Faculty research ethics
You'll find information on research ethics for both the School of Nursing and Allied Health and the School of Education below.
Faq Items
Faculty of Health - School of Nursing and Advanced practice
Faculty of Health research ethics
Applying for approval
All applicants (MA and undergraduate) should use the University application form available on the University Research Ethics site. Please ensure you use LJMU templates for consent, assent, risk assessment and Participant Information sheets.
Please note:
This application should not be submitted to the address shown on the application but to HEAFREP@ljmu.ac.uk.
How to submit your application
Please email your completed application to HEAFREP@ljmu.ac.uk.
Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies - School of Education
Please note:
These procedures apply to Undergraduate and Masters, and Ed.D Students (Interim Projects) in the School of Education only.
All students must complete the LJMU Research Ethics Training. At the end of the training, please download a copy of your certificate and attach to your ethics application.
Staff and PhD students applying for ethical approval should visit the Central University Research Ethics site.
Information for students
A single register of all ethics applications submitted by students is maintained to ensure that the ethical approval process is transparent. All undergraduates and masters students with final dissertations involving a research project need to apply for ethical approval by completing the School of Education Ethics Application Form. This, together with all additional paperwork, such as letters to gatekeepers (e.g. headteachers), participant information sheets and consent forms for research participants (e.g. teachers, students, pupils, parents) must be discussed with the supervising tutor.
Submission of applications
Supervisors take responsibility for the initial scrutiny of their students’ research projects and only submit applications requiring further guidance in relation to ethical approval to the Committee. A two-track process will be used:
Fast track
Supervising tutors review student proposal using standard ethics application form and decide whether to refer to School of Education Ethics Committee for approval. If considered unproblematic, supervisor and applicant tick Box A on the front page and complete the declaration in Section H. A copy of the application should be sent to Helen Harding-Jones at EDN-ADMIN@ljmu.ac.uk. Please label the email clearly: Application to the Ethics Committee.
Slow track
In the case of potentially problematic or contentious ethical issues the supervising tutor and applicant tick Box B, on the front page of the application form, and refer the application to the School of Education Ethics Committee for approval. The application form and relevant appendices need to be emailed by the supervisor, once they have signed it, a copy of the application should be sent to Helen Harding-Jones at EDN-ADMIN@ljmu.ac.uk. Please label the email clearly: Application to the Ethics Committee.
See important dates below.
Applications should be submitted as one document and include the declaration in Section H.
Applications should be submitted one week before the date of the committee meeting (see dates, below).
Following review of the application by the Committee, supervising tutor and student will receive feedback within one week, either granting approval or detailing actions required of supervising tutor and/or applicant.
- Application Form
- Consent and Assent Forms Guidance (opens in a new tab)
- Consent Form Template (opens in a new tab)
- Assent Form Template (opens in a new tab)
- Participant Information Sheet Template and Guidance (opens in a new tab)
- Gatekeeping information Guidance and Consent Form
Information for supervisors
A single register of all ethics application submitted by students enrolled on undergraduate and master's dissertations are maintained to ensure that the ethical approval process is transparent. All undergraduates and masters students with final dissertations involving a research project need to apply for ethical approval by completing the School of Education Ethics Application Form. This, together with all additional paperwork, such as letters to gatekeepers (e.g. headteachers), participant information sheets and consent forms for research participants (e.g. teachers, students, pupils, parents), should be discussed by the student with their tutor.
Submission of applications
Supervisors take responsibility for the initial scrutiny of their students’ research projects. In most cases, we expect supervisors to have the knowledge and experience to give ethical approval to their students’ work. This includes work which involves children. However, if the supervisor needs specific further guidance or advice, the application should come to the Committee. A two-track process will be used:
Fast track
Supervising tutors review student proposal using standard ethics application form and decide whether to refer to the School of Education Ethics Committee for approval. If considered unproblematic, supervisor and applicant tick Box A on the front page and complete the declaration in Section H.
In the case of fast track applications, it is important that the supervisor sends the application (with Box A ticked) to the Administrator, Helen Harding-Jones at EDN-ADMIN@ljmu.ac.uk to facilitate entry of Tutor Approved Applications onto the Register.
Slow track
In the case of potentially problematic or contentious ethical issues the supervising tutor and applicant tick Box B, on the front page of the application form, and refer the application to the School of Education Ethics Committee for approval. Application form and relevant appendices, should be sent to the Administrator, Helen Harding-Jones at EDN-ADMIN@ljmu.ac.uk by the stated deadline. Please label the email clearly: Application to the Ethics Committee.
See dates below.
Applications should be submitted as one document and include the declaration in Section H.
Following review of the application by the School of Education Ethics Committee, supervising tutor and student will receive feedback within one week, either granting approval or detailing actions required of supervising tutor and/or applicant.
Storage of application forms and relevant paperwork
A copy of application documentation (A and B category) needs to be kept by the supervisor for future reference and be available for auditing and moderation purposes for a period of 12 months from the date of application. Supervisors should ensure that individual applications are stored securely and can be retrieved without difficulty. This can be facilitated in the form of electronic copies stored on a shared drive or paper copies in a box file. The Ethics Administrator will also maintain a register of all applications.
School of Education Panel Membership
- membership to be recruited from volunteers within School of Education who have a genuine interest in ethical issues
- term of membership will be nominally three years, with the possibility of extension.
Core membership
1 Chair
6 Representatives from the School of Education
Additional membership may be called upon for specific meetings for example if the Committee feel it would be useful to meet students’ supervisors.
All Panel members will have parity in status. In cases of indecision, the Chair will guide the Panel. No one will have a right to veto. The meetings will be quorate if any four members are present.
School of Education Ethics Committee
Committee meetings and submission dates
Membership: Jo Frankham (Chair), Catherine Wilkinson, Debbie Duncalf, Nicky Hirst, Andrea Mallaburn, Matt McLain, Naomi McLeod
Important dates
Deadlines for submission of applications
Monday 11 November 2024
Monday 24 February 2025
Monday 7 April 2025
Monday 9 June 2025
Committee meeting dates
Thursday 14 November 2024
Thursday 27 February 2025
Thursday 10 April 2025
Thursday 12 June 2025