Image of Dr Jan Ludvigsen

Dr Jan Ludvigsen

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Dr Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen is a Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Politics with Sociology. He holds a BA Hons Sociology (First Class), MA International Relations & Security (Distinction), whilst his PhD explored critical approaches to security in the context of sport mega-events.

Jan’s research employs sport as a socially, culturally, politically and theoretically illuminating site for examinations of wider trends, issues and social relations relating to security contestations and definitions; social movements and their outcomes; crime and risk; surveillance and social control mechanisms; and local and global forces. His research has been frequently published in internationally leading journals, such as the British Journal of Sociology, Current Sociology and Global Networks.

He has also authored several books, for example, ‘Sport Mega-Events, Security and Covid-19’ (Routledge, 2022) and ‘Sport and Crime: Towards a Critical Criminology of Sport’ (with Peter Millward and Jonathan Sly, Routledge, 2022). He also serves a number of editorial positions and he has edited both special issues and edited collections (e.g., Social Control and Disorder in Football [2024] with Mark Turner).

Jan has taught widely on modules relating to critical security studies, the sociology and criminology of sport, International Relations theory, global governance and research methods. He has also been the Programme Leader for the MA International Relations course (2022-2024).


Bokmål Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk Norwegian


2021, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2017, University of Liverpool, UK, Master of Arts International Relations & Security (Distinction)
2016, Liverpool John Moores University, UK, BA (Hons) Sociology (First Class)

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer International Relations and Politics with Sociology, International Relations and Politics, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Lecturer, School of Justice Studies, LJMU, 2020 - 2021
Research Assistant, Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2019
Sessional Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2020

Highlighted publications

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Between global events and local reverberations: Globalization, local media framing and the 2014 FIFA World Cup Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2024. Contestations over risk expertise, definitions and insecurities: The case of European football Current Sociology, :1-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. 2023. Generations, events, and social movement legacies: Unpacking social change in English football (1980-2023) British Journal of Sociology, 75 :93-107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Ludvigsen J. 2025. Common knowledge and the sidelining of football fans’ rights and civil liberties Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 23 :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Kossakowski R, Ludvigsen J. 2025. European football fans’ resistance and protest in the face of legal restrictions: towards a typology and continued research agenda International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Byrne S. 2025. Towards a children’s rights-based approach to EU sports policy: Further room for development? Sport in Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Tsoukala A. 2024. Defining and controlling violent fandom in Europe: More than meets the eye Soccer and Society, :1-14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Challenging (platformisation) invisibilities through humour: The Paralympics, TikTok and social change? Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, :1-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Conceptualizing a ‘power game field’ through the case of ‘Padrão FIFA’: Bridging together Beckian and Bourdieusian insights Globalizations, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Byrne S. 2024. In the shadow of sport mega-events: A critical analysis of the nexus between evictions, displacements, securitized gentrification and children’s right International Review for the Sociology of Sport, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Tsoukala A, Byrne S, Rookwood J, Ross WJ. 2024. A roundtable discussion on the politics of Euro 2024: A collective commentary Soccer and Society, :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Feather DJ, Hazzard C, Ludvigsen J, Cont S, Taylor K. 2024. A Wellspring for New Pedagogical Approaches: The Importance of Foundation Years for Universities Journal of the Foundation Year Network, 6 :19-27 Publisher Url Public Url

