, 2 :109-136
Muller N. 2009. Hystoriographic Metafiction: Victorian Narratives of Madness and Women’s Mental Health in 21st-Century British Fiction Gender Forum: an internet platform for gender and women's studies, 25 :np
Books (edited)
2017. War Widows' Stories: A Collection of Oral History Interviews Muller N, McDaid A. LJMU. Liverpool
2013. Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema Gwynne J, Muller N. Palgrave Macmillan. Basingstoke DOI Publisher Url
Internet publication
Muller N. 2016. "I'm Scared: German Academic in the UK on the Brexit Vote" Publisher Url
Muller N. 2014. Mental health issues in academia: stories are not cries of the privileged Publisher Url
2016. [Film] Women in Weeds: Victorian Widows
Muller N. 2015. [Radio Broadcast] Women on Their Own: Widows in Britain, Now & Then Publisher Url
Muller N. 2015. [Radio Broadcast] An Exception to Every Rule: The Victorian Widow Publisher Url
Muller N. The War Widows Quilt: An Armed Forces Day Exhibition
Muller N. The War Widows' Quilt (Queen's House, Greenwich)
Leese N. The War Widows Quilt: A Remembrance Exhibition
Leese N. The War Widows Quilt: An International Women's Day Exhibition
Highlighted activities
Other invited event:
War Widows Stories: Reflections on War’s Forgotten Women, Military Welfare, & Participatory Historical Methods, Swedish Defence University, Invited research seminar for the military history section.. 2023
Keynote: “Knowledge Is Power: Changing Academia One PhD at a Time, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Doctoral Academy Conference. 2016
Workshop: “Academic Career Development for Early-Career Researchers”, University of Exeter, Workshop early-career researchers organised by the Researcher Development Uni at the University of Exeter.. 2016
Invited Talk: "Early-Career Academics & Mental Health", King's College London, Early-Career Academics in English Studies, Study Day. 2016
Invited Talk: “Writing for Survival: Publishing & Precarity in the Lives of Early-Career Researchers”, University of Liverpool, Invited talk to the delegates of the international conference for university presses organised by Liverpool University Press.. 2016
Workshop: "Beyond the Viva Voce: Life & Career after Your PhD", Brunel University, Workshop for the Graduate School at Brunel University. 2016
Invited Talk: "Anxious Minds: Fostering Mental Health in Academia:, University of Leicester, Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Students Conference. Organised by the UK Council for Graduate Education. 2015
Workshop: ‘The New Academic: Digital Identities & Postgraduate Research’, University of Kent (Graduate School), Invited half-day workshop.. 2015
Seminar: “Digital Integrity: Negotiating Academia, Social Media, & Professional Identities”, Re/Search in the Digital Age, University of Liverpool, Invited seminar.. 2014
Keynote: "A Queer & Dangerous Presence: The Widow in British Literature & Culture, 1900-2000", University of Birmingham, Roles: 3rd Annual Postgraduate Gender & Sexuality Conference, Poster + CFP: http://groles.wordpress.com/roles-gender-and-sexuality-conference/. 2013
Conference presentation:
War Widows Stories: Women, Welfare, & Conflict in Post-War Britain, Military Welfare History Network Conference, University College Dublin, Oral presentation. 2023
Research Grants Awarded:
Arts & Humanities Research Council, Leadership Fellow (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 242,124.00, Duration of research project: 1 year 6 months. 2018
British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award, Rising Star Engagement Award (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 14,719.50, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2018
Heritage Lottery Fund, Sharing Heritage Award (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 9800, Duration of research project: 1 year 3 months. 2016
Conference organisation:
Women Writing Pleasure, Co-Organiser, http://www.womenwritingpleasure.com/. 2015
Neo-Victorian Cultures: The Victorians Today, Co-Organiser (with Dr Lucinda Matthews-Jones, LJMU; Dr Jonathan Cranfield, LJMU), http://www.neovictoriancultures.org.uk/. 2013
BBC / AHRC New Generation Thinker, http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2015/r3-new-gen-thinkers. 2015
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Ordinary Member, Women’s History Network (WHN), http://www.womenshistorynetwork.org/. 2011
Ordinary Member, Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland, http://www.fwsa.org.uk/. 2009
Ordinary Member, Contemporary Women's Writing Assocation (CWWA), http://www.the-cwwa.org/. 2008
Ordinary Member, British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS), http://www.bavsuk.org/index.htm. 2007
Media Coverage:
Free Thinking (BBC Radio 3): "New Generation Thinkers 2015 Launch at the Hay Festival" (28 May 2015) .
War Widows' Stories on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour (11 November 2016) .
