Health Screening Assessment for fitness to train

The standards for fitness to train for you specific course are set by national regulatory organisations such as the Department of Health and Councils specific to your course (e.g. NMC, General Pharmaceutical Council and Health and Care Professions Council). The purpose of the occupational health assessments is to protect the safety of patients, pupils or clients and in addition to identify support measures which are needed for students to train effectively and safely.

Process of assessment:

  • Admissions team post out health questionnaire to student pre-enrolment.
  • Student to complete all specified information and return to the OH Unit as soon as possible via email  preferable as a PDF or by post (NB. if posting please keep a copy).
  • OH Nurses will assess the completed form, and offer an appointment to the student if required.

Please note there are a small number of students that will not require an appointment at the OH Unit due to the information that is provided.

All information you provide on your health questionnaire is treated as strictly confidential.

You may receive either a telephone call from the OH nurse or an appointment via email.

Your initial appointment will be with the OH Nurse, and includes questions about your normal day to day activities and information about medical history or any disability documented. If there are any concerns regarding fitness, this will be discussed with you and a referral to the Occupational Health Physician will be made at a later date.

There are three possible conclusions that the OH Physician/OH Nurse can make following your appointment. These include:

  • Fit to train.
  • Fit to train with reasonable adjustments.
  • Not fit.

Please be assured that there are very few cases of students who are unable to continue on their programme of study due to the fitness to practise regulations. However, in the rare case that it is decided that you are medically unfit for the course, then the OH Physician will provide you with advice and recommendations for support.