McKenzie JA, Ludvigsen JAL, Scott-Bell A, Hayton JW. 2024. The framed and contested meanings of sport mega-event 'legacies': a case study of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen JAL. 2024. Beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fans: exploring the mechanisms enabling football fans’ position as a stakeholder in the management of circulations Soccer and Society, 25 :647-659 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Between global events and local reverberations: Globalization, local media framing and the 2014 FIFA World Cup Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2024. Contestations over risk expertise, definitions and insecurities: The case of European football Current Sociology, :1-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Wise N. 2024. Re-activating ‘feel-good’ effects as an intangible hosting vision Managing Sport and Leisure, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2023. Staging Olympic sustainability? A critical analysis of the IOC’s framing of sustainable practices on YouTube Annals of Leisure Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. 2023. Generations, events, and social movement legacies: Unpacking social change in English football (1980-2023) British Journal of Sociology, 75 :93-107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen JAL. 2023. An Olympic embrace? A critical evaluation of the IOC’s commitment to human rights International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wise N, Ludvigsen J. 2023. New notions of soft power: Impact rhetoric in mega-event bid documents Local Economy, 38 :306-311 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2023. Locating the Supporter Liaison Officer in the football field: Bridges, brokers and the ‘supporter gaze’ International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. 2023. The scope for greater alignment between the Council of Europe and the European Union in sport through the Saint-Denis Convention Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 21 :1-6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. 2023. Safety and Security Battles: Unpacking the Players and Arenas of the Safe Standing movement in English Football (1989-2022) Sociological Research Online, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. 2023. Further towards the right to ‘safe leisure’: a case study of the Council of Europe’s 2016 Saint-Denis Convention Annals of Leisure Research, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2023. The definers and standard setters of security: Mapping the security field’s regulators through European football World Leisure Journal, :1-18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. 2023. The Duty of Engagement: An analysis of the 2016 European Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Events Entertainment and Sports Law Journal, 21 :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2023. Football fans’ contestations over security: Between offline and online fan spaces and channels Sport in Society, :1-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2023. The Paralympics on YouTube: Alternative content creation and the digital consumption of the Paralympics International Review for the Sociology of Sport, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. 2022. Theorizing surveillance and social spacing through football: The fan-opticon and beyond Sociology Compass, 17 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. 2022. Olympic planning, profit and participation: Towards a children’s rights-based approach to sport mega-event research? International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 5 :465-487 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. 2022. Digital transformations in a platform society: A comparative analysis of European football leagues as YouTube complementors Convergence: the international journal of research into new media technologies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Petersen-Wagner R. 2022. From television to YouTube: digitalised sport mega-events in the platform society Leisure Studies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Byrne S, Ludvigsen JAL. 2022. Sport mega-event governance and human rights: The ‘Ruggie Principles’, responsibility, and directions Leisure Studies, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen JAL. 2022. The Video Assistant Referee (VAR) as neo-coloniality of power? Fan negative reactions to VAR in the 2018 FIFA Men’s World Cup Sport in Society, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2021. Examining stakeholder outlooks on football policing and security: The case of Euro 2020 Journal of Sport and Social Issues, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen JA. 2021. Mega-events, expansion and prospects: Perceptions of Euro 2020 and its 12-country hosting format Journal of Consumer Culture, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. 2021. When ‘the show’ cannot go on: An investigation into sports mega-events and responses during the pandemic crisis International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Wise N, Lee Ludvigsen JA. 2021. Uniting, disuniting and reuniting: towards a ‘United’ 2026 Sport in Society, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Parnell D. 2021. Redesigning the Games? The 2020 Olympic Games, Playbooks and New Sports Event Risk Management Tools Managing Sport and Leisure, :1-13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Woods J, Ludvigsen J. 2021. The changing faces of fandom? Exploring emerging ‘online’ and ‘offline’ fandom spaces in the English Premier League Sport in Society, :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Bond AJ, Cockayne D, Ludvigsen JAL, Maguire K, Parnell D, Plumley D, Widdop P, Wilson R. 2020. COVID-19: the return of football fans Managing Sport and Leisure, :1-11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J, Hayton J. 2020. Toward COVID-19 secure events: considerations for organizing the safe resumption of major sporting events Managing Sport and Leisure, :1-11 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2020. The ‘troika of security’: merging retrospective and futuristic ‘risk’ and ‘security’ assessments before Euro 2020 Leisure Studies, 39 :844-858 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2020. ‘The more, the merrier?’ Euro 2020, transnational collaboration, opportunities and challenges Leisure / Loisir, :1-24 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2020. The Premier League-Globalization nexus: notes on current trends, pressing issues and inter-linked "-ization" processes Managing Sport and Leisure, 25 :37-51 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2019. Between security and festivity: The case of fan zones International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL. 2019. Lessons learned and tables turned: '(in)security' and media representations in the 2018 World Cup Soccer and Society, 20 :986-999 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Millward P. 2019. A Security Theatre of Dreams: supporters’ responses to ‘safety’ and ‘security’ following the Old Trafford ‘fake bomb’ evacuation Journal of Sport and Social Issues, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen JA. 2019. “Continent-wide” sports spectacles: The “multiple host format” of Euro 2020 and United 2026 and its implications Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20 :163-181 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JA. 2019. ‘Safety first’: towards a security legacy and fan-oriented research agenda in the English Premier League Sport in Society, :1-22 DOI Publisher Url

Lee Ludvigsen JA. 2018. Sport mega-events and security: the 2018 World Cup as an extraordinarily securitized event Soccer & Society, 19 :1058-1071 DOI Publisher Url