Professional activities
Other invited event:
War Widows Stories: Reflections on War’s Forgotten Women, Military Welfare, & Participatory Historical Methods, Swedish Defence University, Invited research seminar for the military history section.. 2023
Workshop: “The New Academic: Developing a Career in Academia”, University of Birmingham, Workshop for 30 postgraduates and early-career researchers at the Graduate School at the University of Birmingham.. 2017
Workshop: “Social Media for PhD Researchers”, University of Greenwich, Workshop for 25 postgraduates at the University of Greenwich, organised by the Research Support Office.. 2017
Workshop: “Digital Strategies: Social Media for Researchers”, University of Manchester, Workshop PhD researchers at the AHRC North West Doctoral Centre Conference at the University of Manchester. 2016
Keynote: “Knowledge Is Power: Changing Academia One PhD at a Time, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Doctoral Academy Conference. 2016
Workshop: “Academic Career Development for Early-Career Researchers”, University of Exeter, Workshop early-career researchers organised by the Researcher Development Uni at the University of Exeter.. 2016
Workshop: “Social Media for Researchers”, University of Exeter, Workshop for postgraduate and early-career researchers at the University of Exeter.. 2016
Invited Talk: "Early-Career Academics & Mental Health", King's College London, Early-Career Academics in English Studies, Study Day. 2016
Workshop: “Academia & Social Media”, University of Lincoln, Workshop for the University of Lincoln's Women in Academic Postgraduate Network.. 2016
Invited Talk: “Writing for Survival: Publishing & Precarity in the Lives of Early-Career Researchers”, University of Liverpool, Invited talk to the delegates of the international conference for university presses organised by Liverpool University Press.. 2016
Workshop: “Academia & Social Media”, University of Kent, Workshop delivered for the Graduate School at the University of Kent. 2016
Workshop: "Beyond the Viva Voce: Life & Career after Your PhD", Brunel University, Workshop for the Graduate School at Brunel University. 2016
Workshop: "The Viva Voce", Brunel University, Workshop for the Graduate School at Brunel University. 2016
Invited Talk: "Anxious Minds: Fostering Mental Health in Academia:, University of Leicester, Supporting Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Students Conference. Organised by the UK Council for Graduate Education. 2015
Research Seminar: "Exceptional Women: Widows in Victorian Literature & Culture", University of Hull, Department of English Research Seminar. 2015
Research Seminar: ‘Material Girls: Gender, Objects & Materiality in Neo-Victorian Fiction’, Narrative Research Group, Bournemouth University, Invited research seminar.. 2015
Workshop: ‘The New Academic: Digital Identities & Postgraduate Research’, University of Kent (Graduate School), Invited half-day workshop.. 2015
Seminar: “Digital Integrity: Negotiating Academia, Social Media, & Professional Identities”, Re/Search in the Digital Age, University of Liverpool, Invited seminar.. 2014
Research Seminar: ‘The New Academic: On Politics, Integrity, Happiness, & Success’, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Discussion Group, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, Invited research talk.. 2014
Workshop: ‘Careers in Gender & Sexuality Studies’, Centre for Sex, Gender & Sexuality (CSGS) Summer School, Durham University, Invited talk for PhDs and early-career researchers.. 2014
Keynote: ‘Early-Career Researchers & the Future of Academia’, REF2020: Achieving Excellence in Research Conference, Coventry University (Faculty of Computing & Engineering), Invited keynote.. 2014
Research Seminar: ‘Making Connections Through Social Media’, Women’s Research Network, University of East Anglia, Invited talk on women, academia, and social media.. 2014
Research Seminar: ‘The Widow in British Literature & Culture’, Department of English, Durham University, Invited research talk.. 2014
Workshop: ‘Social Media & Academia’, Early-Career Researcher Network, University of Kent, Invited half-day workshop on the use of social media in academia.. 2014
Invited Workshop Leader: "Digital Engagement & Social Media", University of Oxford, Transforming Postgraduate Research: Engaging with the Digital World. 2013
Invited Workshop Leader: "Digitising Women's History: Potentials & Challenges", Working Class Movement Library, Salford, Issues in the Digital Humanities: A Key Skills Package for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers. 2013
Keynote: "A Queer & Dangerous Presence: The Widow in British Literature & Culture, 1900-2000", University of Birmingham, Roles: 3rd Annual Postgraduate Gender & Sexuality Conference, Poster + CFP: http://groles.wordpress.com/roles-gender-and-sexuality-conference/. 2013
Invited Seminar Talk, "Tweet to Survive: Social Media for Postgraduates and Early-Career Researcher, London, British Sociological Association Postgraduate Forum. 2013
Invited Seminar Talk: "Everyday Value(s): Mapping the Feminist Landscapes of 21st-Century Britain", Durham University (Ustinov College), Cafe Politique: Feminism. 2013
Keynote: ‘“I Write This Sitting in the Kitchen Sink”: Managing Chapters, Chances and Jobs in (Post-)Doctoral Life’, University of Hull, Literature, Film, and Popular Cultures Postgraduate Conference. 2012
