British Association for Irish Studies Bursary Award, British Association for Irish Studies. 2019
Conference organisation:
Protests Past and Present: Resistance and Persistence Towards Equality. 2019
'Voices and Choices' Sibéal Feminist and Gender Network Conference, Board Member. 2018
Conference presentation:
‘From Mythological Capital to Canonical Memory’, International Association for the Study of Irish Literature, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Oral presentation. 2018
‘Unthinkable Pasts?’: Challenging Representations of Marginal Women in Northern Irish Fiction, • EDEN (Early Doctoral Exchange Network) ‘Pasts, Presents and Futures’ Conference, National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG), Oral presentation. 2017
Gendering the Northern Irish Conflict, Sibéal Feminist and Gender Network Conference, University College Dublin, Oral presentation. 2017
'Unthinkable Pasts?’: Towards Gendering the Northern Irish Conflict, ‘Writing the Troubles’ PhD and ECR Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Workshop. 2017
Editorial boards:
Sibéal Journal: Revolutionary Genders, Journal Editor, 2018