Lee Ludvigsen JA. 2018. Transnational fan reactions to transnational trends: Norwegian Liverpool supporters, ‘authenticity’ and ‘filthy-rich’ club owners Soccer & Society, 19 :872-890 DOI Publisher Url

Lee Ludvigsen JA. 2017. ‘Foreign ownerships’ in the Premier League: examining local Liverpool fans’ perceptions of Fenway Sports Group Soccer & Society, :1-24 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL. Sport Mega-Events and Security: the 2018 World Cup as an extraordinary securitized event Soccer and Society,

Ludvigsen J. The global security field of sports and how the World Health Organization shapes mega-events in a (post-)pandemic world Journal of Sport and Social Issues,

Books (authored)

Ludvigsen J. 2025. Insecurities in European Football and Supporter Cultures Routledge. Abingdon and New York 9781032864907 DOI Publisher Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Social Control and Disorder in Football: Responses, Regulation, Rupture Routledge. Oxon 9781032591223 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Rookwood J, Parnell D. 2023. The Sport Mega-Events of the 2020s: Governance, Impacts and Controversies Ludvigsen J, Rookwood J, Parnell D. Routledge. Abingdon 9781032593814 Author Url Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Petersen-Wagner R. 2022. The UEFA European Football Championships: Politics, Media Spectacle and Social Change Routledge. London 9781032416489 DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Ludvigsen J, Sly J. 2022. Sport and Crime: Towards a Critical Criminology of Sport Routledge. Oxon / New York 9781032233222 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2022. Football and Risk: Trends and Perspectives Routledge. Oxon and New York DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. 2022. Sport Mega-Events, Security and Covid-19: Securing the Football World Routledge. New York/Oxon DOI Publisher Url

Turner M, Ludvigsen J, Grasso M. Deconstructing the Role of Generations in Social Movements: Time, Events, and Legacies Routledge

Editorial/letter to the editor

Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. 2024. Human Rights and Leisure: Welfare, Wellbeing and Social Justice International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, :1-4 DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden C. 2023. Lockdown Leisure Leisure Studies, 42 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Parnell D, Rookwood J, Bond A, Widdop P, Ludvigsen J. 2022. ‘It’s a whole new ball game’: Thirty Years of the English Premier League Soccer and Society, DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J, Rookwood J, Parnell D. 2022. The sport mega-events of the 2020s: Governance, Impacts and Controversies Sport in Society, :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Manoli AE, Anagnostopoulos C, Ahonen A, Bolton N, Bowes A, Brown C, Byers T, Cockayne D, Cooper I, Du J, Geurin A, Hayday EJ, Hayton JW, Jenkin C, Kenyon JA, Kitching N, Kirby S, Kitchin P, Kohe GZ, Kokolakakis T, Leng HK, Ludvigsen JAL, MacIntosh EW, Maxwell H, May A, Misener K, O’Gorman J, Parnell D, Parry KD, Peng Q, Plumley D, Power MJ, Ramchandani G, Rayner M, Scelles N, Taylor T, Webb T, Winand M. 2022. Managing sport and leisure in the era of Covid-19 Managing Sport and Leisure, 27 :1-6 DOI Publisher Url


Turner M, Ludvigsen JAL. 2024. Introduction: Social (Dis)Order and Control Social Control and Disorder in Football: Responses, Regulation, Rupture :1-8 DOI

Ludvigsen JAL, Harrison K, Millward P, Ogden CA. 2023. Introduction: Lockdown leisure Lockdown Leisure :1-7 Taylor & Francis DOI

Wise N, Lee Ludvigsen JA. 2023. Uniting, disuniting and reuniting: towards a ‘United’ 2026 The Sport Mega-Events of the 2020s :133-142 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Lee Ludvigsen JA, Rookwood J, Parnell D. 2023. Introduction—The sport mega-events of the 2020s: governance, impacts and controversies The Sport Mega-Events of the 2020s :1-7 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL, Bond AJ. 2022. Managing Risk and Security at FIFA World Cups The Business of the FIFA World Cup :179-189 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Bond A, Parnell D, Ludvigsen J. 2022. Postponement of Events Wise N, Maguire K. A Research Agenda for Event Impacts :193-202 Edward Elgar. UK DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL. 2021. Lessons learned and tables turned: ‘(in)security’ and media representations in the 2018 World Cup Moments, Metaphors, Memories :90-103 Routledge DOI Publisher Url

Millward P, Ludvigsen J. 2019. Global Elites and Sports Ownership: Emerging Economies 'Foreign' Owners and New Strategies Maguire J. The Business and Culture of Sports 4 Volume Set :167-180 MacMillan Reference Library 9780028664989