Conference presentation:
War Widows Stories: Women, Welfare, & Conflict in Post-War Britain, Military Welfare History Network Conference, University College Dublin, Oral presentation. 2023
Other Professional Activity:
Review Panel Member, British Academy Public Engagement Funding Scheme. 2023
Member of LJMU Armed Forces Steering Group. 2023
Conference organisation:
The "I" Word: Research Impact in the Arts & Humanities, Organiser, http://www.warwidowsstories.org.uk/news/the-i-word-research-impact-in-the-arts-humanities/. 2020
Women Writing Pleasure, Co-Organiser, http://www.womenwritingpleasure.com/. 2015
Neo-Victorian Cultures: The Victorians Today, Co-Organiser (with Dr Lucinda Matthews-Jones, LJMU; Dr Jonathan Cranfield, LJMU), http://www.neovictoriancultures.org.uk/. 2013
Time and Space in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Co-Organiser, http://pgcwwn.wordpress.com/events/time-space/. 2011
The Futures of Feminism: New Directions in Feminist, Gender and Women’s Studies, Co-Organiser, http://futuresoffeminism.wordpress.com/. 2011
Demystifying Public Engagement: Gender and Sexuality Studies Beyond the Academy, Co-Organiser, http://www.nadinemuller.org.uk/conferences/demystifying/. 2011
Theory and Practice in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Co-Organiser, http://pgcwwn.wordpress.com/events/theory-and-practice/. 2010
A Dead End?: Feminism Within & Beyond the Academy, Co-Organiser, http://www.nadinemuller.org.uk/conferences/dead-end/. 2010
Writing Bodies/ Reading Bodies in Contemporary Women’s Writing, Co-Organiser, http://pgcwwn.wordpress.com/events/writing-bodies-reading-bodies/. 2009
Media Coverage:
ITV London News Feature (11-11-19) 2019
Daily Express Double-Page Spread on War Widows' Quilt (9 November 2019) 2019
Free Thinking (BBC Radio 3): "New Generation Thinkers 2015 Launch at the Hay Festival" (28 May 2015)
War Widows' Stories on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour (11 November 2016)
Claire Shaw, “How to Help Ensure Students’ Wellbeing”, The Guardian (1 October 2014)
Live Q&A: ‘Securing a Job after your PhD’, Jobs.ac.uk, 21 January 2014
Research Grants Awarded:
Arts & Humanities Research Council, Leadership Fellow (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 242,124.00, Duration of research project: 1 year 6 months. 2018
British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award, Rising Star Engagement Award (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 14,719.50, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2018
Heritage Lottery Fund, Sharing Heritage Award (War Widows' Stories), Grant value (£): 9800, Duration of research project: 1 year 3 months. 2016
AHRC Collaborative Skills Development Scheme, Contemporary Women's Writing PGR and ECR Development Series, Prof. Lucie Armitt (University of Salford), Dr Fiona Tolan (LJMU), Prof. Gina Whisker (University of Brighton), Dr Susan Watkins (Leeds Metropolitan University), Prof. Clare Hanson (Southampton University), Grant value (£): 43,303, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2013
Impact Team Award for Impact on Society, Culture, & People, Liverpool John Moores University. 2018
Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Social & Economic Engagement, Liverpool John Moores University. 2018
BBC / AHRC New Generation Thinker, http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2015/r3-new-gen-thinkers. 2015
LJMU Curriculum Enhancement Award, Liverpool John Moores University, http://www.social-media-skills.org/. 2014
Industrial connections:
Imperial War Museums, War Widows' Stories, http://www.iwm.org/. 2017
Royal British Legion, War Widows' Stories, http://www.britishlegion.org.uk/. 2017
Royal Museums Greenwich, War Widows' Stories, http://www.rmg.co.uk/. 2017
National Memorial Arboretum, War Widows' Stories, http://www.thenma.org.uk/. 2017
War Widows' Association of Great Britain, War Widows' Stories, http://www.warwidows.org/. 2013
External committees:
AHRC Peer-Review College (Academic), Arts & Humanities Research Council, Member (Academic). 2015
Early-Career Researchers Forum, Open Library of Humanities, Member. 2013
Executive Committee, Contemporary Women's Writing Association, Ordinary Member, http://www.the-cwwa.org/about/executive-committee/. 2012
Research Careers and Training Network, Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Ordinary Member, http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/Pages/Home.aspx. 2012
Executive Committee, Feminist & Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland), Publicity Officer, http://www.fwsa.org.uk/. 2009
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2014
Editorial boards:
Journal of Gender Studies, Editorial Board Member, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/aboutThisJournal?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=cjgs20. 2012
Membership of professional bodies:
Ordinary Member, Women’s History Network (WHN), http://www.womenshistorynetwork.org/. 2011
Ordinary Member, Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland, http://www.fwsa.org.uk/. 2009
Ordinary Member, Contemporary Women's Writing Assocation (CWWA), http://www.the-cwwa.org/. 2008
Ordinary Member, British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS), http://www.bavsuk.org/index.htm. 2007