Image of Dr James Whitehead

Dr James Whitehead

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


I am currently Programme Leader for English and am happy to field any questions about our degree programme from current or prospective students.

My research and teaching interests include Romanticism and its legacies, psychiatry and other psy-sciences in relation to nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, and life-writing (autobiography and biography) about mental health and illness. My core undergraduate teaching includes 5111ENGL Romanticism and 5108ENGL Poetry Matters. I am also very happy to discuss postgraduate study and research plans in these areas.

I am currently working on two monographs, one on the representation (and appropriation) of schizophrenia in twentieth-century literature and culture, to appear in Liverpool University Press’s Representations series, and the other on the history of autobiographical narratives about mental illness and confinement.

I am also responsible for the administration of The Hazlitt Society, dedicated to the Romantic-period writer and essayist, and the annual journal it produces, The Hazlitt Review. Queries or submissions for the society or journal should be sent to: For more information see:


2011, King's College London, UK, PhD in English
2006, University College London, UK, MA in English
2002, University of Oxford, UK, BA in English Language and Literature

Academic appointments

Programme Leader for English, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in English, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - present
Lecturer in English and Medical Humanities, King's College London, 2011 - 2012
Wellcome Research Fellow, King's College London, 2010 - 2014
Assistant Editor, Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2003 - 2005