Ludvigsen J, Bond A. Managing Risk and Security Chadwick S, Parnell D, Widdop P, Anagnostopoulos C. The Business of FIFA World Cup Routledge

Turner M, Ludvigsen J. Resistance, Opposition, and Campaigns: Extending the 'Fan-opticon' Turner M, Ludvigsen . Social Control and Disorder in Football: Responses, Regulation, Rupture :100-110 Routledge. Oxon DOI Publisher Url

Silverstone D, Ludvigsen J. Ensuring safety and security at sporting events: Lessons from the 2022 Champions League final in Paris Duignan M. On the social impacts of major events

Book review

Ludvigsen J. 2021. NOlympians: Inside the fight against capitalist mega-sports in Los Angeles, Tokyo & Beyond, by Jules Boykoff International Review for the Sociology of Sport, :1-4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Ludvigsen JAL. 2021. Football, Fandom and Consumption Journal of Consumer Culture, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ludvigsen J. Review: A New Agenda For Football Crowd Management: Reforming Legal and Policing Responses to Risk. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, DOI Publisher Url

Ludvigsen J. Policing Sport Mega-Events: Security, Spectacle, and Camouflage in Rio De Janeiro, by D. Pauschinger The British Journal of Criminology: an international review of crime and society, DOI Publisher Url


Ludvigsen J. 2021. Perceptions, meanings and constructions of ‘security’ before Euro 2020 Millward P. Public Url

Internet publication

Ludvigsen JAL. The curious case of Policing in the ‘Prem’ Author Url

Ludvigsen JAL. "A ‘Euro for Europe’ and ‘United 2026’: reflections on the new multiple hosts format" Author Url

Silverstone D, Ludvigsen J. Panic, horror and chaos: what went wrong at the Champions League final – and what needs to be done to make football safer Author Url

Ludvigsen J, Talbot A. The Olympic contestation over political meaning: Security, protest and paradoxes Publisher Url

Conference publication

Ludvigsen JAL. Presentation of paper: “The 2018 World Cup as an extraordinarily securitized event” Moments, Metaphors, Memories: Defining Events in the History of Soccer

Ludvigsen JAL. "Spectacular Security"? securitisation processes in the twenty-first century English Premier League Challenging the Narrative

Petersen-Wagner R, Ludvigsen J. VAR (video-assistant-referee) as Neo-Colonialism? Boundaries, Barriers, and (Multiple) Belongings Through Sport, ESA


Byrne S, Ludvigsen J. Paris 2024: A missed opportunity for children's rights? Publisher Url

Other invited event:

Future of Football Conference, Solent University, Southampton, Keynote speech with Joel Rookwood on: Lessons from Paris 2022: The Future Securitisation of Major Football Events. 2022

IRP Perspectives Seminar III, Online (LJMU), Sport mega-events, governance and legacies: Pressing trends and future directions. 2021

Football Collective Sessions: Jan Ludvigsen talks about his research on EURO 2020 and security with Dan Parnell, UK, Talk / session available at: 2020

Research Seminar: Perspectives in International Relations - 'Sport and Security', Liverpool, The Euro 2020’s multiple host format and (in)security. 2019

Guest lecture, Liverpool Business School, Guest lecture in BA Event Management L4 on sport mega-events, risk-management.. 2019

Moments, Metaphors and Memories: Defining Events in the History of Soccer, University of Oxford, Rhodes House, Invited to present a paper on sport mega-events, 'safety' and 'security' on a conference that coincided with the 2018 FIFA World Cup.. 2018

Media Coverage:

Experts demand UK Government reverses "political" decision to ban football fans. Published on 13 November 2020 2020

TV interview with Radio Television Suisse (Switzerland) about Liverpool FC's history, politics and identity 2020

Media interview (Urheilulehti, Finnish media) on football rivalries and derby games 2019


Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy. 2020


"Most Promising Young Contributor", Soccer & Society (Journal). 2018

Vice-Chancellor's International Attainment Scholarship (PGR), University of Liverpool. 2017

Other Professional Activity:

Assistant Editor, Managing Sport & Leisure (journal).

Editorial Board member (Soccer & Society).

Reviewer for Journal of Global Sport Management.

Reviewer for Sport in Society.

Reviewer, International Review for the Sociology of Sport.

Reviewer, Sociological Research Online.

Membership of professional bodies:

Member, The Football Collective.
