Unitemps questions and answers

Faq Items

Why has LJMU established its own student recruitment agency?

What other benefits are there to using Unitemps?

Why are we operating a franchise model?

Will we be handing all of a recruitment process over to Unitemps or is there scope for us to be involved in, say, decision making?

Are we still paying commission if we’re using our own recruitment agency?

How do I engage temporary staff through Unitemps?

I have a full time requirement for a temporary role, can I source this through Unitemps?

What approval must hiring managers have in place before engaging staff through Unitemps?

What if the role I am seeking requires specialist skills?

What if the post I am looking to fill is temporary but above Grade 5?

Can I use Unitemps to populate a permanent post?

At what point does a temporary post become a fixed-term post?