Staff Infobase
Staff infobase is the University’s staff self service tool for managing staff records and is where staff and managers access and update staff records.
It is your responsibility to keep your details on staff infobase updated at all times. If this information is not correct not only will other University systems hold incorrect data but for example in the case of incorrect bank details receipt of your pay could be delayed.
Staff infobase gives employees access to view, change and add their own personal information wherever possible.
Terms and conditions
Access to staff infobase
Please read the following information on the conditions of use of the University's Human Capital Management Information System (HCMIS). These terms and conditions of use are complimentary to the Planning and Information terms and conditions of use which you have previously signed to confirm that you have read and understood.
The University has created a self-service interface to the HCMIS for employees, managers and those responsible for certain human resources administrative functions. It is important that users understand their responsibilities both for their own information and for the personal details of others. It is for this reason that you are asked to read the terms of access to the information. You will have rights of access as an employee but may also have rights of access as a manager and/or a sickness administrator. However, the same terms of conditions of use will apply and you will be only asked to confirm acceptance once.
If you have general questions or concerns about your information or about how the system is set up you are welcome to contact Ann Sidaway, HR Adviser (Projects and Systems) or Neil Larsen, Systems Administrator.
Terms of use
Employee self-service access to own data
Accuracy of Information
All employees are already required to provide certain information to enable human resources administration and operational service delivery. We hope that the staff self-service system (staff infobase) will make it easier for LJMU employees to know what information is being kept about them and to ensure that the information is correct.
Self-service systems are different from our traditional practice in that they require employees to inform the University of changes to personal information directly on to the computer rather than through a chain of messages which ends up eventually on a paper or computer file. In deciding which fields employees can change we have adopted a principle of trust wherever possible. This means that the only fields that you cannot change are ones where there is a clear audit reason why not. Pay is the obvious example; only human resources staff may change this field as it directly drives, via payroll, the payment you receive.
Staff should be aware that any deliberate provision of incorrect information would be treated as a conduct issue.
Manager or Sickness Administrator access to the personal data of others
The terms of this agreement are intended to safeguard the rights of individuals to confidentiality of their personal data and to ensure that such information is responsibly and legitimately used. If you have any questions about using personal information please talk to your local human resources adviser in the first instance.
Access to the Human Capital Management Information System (HCMIS)
No-one shall use the HCMIS unless they have agreed these conditions of use.
Access to the central HCMIS (Oracle HCM) is controlled by the HCMIS system administrator. Access to the staff infobase (staff self service system) interface is a consequence of management role. Access to staff infobase as an "administrative" user is via managerial nomination.
Working with personal information
In general, users may only use personnel data for administrative or management purposes in support of the legitimate interests of the University. Within this, information about individuals may only be used for the purposes for which it is held. (So, for example, equal opportunities information may only be used for monitoring how our equal opportunities employment policies are being demonstrated in practice).
General Data Protection Regulations
All users must comply with the General Data Protection Regulations. Failure to comply with the Regulations is potentially a criminal offence. Further information on the Regulations is available from Secretariat & Records Management.
The use and sharing of personal information
All personal information should be treated as confidential. This means that you must limit yourself to accessing only those records and those parts of records, that are necessary for your work and only using the information for the purpose for which it was given. Likewise, you should only share personal information with others if they have a legitimate right to it to carry out their duties. If you do not believe that all or some of the information should be shared then you should challenge the requestor to justify why they want it.
The University provides information to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and you can find out more about this on the Secretariat website listed under the ‘Staff Collection Notice’
All users
Practical measures to ensure confidentiality of your information
Please note:
You must keep your network login password confidential. Your login is your signature so keep it secure.
For this reason it is a disciplinary offence to share your login password with others.
It is also a disciplinary offence to gain unauthorised access to any data or program or to make unauthorised use of, or modification to, information held on the HCMIS. Staff should also be aware that any deliberate provision of incorrect information would be treated as a conduct issue.
So, in order to ensure confidentiality:
- Don't leave your pc with sensitive information on display
- Only print sensitive information at local printers and collect output immediately (be extra careful where the default is not your local printer and may be in a public area)
- Store printed outputs securely
- Destroy any redundant printed information
- Staff infobase users must be aware that leaving your computer logged in and unlocked (even if not in staff infobase currently) gives passers by the opportunity to access your personal information. If leaving your workstation unattended you should lock your screen or log out.
These terms and conditions of use are complementary to and do not replace the CIS terms and conditions of use.
Faq Items
Employees will be able to:
- view staff development dates, book available places and view learning history
- view, amend and add personal information and contacts
- view online payslips
- update bank details
- enter overtime
- apply for an annual travel season ticket
- book all leave including annual leave, flexi, unpaid domestic leave, etcetera (subject to approval by their line manager)
- close sickness records
- receive a ‘welcome back’ after a period of sickness absence
Managers and supervisors
A manager or supervisor will be required to:
- enter certain types of leave (for example compassionate leave)
- approve/reject requests made by your staff including annual leave, overtime or closure of sickness absence (please note that if a manager is going on holiday, they can set up vacation rules which will allow another manager to deal with the request in his/her absence)
- change an employee’s location and manager
- submit return to work records following sickness absence
HR, payroll and sickness administration
In addition staff infobase will:
- give those responsible for HR and payroll administration access to the particular details of employees required for that role
- give those responsible for sickness administration simple effective procedures which utilise the benefits of IT ensure that information held on the HCM database feeds other relevant university systems (for example telephone, finance, library) - so information is accurate on all systems once it has been supplied by the employee into the staff infobase
Logging in
You will be required to authenticate using the same username and password as when you initially logged onto the LJMU system.
Online tutorials
There are online tutorials available to all staff covering all aspects of staff infobase. These can be accessed via the front page of staff infobase.
Support Arrangements
The Corporate Systems Support Team is available to assist staff regarding staff infobase queries and problems (normal hours are from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday). Users should log a Help Desk query or call ext. 8792.